Chapter 16

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The blonde woke up with the familiar brunette still wound tightly in her arms. Her head resting on the younger woman's chest and her tanned arm thrown over the girl's stomach, Regina was clinging to her like her life depended on it.

Emma smiled down at the sleeping beauty as she gently tucked a loose strand of her wavy raven hair behind her ear.

Regina let out a sleepy groan, "you're not allowed to move" she mumbled quietly cuddling further into the younger woman's touch and tightening her grip slightly.

The blonde smiled as she leaned down to place a light kiss on the older woman's forehead. The woman let out a soft hum of approval as a small smile crossed her face.

Emma sighed, "you know I have to go today" she whispered, her voice lined with disappointment.

The brunette shook her head, "you're not allowed to, not after last night" she complained, her eyes and voice laced with vulnerability.

'God, last night' the girl thought to herself, the memory of it brought a smile to the young blonde's face.

Emma gently fiddled with the soft strands of her dark hair, "it won't be long until we're together again. I'll make sure of that" the Princess told her as confidently as she could.

The blonde let out a soft sigh, "I want you over for my birthday in October, there is nobody I would rather spend my twentieth with than you" she quickly added in.

The Princess watched as the brunette slowly lifted her head and her soft cocoa eyes stared up at the woman next to her, "I could barely last one month when I didn't know whether or not you returned my feelings. How am I going to survive two now that I know you do?" she whispered, her voice soft and full of longing.

The blonde slowly reached out and caressed her tanned cheek with the base of her thumb, "not to mention my mother wants to marry me off. What if..." the brunette started to ramble.

Emma drifted her thumb gently across her lower lip silencing her rant, "it'll be okay" she whispered.

The Princess bit her lower lip, "your father knows I care for you, surely he'll help us through this" the girl offered up not sure of what to say next.

Regina sighed, "he may try, but things are always extremely complicated where my mother is concerned" she grumbled, "Lord knows what she may do when she finds out" the older woman whimpered.

Emma playfully flipped them, so she was straddling the other woman's waist causing the brunette to let out a soft squeak in surprise.

The blonde giggled as she leaned down, "then she'll have to go through me" she husked, the older woman shuddered as her breath tickled her ear.

The Princess looked up, her face only inches away from Regina's, "I'll put up a good fight if it comes down to it" she told her confidently.

The girl leaned in and captured the older woman's lips in her own, Regina returned the kiss almost instantly. She tangled her fingers in the girl's blonde mane as Emma ran her hands along the soft slant of the brunette's small waist.

Emma pulled back after a moment. She tucked a small raven curl behind the woman's ear, "we can get through this, Gina" she reassured her.

The brunette nodded in response before placing her hands on the blonde's flushed cheeks and bringing her full, pink lips back down to meet her own once again. 

The couple eventually pried themselves from the bed long enough for each of them to get ready. But the second they were both ready they were lying at the end of Regina's bed wound once again in each other's arms.

The two women stayed that way for a while, neither of them saying anything. They simply lay across the bed holding each other, memorizing the feeling of being held.

A knock came to the door causing both women to jump harshly apart, "Emma, dear, your parents are ready to leave" Henry's voice husked from the other side of the door.

The blonde let out a rough sigh, "I'll be right out" she called back.

The room fell silent as Emma got slowly to her feet.

Regina got to her feet in an instant and grabbed the younger woman's hand pulling her towards her and wrapping her arms tightly around the taller blonde.

Emma wrapped her arms firmly around the older woman's waist holding her as close as she could, not wanting to ever let her go.

The blonde pulled back for a moment and bit her lower lip as she watched a small layer of water begin to form on the brunette's eyelids.

Regina shook her head quickly causing the tears to fall at a quick rate, "you can't leave, Emma. I don't want you to" the brunette squeaked.

Seeing the older woman so vulnerable and weak made the blonde's heart feel like it was being squeezed from inside her chest.

Regina clung to the girl's shirt as she soon buried her face in the crook of the taller girl's neck.

Emma held her tight as she began to sob quietly, "hey, it's okay" the younger woman cooed, "we'll see each other again soon" she whispered.

The brunette let out a soft sigh, "it's still too long" she mumbled as she slowly pulled back to make eye-contact with the blonde.

The younger woman gave her a reassuring smile as she reached up to wipe away the layer of tears with the base of her thumb. Regina let out a soft, content sigh as she leaned in to the blonde's warm, calming touch.

Emma smiled, "we can do this, Gina. Just get your mother to hold out, just until you're ready to tell her" the blonde told her.

Regina nodded slowly, "I'll try, Emma" she mumbled softly.

The blonde gently cupped the older woman's face with her hand and leaned down to press her thin lips against the brunette's soft, full ones. Regina clung tighter to the blonde's shirt not wanting to let her go, wanting to keep her there forever.

Emma pulled back gently, "hold out, my sweet" the blonde mumbled softly as she placed a light, loving kiss on the brunette's forehead.


Okay, I'm not gonna lie, I forgot to upload this yesterday. It will take me a while to get into the groove of the schedule I've made for myself but at least you're not getting it too late.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next Saturday with another.  

~Becca 🐢

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