Chapter 7

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Emma stood at the side of the room with various people scattered around.

She was completely bored out of her mind.

The Princess stood in the dress that she had practically fallen in love with the day before with a pair of navy heels planted firmly on her feet, per her mother's request. The young girl wasn't much of a fan of heels either, she found them uncomfortable. She would much rather be wearing a pair of boots or simple flats right now, but her mother had insisted.

As Olivia had expertly suggested, Emma's hair was pinned neatly to the right side and lay gracefully on her shoulder in its naturally soft, blonde waves.

Emma heard a soft chuckle from beside her, "are you fed up with all of this as well?" the husky feminine voice asked, a voice that she now recognized instantly.

The blonde chuckled and turned to see Regina standing behind her, "you'd be concerned if I wasn't" she joked light-heartedly, and the older woman responded with a small giggle, a sound that the young Princess has quickly come to adore.

This was the first time during the evening where Emma was able to get a proper look at the woman.

She was stunning tonight. The girl had always found her very beautiful, from the second Emma laid eyes on her, but tonight the brunette was completely breath-taking.

Regina was dressed in a red wine dress, it was a similar color to the riding coat that she was wearing when she arrived yesterday. It was a tight fit but hugged her thin body in all the right places with the help of a leather corset that helped show off the gentle curves of her hips a bit more. There was a plunging neckline and the center between her breasts was covered in black lace which drew a bit more attention to her accented cleavage.

Her raven hair was tied up on the top of her head in a bit of a half bun but then fell perfectly down her back and ended mid waist.

Her makeup was done to complete perfection. Her eyes were smoky and a dark red color covering her full, wrinkled lips.

She certainly gained more than a few glances when she entered the room.

Emma smiled, "so, what have you been up to all evening?" she joked lightly.

The ball had been going on for about two hours now and this was the first time the blonde has properly seen Regina since they came in and the first they've spoken to one another since they parted ways earlier in the day to get themselves ready.

The older woman let out a soft sigh, "I have just managed to escape from a man who didn't know when to stop talking" she muttered, Emma could sense the annoyance in her tone.

The blonde chuckled softly, "let me know next time you get stuck somewhere and I'll come and steal you away," the girl lightly flirted shooting the older woman a playful wink.

The brunette smiled, "careful, I might just take you up on that offer" she husked taking a step closer to the younger woman, her voice becoming much lower than anything Emma had heard yet.

Emma's stomach turned at the intoxicating sound.

The Princess bit her lower lip gently.

Regina smirked, "what about you?" She responded raising an eyebrow, "anyone here that has caught your eye?" she asked playfully.

Emma stared at the beautiful woman in front of her.

'Certainly, one person has' the girl thought to herself as she stared at the gorgeous woman for a moment.

The blonde cleared her throat and shook her head, quickly snapping herself out of her trance, "no, I've had to get Neal to steal me away a few times already" Emma chuckled motioning to the older man who was standing in the opposite corner of the room.

The brunette laughed, "I'm not surprised" she responded.

Emma frowned, "God, I wish we didn't have to be here" she muttered leaning her head against the brick wall that stood behind her.

Regina let out a soft sigh, "is there no way we could... slip out unnoticed?" She asked in a low whisper.

The blonde couldn't help but notice her light chocolate eyes darken slightly.

The younger woman's eyes flicked around the room for a moment looking for any possible routes of escape.

Emma spotted their parents standing together, making what seemed to be a pleasant conversation, close by the large door at the front of the hall, they had a clear view of the two women if they tried anything.

The blonde pondered for a moment over the thought of Neal possibly sneaking them out, but she didn't want to risk him getting into trouble.

Emma let out a harsh groan, "nope" she mumbled motioning towards the door.

The brunette followed the younger woman's gaze and groaned, "perfect, just perfect" she muttered in annoyance.

The Princess studied the older woman for a moment.

There was something that the girl couldn't quite understand about her and she couldn't help but let her mind wander through various thoughts and ideas.

'Was it possible that she was like me?' the thought sprang up.

'I mean, she is a gorgeous twenty-one-year-old woman, who would have no problem at all finding a husband, but she has absolutely no interest in finding one' the blonde pondered for a moment, the thought completely taking root in the back of her mind.

'I know that she has mentioned to me before about not wanting to be forced into a loveless marriage, but I couldn't help but feel like there was something more behind it' she thought.

Having an attraction to women wasn't an uncommon thing within the land, and it usually wasn't frowned upon, but within higher up families an heir was expected and most of the time young girls were married off by the time they turned twenty-three, and usually no later with the earliest being seventeen.

Regina's hand reached out to touch Emma's arm snapping her out of her trance, "you okay, Emma?" She asked gently.

The blonde looked up to see Regina's concerned brown eyes staring into her own blue ones.

The girl nodded quickly and cleared her throat awkwardly, "yeah, just thinking about something" she mumbled out a brief explanation, not giving her answer much thought.

The older woman raised a perfectly shaped brow, "about what?" She asked curiously, tilting her head to the side slightly.

Emma nearly melted at the motion; it was adorable.

The taller woman bit her lower lip, "just trying to figure some stuff out" she quickly made up.

It wasn't exactly a lie, it was mostly true, she was trying to figure out the older woman.

Regina nodded slowly, mostly accepting the girl's answer, "okay" she mumbled softly.

The pair soon parted ways once again when they noticed that their parents were watching their every move and eyeing the two girls as if to tell them to go back to socializing with other people.

There was a tall, blonde-haired man talking to Emma, she assumed that his name was Derek, the young girl wasn't paying much attention to what exactly the man was saying.

Her gaze was set on Regina who was standing across the room with a slightly taller man with brown hair and a rugged looking beard.

Something turned in the pit of the blonde's stomach.

The girl mentally slapped herself, 'I'm not allowed to feel jealous, not over Regina!' She scolded herself.

But the young Princess was envious of the man who was talking to her, and there was no denying it.

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