Chapter 3

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Emma walked close to her mother's side as they made their way swiftly into the throne room where they found David making pleasant conversation with a brunette and a girl with loose raven curls. His usual kind and welcoming smile was plastered across his face.

The raven-haired girl was slightly shorter than the brunette despite her heeled leather boots, Emma naturally assumed that she was the daughter.

The mother and daughter duo walked over and stood next to David to face the two women.

Emma's assumption was correct; the smaller woman was the daughter. 

Emma took one look at her and had to force herself to swallow the lump that had quickly formed in the back of her throat.

The young brunette was absolutely breath-taking. She was stunning, it took Emma a moment to process.

She was very petite in size. Her heeled boots gave her slight height boost allowing her to just miss Emma's height by a few centimetres. She was wearing tight, black dress pants, what Emma could only assume was a black vest top and a maroon red, velvet make-shift, dressy riding coat with a leather collar, it hugged the soft curves of her hips perfectly. Her wavy, raven hair was pulled out of her face at the sides allowing the rest to fall gracefully down her back ending just short of her hips. She had a soft, yet sturdy, jawline and a blood red color covered her full, plump lips. The woman had high and slightly defined cheekbones and slightly tanned skin. The Princess' gaze eventually travelled up to her eyes, her soft cocoa eyes met hers for a moment before Emma dropped her gaze awkwardly.

Snow smiled and stepped towards the taller brunette, "Cora, it's lovely to see you again" she greeted her happily.

Cora shifted and wrapped Snow in a friendly hug, "you too, Snow. It has been far too long" she responded with a small, polite smile as she pulled away.

The older woman turned to the Princess, "is this your daughter?" she asked addressing Snow, but her gaze was burning into the young blonde.

Emma could see the slight hint of judgment in the older woman's eyes as she looked her up at down as though she was examining her.

The small brunette nodded, and Emma cleared her throat gently, "yes, I'm Emma. It's lovely to meet you, Lady Mills" she addressed the older woman formally with a small bow of her head in respect.

Cora forced a smile, "no need for formalities, dear" she informed the girl but by the look in her eyes Emma couldn't tell whether she was being completely serious or not.

The blonde simply nodded in response.

Cora looked at her daughter and gave her a small nudge, "why don't you introduce yourself?" she urged the younger woman.

The younger woman stepped forward and offered Emma her hand.

As Emma took her small hand in her own, the brunette slowly bowed her head, "I'm Regina. It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess" she said before lifting her head to meet the blonde's gaze, clearly reciting whatever manners she was told to use.


'I have to say; her name suits her' the Princess thought to herself

The blonde held her soft hand and smiled, "I'm Emma, and the pleasure is all mine" she responded before placing a quick, light kiss on the brunette's knuckles.

Emma shot Regina a smile before dropping her hand and straightening her posture once again.

Emma's mother turned to her with a smile, "Emma, why don't you go show Regina around? They'll be with us for a week and I think it would be good if she knew her way around the castle" she informed her daughter.

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