Chapter 18

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Emma and Regina stood closer to the back of the grand hall together, simply talking and ignoring the party that was going on around them.

Regina, Emma thought, was completely stunning. Her dress was also much simpler than the one she wore for their first ball together. It was a tight, plain, black, strapless dress with a long slit exposing her left leg.

The older woman's makeup was dark and smoky with the usual deep red color covering her lips.

When Emma had first laid eyes one her that evening she called the woman a "tease" to which the raven-haired beauty responded to by placing a kiss on the blonde's collarbone and shooting her a swift wink before leaving her gobsmacked in her bedroom.

Emma watched carefully as a man she didn't recognise approached them.

He looked at Regina and smiled, "Hello, love" he greeted her, placing a light kiss on her cheek.

The action took Emma off guard as she felt anger and jealousy build up inside her.

"Just who does this guy think he is?" She growled internally, wanting nothing more than to put this man in his place.

Emma glared at the man as he turned to face her, "it's an honor to make your acquaintance, Princess. I'm Robin of Locksley" he greeted the girl in a polite, formal fashion with a slight nod of his head, "I'm Regina's fiancé" he added in at the end.

The Princess froze, and her face fell.

"Fiancé? That's the first I've heard that" she thought to herself.

The blonde had to suppress a growl as she stared at the man in front of her, "lovely to meet you" she hissed, slight venom lacing her insincere tone.

Regina stared at Emma with large, apologetic doe eyes that made the blonde melt on the spot.

Emma didn't know what to, or how to even react to the situation, "Regina's engaged?" She thought to herself.

The Princess felt her breathing hitch, "she didn't tell me" she whimpered as she tried to hold the tears that were quickly beginning to form on her eyelids.

The young woman stared across the room to where her parents were standing with Henry and Cora.

"How dare she do this!" She growled internally, eyeing Regina's mother from across the room.

Emma gently cleared my throat, "please, excuse me for a moment" she muttered, her voice cracking slightly towards the end.

The young blonde swiftly walked away without another word, despite the soft protests from Regina.

The Princess purposefully walked straight past her parents making sure they could clearly see her as she walked out of the hall completely.

Emma stood in the hall and allowed the tears to fall freely down her cheeks, finally letting her emotions take over.

"How could she not tell me?" The blonde thought to herself. Finding out like this hurt the young girl more than if she had known prior, "why didn't Regina tell me herself?" She asked herself, frustrated that she didn't know the answer.

The sound of the door opening rattled down the long hall, "Emma!" The girl heard her father's voice echo.

Emma slowly turned to face him, tears still freely streaming down her face.

David's eyes widened at the sight of his upset daughter, "oh, sweetheart" he gasped.

The tall man instantly pulled the girl into his arms. Emma buried her face into his shirt as he held her tight against his strong chest.

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