Chapter 10

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When I was younger I was certain that I'd be fine without someone else. I'd be much better off alone, inside this castle that was cut off from the other kingdoms by the clear ocean that separated us.

Now all I do is sit and count the miles from you to me.

Oh, Calamity.

Calamity. An event, a disastrous event, that causes suffering.

Emma finding out how hard she had fallen for the older woman after she had left, to her, could definitely count under that category.

Regina's been gone for barely a month and Emma misses her like crazy.

The pair have been sending weekly letters to each other since Regina's departure. Those small pieces of paper were the highlight of the young blonde's days. Receiving a letter never failed to make her smile.

Emma was standing in the stables brushing Pippin, cleaning him up a bit after returning from a long ride through the forest.

The blonde hasn't been to the meadow recently, she hasn't found the same need to go there as much anymore. Somewhere in the back of her mind, something was telling the young girl that she kept going back there because that's where her parents met and maybe that meant she too would meet someone there as well.

The 'significance' of the place that her mother was always talking about, well, now it does have significance to Emma. It's the place she could take Regina where they could both just be themselves without anyone telling them otherwise.

It's as though Emma can't go there anymore without Regina by her side.

Emma ran her fingers through the Barb's dark mane causing him to grunt happily. The blonde smiled at the large animal.

A soft cough echoed from behind her.

The girl turned around to see Neal standing by the stall gate.

Emma shot the older man a kind smile, "hey" she greeted him.

The brunet smirked playfully as he held up a small envelope, "I was told to give this to you" he told her shooting the Princess a wink.

The blonde walked over to the man and playfully slapped his arm before taking the letter from him.

The brunet laughed, "come on, Em. I know you've got a little crush on her" he teased.

The young woman rolled her eyes, 'little would probably be the understatement of the year' Emma thought to herself.

Emma stared at the envelope in confusion for a moment. The young girl noticed almost instantly that it wasn't Regina's handwriting on the envelope. The name on the front was smaller, less curly, it wasn't done with as much elegance that Regina would write with. Not to mention it was signed 'Emma' and not the usual 'Em'.

The girl hesitantly opened the envelope and stared down at the letter in hand.

"Dear Emma,

We have yet to meet but allow me to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Henry Mills, I'm Regina's father.

I have been hearing a great deal about you these past few weeks from my daughter. It is clear to me that you mean a lot to her.

I want to invite you, and your family, to stay with us for a week at our manor before summer ends. I think Regina would absolutely adore seeing you again. I can clearly see that you quickly became an amazing friend and you're already much closer to her than most.

Oh, CalamityWhere stories live. Discover now