Chapter 20

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When I was younger I was certain that I'd be fine without someone else. I'd be better off alone, inside this castle that was cut off from the other kingdoms by the clear ocean that separated us.

Now all I do is sit and count the miles from you to me.

Oh, Calamity.

We get older by the hour and watch the changes from afar. We keep forgetting to remember where we've been is who we are.

Now all I do is wonder, why we ever set the scene?

Oh, Calamity.

It's such a shame that we played strangers. No act to change what we've become.

Damn it's such a shame that we built a wreck out of me.

Oh, Calamity.

I remember nights alone, waking up to dial tones. Always found my greatest moments in the sound of your hello.

Now I struggle to recall the reasons you would come to leave.

Oh, Calamity.

Emma woke up to a cold bed. Regina was gone.

The blonde couldn't help but frown, "I guess she left during the night to avoid suspicion" she thought to herself.

The twenty-year-old got herself ready before heading out to breakfast.

Emma walked into the dining hall to see Robin sitting at the table opposite Regina. She bit her lip to try suppress the jealousy that was flowing through her veins.

The blonde let out a rough sigh before walking over and taking her seat next to Regina at the table.

The brunette turned to the younger woman and shot her a small smile, "hello, Em" she greeted her.

Emma smiled, "morning, Gina" she whispered in response.

The blonde gently brushed her leg against the older woman's under the table causing the brunette to smile.

The Princess turned and faced Robin with a forced smile, "I apologize for my behaviour last night, Robin. I didn't mean to seem rude" the girl lied through her teeth addressing the older man.

The brunet looked up at the blonde woman and smiled, "it's quite alright, your highness" he mumbled softly.

Emma reached out and picked up an apple from in front of her, "so, what's the plan for today?" Regina asked as the blonde took a bite out of the juicy red fruit.

The younger woman smiled, "I was going to go and have a match with a few of the guards, you're welcome to come and watch if you want," she responded.

The blonde turned to Robin, "you can join too if you'd like" she said to him.

Robin stared at the young Princess in confusion, "I'm sure we could find you a spare sword to use?" Emma added in quickly.

The ragged looking man nodded slowly in understanding, "oh, yes. I wouldn't mind" he responded, although, to Emma he seemed a little unsure.

The blonde let out a soft chuckle.

They all finished eating and the three of them got to their feet to head out to the courtyard.

David motioned slowly for his daughter to come over to him.

Emma walked over to her father and shot him a sly smirk, "yes?" The woman asked mischievously.

Oh, CalamityWhere stories live. Discover now