Chapter 21

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Emma knocked lightly on the door of her mother's chambers before walking into the room.

The girl watched as the older woman turned to face her.

Snow's face lit up in surprise, "oh, Emma. Everything okay, sweetie?" She asked slipping straight into her motherly role.

Emma bit her lower lip as she took a few hesitant steps towards her mother, "can I talk to you about something?" She asked nervously.

The petite woman watched her daughter for a moment before quickly nodding, "yes, of course, Emma" she responded.

The blonde watched as the small brunette sat down on the edge of her large, canopy bed and motioned to the empty space beside her, patting it lightly.

Emma let out a soft sigh before walking over and taking a seat next to her.

The Queen looked at her daughter with a reassuring smile, "so, what do you want to talk to me about?" she asked.

The Princess bit her lower lip as she held her head in her hands, "I kept thinking that I would have the guts to this but apparently, I don't" the girl groaned internally as she took a clump of her blonde hair in her hand.

The blonde flinched as she felt her mother's hand on the small of her back, "Emma, are you okay?" she asked gently.

Emma slowly lifted her head so that she was staring into her loving green eyes.

The blonde sighed, "no, I'm not" she mumbled honestly.

Snow had her daughter wrapped in her arms almost instantly, "oh, sweetheart" she whispered softly. Emma melted into her warm embrace, "has this got anything to do with Robin and Regina?" She asked as she gently threaded her fingers through the soft curls of the girl's blonde hair.

Emma slowly pulled back and nodded, "yeah, sort of" she mumbled.

The Queen shot her a reassuring smile as she tucked a strand of the blonde's hair behind her ear, "sweetie, just because she's getting married doesn't mean you'll get to see her any less. We'll be going over for the wedding and I'm sure you two can arrange..." Emma swiftly cut her mother off, "that's not it, mom" she muttered.

The brunette furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

Emma let out a soft sigh, "I'm in love with her, mom" she whimpered, her voice barely audible.

The pair sat there in silence for a moment before her mother shifted slightly in her seat and eventually spoke, "you're what?" she gasped out finally coming to grips with her daughter's confession.

The blonde felt a tear fall down her cheek, "I'm in love with Regina Mills" she mumbled.

Snow hesitantly reached out and wiped away a few of the tears from her daughter's cheeks that managed to escape, "why didn't you tell us?" She asked softly.

Emma dropped her gaze and stared down at her lap, "I was afraid of what you may think" she mumbled truthfully.

The blonde watched as a small smile crossed her mother's face, "Emma, we don't care who it is, as long as you found someone you truly love. That's all we've ever asked for" she reassured her daughter, "have you told her how you feel?" Snow asked.

The young woman nodded slowly in response to the question, "and?" Her mother pressed.

Emma couldn't help but smile as the memory from the night before flooded her mind, "she loves me too" she whispered.

Snow took her daughter's hand in her own and gave it a light squeeze, "then there you go" she stated.

The blonde looked up at the older woman and shook her head, "no, she's marrying Robin. It's not as simple as we want it to be" she muttered dragging her free hand roughly through her blonde mane.

The Queen smiled, "sweetheart, love always finds a way" she told her daughter.

Emma let out a short laugh, "that's what dad told me last night" she told her.

Her mother's eyes widened "so, that's what happened last night? Your father mentioned that you were upset" she mumbled.

The Princess nodded slowly, "yeah" she sniffed, "finding out about her engagement was hard for me" the girl muttered.

Emma looked up, her pleading sea-green eyes met her mother's caring blue ones, "I need her, mom. I feel complete when she's with me. I don't want her away from me anymore, I can't" she whimpered.

Snow pulled her daughter into a hug, Emma instantly burring her face in the brunette's neck, "then don't" the older woman whispered.

The blonde pulled back and stared at her mother in confusion.

The Queen got to her feet and walked over to her vanity. She opened the small, oak carved jewellery box that sat beside the mirror and pulled something out of it.

Emma sat nervously on the end of the bed as her mother made her way back over.

Snow sat down and laid the object in her daughter's hand.

Emma's breath caught in her chest as she saw it. Hanging on a simple silver chain was the engagement ring her father gave her mother. Known through the land for it's emerald jewel and iconic role in their story; their fairy tale ending.

The blonde stared at it for a moment, "I planned on giving this to whomever you fell in love with for them to propose to you. But seeing how much you love Regina, it's yours to give to her" her mother explained.

Emma felt a tear run down her cheek, "but what about Robin?" She questioned, "they're engaged, mom. They get married in a month" the blonde argued.

Snow reached out a wiped the tears from the Princess' pale face, "we'll figure it out. If she loves you and she says yes, to you, then we will talk to Cora and try our best to sort it" she confirmed, the determination clear in the Queen's tone.

Emma wrapped her arms around her mother's neck, burying her face in the older woman's neck once again, "thank you" she whimpered.

The brunette rubbed her daughter's back lovingly, "it may be hard since the wedding is so close, and Cora is a very stubborn woman, always has been. But we will try" Snow whispered.

The blonde pulled back and wiped the tears from her daughter's face, "now, go find your girl" she commanded.

Emma nodded with a wide smile spread across her face as she clutched the engagement ring in her hand.

Her girl.


This was meant to be up yesterday, but, funny story as to why it wasn't. I trapped my finger in a door in work yesterday and me not being a blood person passed out and whacked my head off the doorframe in the bathroom on the way down, spent a good solid 3 hours in A&E. Luckily, I was/am fine but my boss just wanted me to get checked out just in case, got out free with no broken fingers and just a sore head with a bump. 

Anyways, here's your chapter and I apologise for the wait.

Hope you guys enjoyed,

     ~Becca 🐢 

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