Chapter 26

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Emma let out a soft groan as she woke up with a sharp pain in her thigh and arm. Her eyes groggily fluttered open as they adjusted to the light of the room. She felt a familiar body of warmth pressed against her uninjured side.

"Emma." The brunette whispered. The blonde let out a soft hum in response and Regina let out a sigh of relief.

Emma smiled, "hi, Gina." She mumbled groggily.

The smaller woman practically collapsed across the blonde's chest, wrapping her arms around her and burying her face in the crook of her neck.

Emma let out a soft groan as she adjusted to the sudden extra weight on top of her, "don't ever scare me like that again." Regina mumbled, her voice quiet and broken.

With her uninjured arm, the blonde reached up and wrapped it securely around her waist, "I'm sorry, Gina." She whispered.

Regina moved so that she was lying next to her once again. The brunette pressed her body firmly against the younger woman's unmarked left-hand side.

The brunette gently threaded her fingers through the blonde's as Emma turned to face her, "what happened with Robin?" She asked nervously.

Regina bit her lower lip, "I may or may not have given him a black eye." She mumbled nervously.

Emma's breath caught in her throat as she stared down at the hand that was entwined with her own. Soft purple bruises covered the olive-toned flesh.

Emma gently brought Regina's hand up to her lips and placed a gentle kiss on the bruising skin, "you shouldn't have done that." She muttered.

Regina let out a small sigh, "I know but he was being an ass. He hurts you. You could be in much worst shape if I hadn't intervened." The older woman explained.

Emma sighed, "what's the verdict then? I lost. You have to marry him now, right?" She asked, her eyes never leaving her cocoa ones for a second.

The woman frowned, "well, you're staying here until your leg and arm heal up enough for you to be able to walk on your own again. You're not allowed to fight for the foreseeable future. When you are allowed to, you'll have to slowly bring your training back into your routine bit by bit." Regina explained.

Emma nodded along as she spoke, "that's not what I asked, Gina."

The older woman let out a soft chuckle, "I told you that I loved you and kissed you in front of a good portion of the Kingdom. There's a bit of an uproar on that topic at the moment." She explained honestly.


There was a soft knock on the door causing the couple to turn their attention away from each other.

"It's open!" Regina called out.

They watched as the door opened and Emma's mother made her way into the room. A small layer of tears and noticeable on her eyelids.

Emma frowned at the sight, "I'm fine, mom." She whispered.

Regina quickly sat up and the blonde instantly missed the warmth that her body was providing.

"What's happening?" The brunette asked.

Snow sighed, "well, we just spoke to Robin's parents. We need you two to come for the final few details." She explained.

The Queen's gaze softened as she stared at the pair on the bed. Emma could tell just by the look on her face that it wasn't good news. She knew her mother all too well.

"Em, do you think you can make it to Henry's study?" She asked gently.

Emma simply nodded in response. Henry's study was only a few paces down the hall, and she was sure Regina could help her if she needed.

Snow bit her lip, "I'll send your father down to lend a hand." She mumbled before swiftly leaving the room.

Emma let out a small sigh, "this is why she didn't want me to learn to fight." She mumbled, "she can't stick seeing me in pain."

The brunette nodded, "shall we get you to daddy's study?" She asked gently as she ran her fingers through the blonde's messy curls.

Emma let out a small hiss as she tried to lift herself up off the. A sharp pain drifted through her right side.

"Stay down. We'll wait for you dad." Regina said.

Right at that moment David made his way into the room. His face fell at the sight of his bandaged-up daughter. He didn't say a word. He simply offered her a small, reassuring smile as he helped her sit up.

Emma let out a soft groan as her father helped her to her feet. Leaning mostly on him, he half carried, half led her down the hall to Henry's study.


Inside the large room sat Regina's parents, Robin and his parents and Emma's parents.

David helped Emma take a seat on the sofa, not wanting her to sit on one of the harder wooden stools. Regina out of instinct immediately took a seat next to her, pressed tightly against her left side.

"I'm sorry girls." Henry was the first to speak.

Emma didn't need to be told anything else, and she assumed neither did Regina as she felt her body go limp beside her.

"There's nothing we can do." David continued. "Robin won the duel. By law, Regina must be married to him."

The blonde felt a tear run down her cheek, she didn't have the energy to try and hide it.

"The wedding will be taking place in March. Allowing you enough time to heal." Robin's father piped up. "Of course, you are welcome to attend, but under no circumstances are you allowed to intervene." He told her sternly.

Emma nodded slowly, unable to speak.

"We'll be staying here for a few more weeks until you're strong enough. We'll be back for Regina's birthday in February." Snow explained.

Emma looked at Regina who looked like she was going to throw up. All colour had drained from her face as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

We've lost. It's over.

No act to change what we've become.

Damn, it's such a shame that we built a wreck out of me.

Oh, Calamity. 


Sorry. But like. It gets worst before it gets better. Trust me. I've mapped it all out - fluff is still a prominent factor.
(Also warning for light smut in the next chapter, just saying)
But like. Angsty fluff is still fluff right?
Oh well 😂
I hope you're all still enjoying this mess and I'll see you for the next chapter.

~Bexs 🐢

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