Chapter 4

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Emma led Regina out to the courtyards, her hand still wrapped securely in her own.

The blonde tried her best to hide the small smile that had slowly crept across her face in the short time of their journey outside.

The brunette let out a small laugh, "where are you taking me?" she asked sweetly.

Emma smiled, "I told you, you'll see" she responded with a short laugh adding in a swift wink at the end just to tease the older woman further.

The Princess turned a corner and the stables came into view.

Regina's eyes practically lit up at the sight of the large wooden stalls, "are you serious?" she asked with a large amount of excitement in her tone.

Emma smiled and nodded, "my mother said to show you around and my dad's comment was practically an open invitation to leave the castle grounds" she whispered mischievously shooting the older woman a swift wink.

Regina let out another throaty chuckle.

The pair stopped outside the stables to see Neal inside grooming his own Dapple-Grey Steed, Noah.

Neal turned around and smiled, "hey, Em" he yelled happily.

Neal made his way out of the stall and looked over at Regina and Emma.

His eyes planted firmly on the woman next to his blonde friend, "and who is this?" he asked staring at the woman with a raised eyebrow and a slight flirtatious smirk.

Emma rolled her eyes at the older man, "play nice, Neal" she snapped at him causing the brunet to laugh.

Regina smiled, "this is Regina," Emma said introducing the brunette to her best friend.

Neal nodded, "lovely to meet you, Milady" he responded politely with a small bow.

Regina nodded, "you too" she responded kindly.

The blonde cleared her throat gently, "anyways, Neal, we're going out for a ride. Can you inform my parents that we'll be back for dinner?" she asked him.

He nodded, "of course," he responded with a kind smile.

Neal walked past his blonde friend and smirked.

He subtly motioned down to the pair's still joined hands, "don't be getting into too much trouble" he joked lightly.

With her free hand, the Princess gave the brunet a light smack on the side of the head on his way past, "watch your mouth, Cassidy" she hissed at him.

Neal couldn't help but laugh, he knew that Emma only used his second name when she was annoyed with him, but the older man always ended up using that to his advantage.

Neal bowed playfully, "anything you say, Swan" he batted back with a small wink.

Emma rolled her eyes and turned away from her friend.

The younger woman turned back to Regina who was trying to stop herself from laughing.

The blonde smiled, "don't mind him" she mumbled.

Regina shook her head, "you two seem close" she commented.

Emma nodded and slowly dropped the older woman's hand, "yeah, well, he's been one of my closest friends from I was fifteen" she explained to the brunette.

Regina smiled, "I think it's nice that you are good friends with your personal guard" she responded.

The Princess simply nodded in response.

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