Chapter 25

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"How could you be so stupid, Emma!" Regina snapped, "you couldn't just ignore him."

The pair were standing in Emma's bedroom. They had just explained the situation to their parents and to say it didn't settle well with Cora would be an understatement; the woman was furious. The duel has been set for one week from today at Mills Manor per Cora's request as it was closer for Robin to get to, allowing the man to fully prepare himself.

"I'd run out of options. He was being an ass." The blonde grumbled.

Regina let out a soft sigh, "I asked you not to." She whimpered.

Emma frowned as she ran a hand through her messy blonde curls, "I'm sorry." She whispered.

The brunette took a step forward, falling into the blonde's arms and resting her head on her shoulder, "he could really hurt you, Em. I don't want to see you get hurt." She mumbled as Emma wrapped her arms firmly around her.

"It was the only way to get Cora to see how serious I am. I love you so much, Regina. I couldn't live my life knowing that I did nothing to stop you from getting married to him."

Regina sighed, "I love you too, Emma."


Regina frowned as watched Emma finish getting herself ready, "I can't believe you're going through with this."

The blonde had arrived yesterday, today the duel took place and the older woman has tried everything to get the stubborn blonde to change her mind.

"I have to, Gina. Legally, I can't back out of my own challenge." She muttered not looking up from tying her boots.

Regina nodded, "please be careful." She whispered.

Emma got to her feet and pulled the smaller woman into her arms, "it'll be okay." She whispered as the brunette cuddled into the crook of her neck.

"A lot of people have shown up to watch." The woman mumbled as she pulled out of the blonde's comforting embrace.

Emma chuckled, "well, it's not everyday you get to see the Princess fight for a Woman's hand." She said shooting her a wink.

"You should probably go." The blonde mumbled.

Regina nodded, stepping forward to place a quick, sweet kiss to the younger woman's cheek, "I love you, Emma." She whispered.

"I love you too, Gina." She responded.


Emma stepped out onto the field. For the first time, she felt nervous holding her sword. This wasn't just a friendly sparring match – this was a whole other level.

She took a deep breath as she faced Robin, holding her hand out towards him to shake. He took her hand firmly in his own.

The beginning of the fight was a blur. The blonde avoided her usual tactic of trying to surprise her partner with a quick beginning and allowed him to come to her. The loud clash of metal was constant as they blocked each other's hard swings.

Emma managed to find an opening and connected her fist with his jaw causing the man to stumble back slightly, showing that she wasn't playing any games.

Robin appeared to get the message as he lunged forward. His swings were much quicker and much more forceful than before, the blonde struggled slightly to keep up with them.

The young woman let out a loud groan of pain as she felt the cold steel of his sword make its way through the tough flesh of her upper right thigh. Out of instinct her hand went to the wound, staining her hand with blood. She hissed at the searing pain that was now travelling through her leg.

"Emma!" She heard Regina yell from across the field.

The blonde couldn't tell how bad the wound was. She looked up for a brief moment to meet Regina's gaze. The brunette's eyes were wide and fearful with tears beginning to fall down her cheeks. Her father was holding on tightly to her arm to stop her from running to Emma's side in the middle of the match.

Emma leapt forward sending her blade crashing towards the man in front of her. Robin moved to block the swing giving Emma the open opportunity to punch him again.

The blonde let out a soft groan of pain to escape her lips as she subconsciously shifted her weight to her injured leg.

Robin took this opportunity to swing again, knowing the blonde's balance would be thrown off. Emma managed to block it and shoved him back with as much force as she could gather.

Her vision blurred slightly.

"Such a stupid girl." Robin muttered.

Emma stepped forward to take another swing but staggered as her knee buckled from under her. Robin shoved her back and she hit the ground.

"Emma!" Regina called out again, her voice higher pitched and frantic than before.

Emma was on her knees in front of him, trying to regain her composure. She went to stand up when the man's blade met her upper right arm leaving another deep gash on the woman's body.

A loud scream ripped through Emma's throat as she dropped her sword. She couldn't move, her vision was fading in and out.

A tear ran down her cheek, 'I've lost her.' Her breath caught in her throat as her head began to spin.

"No! Stop!" Regina squealed in complete desperation.

A figure appeared between them on the field, "stop!" It yelled – it was Regina's voice.

"That's enough." She snapped.

The brunette leant down in front of her and ran her fingertips over the blonde's cheeks, "it's done." She whispered. Emma couldn't help but lean into the woman's gentle touch.

The blonde's vision focused for a second, staring at the woman in front of her. Regina's eyes were red and swollen, tears still falling at a quick rate down her cheeks.

"Emma," she mumbled softly as the blonde's eyes drifted closed again, "Baby, I need you to stay awake." She urged caressing her cheek gently.

The blonde winced, "I love you, Gina." She coughed out.

"I love you too, you idiot." Regina mumbled before pressing her lips gently against Emma's from a brief second.

A sharp pain ran through the younger woman's body causing her to fall limp in the brunette's arms.

"No. Em. Baby. Stay awake." She whimpered tucking her finger under the blonde's chin.

Emma's breathing hitched as everything went dark.


Please don't kill me. Sorry guys. Many apologies.


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