Chapter 12

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Emma followed Regina closely as they made their way up a grassy bank side by side.

The young blonde smiled, "how have you been these past few weeks?" she asked the brunette gently.

The Princess already knew most, if not all, of what's been happening these past few weeks through the many letters they've been sending back and forth, but she feels like hearing Regina's voice will make this seem real.

Right now, being here with the older woman feels like a dream. It's as though if someone was to pinch the younger woman right now she would wake up and none of this would be real.

The brunette looked up at the girl and smiled, "it's been alright, kind of boring without you to keep me company. I had gotten so used to you always being there that it was strange for the first while" she explained to her.

Emma nodded, "I understand how you feel" the girl responded with a short smile.

The blonde looked around and spotted a single tree towards the top of the hill.

The girl smiled, "is that where we're headed?" Emma asked, nudging the older woman playfully.

Regina turned to her with a smile, "yes" she responded.

As the pair got closer Emma noticed that it was an apple tree.

Regina smiled, "I planted this tree with my father when I was younger, I've been tending to it ever since" she explained to the young girl.

When they reached the tree, the older woman shifted slightly as though she was uncomfortable with something.

Emma saw a small frown cross her face for a moment, but it quickly disappeared as the older woman sat down.

As Emma sat down a chunk of perfectly carved smooth stone caught her eye.

A gravestone.

The name Daniel.

The girl quickly averted her gaze and stared back at Regina who was sitting opposite her uncomfortably.

Emma simply pretended like she didn't see it.

The young girl smiled as she slowly leaned forward and gently pulled Regina towards her. The brunette willingly followed, and Emma wrapped her arms around the smaller woman's waist, holding her firmly on her lap.

The older woman smiled as she rested her head on Emma's shoulder, "I missed this" she mumbled softly.

Emma nodded in agreement.

The tough plait that held Regina's hair back restricted the blonde from threading her fingers through the older woman's soft, raven locks so she settled for fiddling with her pale fingers instead.

Regina smiled as she slid her fingers between Emma's and gave her hand a soft squeeze.

The young Princess let out a soft sigh, "so, your mother is now organizing a marriage for you" she mumbled with slight disappointment lacing her tone.

Regina let out a sigh and her gaze dropped from Emma's.

The thought of it has been bothering Emma since she received Regina's letter. The young girl knew that she wasn't, technically, allowed to feel jealous, or annoyed over the arrangement Regina's mother has made for her daughter, but she does.

The thought of Regina marrying someone just doesn't seem right in her mind. Along with the fact that it isn't her choice.

Regina nodded, "she is" she stated simply.

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