Chapter 30

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Emma heard a knock on the door before Smee barged into the Captain's quarters, “we have a stow-away here, Capt’n. How would you like me to dispose of her?” He hissed.

The young girl let out a soft whimper and tugged at the hard grip he had on her arm in an attempt to escape.

Emma's eyes widened at the sight of the blonde-haired girl in his hold, “Sam!” She gasped out leaping to her feet in an instant.

"Let her go!” Emma growled the demand at the man.

His eyes drifted over to where Killian was standing, “don’t look to him for validation! I said let her go you dirty rat!” She snapped.

Smee dropped her without having to be told again and the little girl scurried to her side.

Emma dropped to her knees and engulfed the young girl in a hug. Sam cuddled close against her and buried her face in the crook of her neck.

Killian cleared his throat, “I’ll give you a moment, Swan.” He mumbled before ushering Smee out of the room.

Emma pulled away and made eye contact with the sea-green orbs that were identical to her own, “what are you doing here, honey?” She asked tucking her blonde hair behind her ear.

The petite girl frowned, “I want you to come back.” She whimpered. "You make mommy happy, I can feel it.”

Emma raised an eyebrow, “you can feel it?” She questioned.

Sam nodded quickly, “I can always feel when people are upset, or happy, or hurt.” She explained. “I could feel how much mommy loves you, and you love her too.” She finished.

Emma stared at the magical little girl in complete amazement.
Sam frowned, “mommy doesn’t like Robin, he hurts her.” She whispered.

Emma felt a twinge of anger begin to bubble in the pit of her stomach at the girl’s words, “how does he hurt her, sweetie?” She asked gently, attempting to remain calm around the small girl.

Sam sighed, “he says mean things. Hurts her. Mommy has bruises on her arms.” She whimpered a tear fall down her cheek.

Emma immediately pulled the little girl tight against her chest and held her close, “he’s hurting her now, I can feel it.” She whispered.

The blonde reached out and wiped the tears away with the base of her thumb, “you stay here while I go talk to the nice Captain about getting you home.” She told her.

The small girl sniffed and nodded, “we’ll help your mommy.” She assured her.


Emma made her way up the ladder until she reached the deck, “Hook!” She called out.

She watched as the dark-haired man appeared, “we have to go back.” She urged jumping straight to the point at hand.

Hook raised his good hand, “easy, love. Explain what’s going on.”

Emma sighed and ran her hand through her hair, “that little girl down there is Regina’s daughter. I met her earlier. She wants me to go back and help her mother. She told me that Robin’s been abusing Regina.” She quickly explained to him.

His eyes widened in shock at the blonde's  words.

"Please turn around. Leave me on the docks with Sam and continue your journey. Just turn the damn ship around!” She yelled.

Hook gave a swift nod, “you heard her, mates! We’re going back to Locksley!” He called out before turning to Emma once again, “what are you going to do then, Swan?” He asked.

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