Chapter 28

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Emma stood by the open doors of the church, staring at the scene unfolding in front of her, “that should be me in there with her.” She thought to herself.

Robin and Regina’s wedding was being held in a relatively small, local church in Locksley. A wedding Emma swore she wouldn’t be attending, but Killian said it’d be quicker if he picked her up on that port since he was closer to there, so she wound up tagging along with her parents, but she never stepped foot inside the church. The last thing she wanted was to draw attention to herself.

The Princess looked at Regina; she bit her lower lip as she took in how beautifully sad the brunette looked.

Her white dress was simple, much more delicate than what Emma thought Cora would’ve wanted her to wear. The bodice clinging perfectly to her every curve. The whole thing topped with a fine layer of lace, covering the dress in elaborate floral swirls. The lace continuing in her sleeves down to her elbow.

The woman’s raven hair was pinned up in an intricate looking braid, the lack of a veil allowing it to stand out.

“Does anyone object?” The priest's question echoed through the room.

Emma watched, hidden behind the doorframe as Regina turned and looked around the room in an almost frantic and pleading way. As though she was waiting for Emma to step forward and whisk her away.

Turning away, the blonde stood her ground as she forced herself to remain quiet. She swore not to intervene anymore, following and honouring the rules of the duel.

A tear ran down Emma’s cheek as she heard the soft, “I do.” force its way out from Regina’s soft painted lips.

The blonde leaned back and softly hit her head off the church wall, cursing herself for not intervening.

Emma pushed off the wall and started making her way towards the Port to wait for Killian, she couldn’t say goodbye to Regina again, it would be too much.


“Emma!” A voice called out from behind her.

The Princess squeezed her eyes shut as she stopped dead in her tracks, “don’t turn around!” She urged herself.

Emma felt a hand on her arm snapping her from her trance, “Em.” Her melodic voice whimpered.

The blonde turned and made eye-contact with the woman, “I thought you said you weren’t coming?” She asked raising an eyebrow.

Emma shrugged, “I’m waiting for Killian. It was easier for him to pick me up here.” She explained.

Regina let out a soft chuckle, “Killian?As in Killian Jones? That Pirate?”

Emma nodded slowly, tucking her hands in the front pockets of her trousers nervously.

"Surely you have more sense than to get on a ship with him." She muttered.

Emma shrugged, “he’s an old friend of Neal’s. I just gotta clear my head.” The blonde mumbled.

The older woman frowned, “will I see you again?” She mumbled.

Emma’s breathing hitched as she adjusted the bag on her shoulder, she wasn’t sure how to respond, “maybe.” She eventually said.

"Regina! It’s time to go!” Cora yelled from the door of the church.

The blonde sighed, “Good luck, Regina.” She mumbled as she took her hand in her own and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckle, "I hope one day our paths cross again." She whispered before turning away from the older woman and began her walk to the port.

“Emma, wait! I have to tell you something!” Regina called out after a few moments.

Emma forced herself to keep going, knowing that if she turned around again, she would never leave. She would find some way to convince herself to stay.

Regina continued to call her name desperately, urging her to turn around. But Emma was done fighting. It was a lost battle and she needed to put down the sword.

Regina went to go after her when her mother called out for her again. The brunette stood in defeat watching as the Princess made her way towards the harbour.

The thing she had to say dying in the wind, heard by no one but herself.

“I’m pregnant.”


Emma arrived at the port watching as a ship was being tied up at the docks.

She locked eyes with a tall, dark-haired man with blue eyes. He smirked and made his way towards her.

"Princess Emma Swan, I assume?"

Emma nodded, "that's me. Are you Killian?" She asked.

The man nodded, "aye, love. But you can call me Hook." He said shooting her a wink.

He cleared his throat, "Neal speaks very highly of you. He said you were looking to see the kingdom and clear your head? Mind if I ask what you're clearing from that beautiful head of yours?"

Emma shifted nervously, "the woman I love got married today." She mumbled.

Hook's eyes widened as he realised that any advances he made towards the blonde would be completely unreciprocated.

He let out a soft sigh, "I understand a few things about losing love. I can assure you, there is no better medicine than being out on the sea." He assured her.

Killian offered to take her bag before leading her aboard the ship.


Emma watched the land fade as they went further out to sea.

"You'll adapt quickly, Princess. If anyone on the crew gives you any bother, I'll handle it."

The blonde offered him a weak smile.

"The woman you love, did you fight for her?" He asked.

Emma sighed, "I did. And I have the scars to prove it." She muttered.

Killian laid his hand on the blonde's shoulder, "love finds a way, Swan. Your paths will cross again. In a way you'll never expect." He assured her.

Damn, it's such a shame that we played strangers.
No act to change what we've become.
Damn, it's such a shame that we built a wreck out of me.
Oh, Calamity.
Oh, Calamity.
Come back to me.


I'm trying my best.
This is the last of my fics that I want to finish so just getting the chapters out there is kinda high on my priority list atm 😂

Next chapter, probably within the next few hours. I like to create angst but I can never follow through. So like. Fun stuff ahead.

~Bexs 🐢

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