Chapter 15

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Emma stepped into Regina's room hesitantly. She looked around and spotted the brunette lying on her side on her large bed. The blonde made her way over and removed her boots before lying down in front of the older woman.

Regina's innocent, warm, cocoa eyes stared at her, "what did my father want to talk to you about?" she asked hesitantly.

Emma shot her a reassuring smile, "you" she told the brunette honestly.

The older woman furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "me?" she questioned.

The blonde bit her lower lip nervously, "he wanted to thank me for making you happy within these past few months" she told the older woman honestly.

Regina gently took the younger woman's hand in her own and gave it a small squeeze, "you really have, Em" she mumbled.

Emma smiled as the brunette started absentmindedly trailing her fingers across the blonde's hand drawing random patterns on her palm before trailing her fingertips lightly over Emma's. The blonde smiled at the action, it was so innocent, yet still meant so much.

The young woman stared into her beautiful brown eyes and melted.

Emma bit her lower lip, "he also told me about Daniel" she admitted nervously.

Regina froze and stopped mid pattern on the girl's palm, "I'm so sorry, Gina" the blonde whispered.

The brunette shook her head quickly, "don't be, it was a long time ago" she muttered.

Emma threaded her fingers through Regina's, "he was still your best friend, Gina" the girl mumbled.

The brunette nodded, "he was, and he will always have a special place in my heart, but I have made my peace with his death" she explained to her.

Emma gave her hand a soft, loving squeeze.

Emma stared at the woman in front of her, the older woman's fingers fiddled playfully with her own. The blonde let out a soft sigh and allowed her mind to wander.

'Was there any chance that she may return my feelings for her?' Emma has asked herself this question far too many times.

Henry noticed it, he even said that she should pursue them, and he's her father but the younger woman isn't sure.

Regina let out a little giggle snapping the girl out of her thoughts, "having fun there, Princess?" she asked playfully.

Emma knit her eyebrows together in confusion.

The brunette smiled, "you were on another planet for a while. You do this cute little face when you're thinking about something. I've noticed it over the past two months. You have two distinct faces of concentration. When you do that one you don't tell me what you're thinking about, you always tell me that you're trying to figure something out" she observed.

Emma felt her cheeks heat up.

The older woman gave the blonde's hand a gentle squeeze, "what's up, Emma? You know you can tell me anything, right?" she whispered gently.

Emma nodded slowly.

The young blonde bit her lower lip gently.

'How am I going to say this?' The girl pondered.

Emma swallowed the lump that had quickly formed in the back of her throat.

Regina stared at her with those innocent, beautiful cocoa eyes and squeezed her hand again causing Emma to melt like ice in her hand.

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