Chapter 19

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Emma sat in her room wearing one of her father's old shirts with nothing but her underwear on underneath. The shirts were baggy, soft and comfortable to sleep in, the blonde had claimed a few when he was getting new once.

The girl sat on the window seat and stared out of the thick glass overlooking the ocean.

The blonde heard the door creak open, "Emma" her melodic voice drifted through the quiet room.

Emma sighed, "what?" She snapped, her tone was much harsher than she had originally intended but the girl wasn't going to correct herself.

The blonde heard Regina sigh as she took a seat next to the girl, "you never came back over after you left" she mumbled.

Emma shrugged, "didn't want to intervene" the girl muttered blatantly.

The Princess didn't turn to face her, she just continued to stare out the window and into the night.

The brunette let out a soft sigh, "I'm sorry, Em" she whispered laying a warm hand on the girl's bare knee.

Her touch drew the blonde away from the window, "why didn't you tell me?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Regina let out a soft sigh, "I didn't know how to tell you, I didn't know how you would react to it" she mumbled, "I'm sorry, I should have sent you a letter the moment it happened" she added in at the end.

Emma frowned, "why are you apologizing? None of this if your fault anyway" the blonde hissed.

The older woman's face softened, "then why does it seem like you're annoyed with me?" she asked nervously.

The blonde let out a rough sigh, "I'm not annoyed at you, Regina. I don't think I could ever think anything bad about you. I'm annoyed at myself" she grumbled.

The brunette raised an eyebrow, "how so?" she asked gently.

Emma frowned, "because I didn't do anything when I had the chance to and now I've lost all possibility of being with you because I kept it a secret" she muttered, a tear slowly sliding down her red-flushed cheek.

Regina took the blonde's hand in her own, "I didn't do anything either, Emma. I asked you to keep it a secret. I've told you before that I'm not a fighter" she told the woman in front of her.

Emma sighed as she returned to staring out the window.

The girl frowned, "I wanted to kill him" she hissed causing Regina to flinch, "that was my first instinct. It took everything in me not to beat the living shit out of him for kissing you and calling you 'love'" she told the older woman honestly.

Regina rubbed the back of the girl's hand with her thumb, "I've never kissed him, ever, in any way" she told the blonde.

Emma slowly turned to face her again, "my mother had us engaged shortly after you left. We get married in a month. He's already practically living with me and I barely let him touch me. I can't even stick being in the same room with him for too long" she told her honestly.

The brunette's fingertips moved slowly to trace shapes on the younger woman's hand and up to her wrists. Emma shuddered as she made her way further up her arm, across her collarbone and up to the base of the girl's jaw.

Emma bit her lower lip, "I love you, Regina" she mumbled through the silence.

Regina's hand continued in its path as she trailed her fingertips across the Princess' cheek and onto her lips.

They lingered there for a moment, "I love you too, Emma" she responded, her cocoa eyes never leaving the sea-green ones of the girl in front of her for a second.

Emma slowly leaned forward and took her lips in her own.

The blonde gently cupped the older woman's cheek as her lips moved perfectly with her own.

Regina pulled back and looked at the younger woman with a smile, "you are the only person who has ever gotten to do that" she told the girl.

This fact made a small smile cross the blonde's face.

Emma tangled her fingers with hers, "I will be the only person who gets to do that. I'll make sure of it" she husked.

The blonde gave the brunette's hand a small squeeze, "I will fight for you if I have to" she told her confidently.

The woman's eyes widened at her words, "I'll challenge him for your hand if I have to. I've already told Henry that I would if that's what it came down to" she explained.

Regina gave the younger woman's hand a soft squeeze, "I don't want anyone getting hurt over me" she told the blonde softly.

Emma nodded, "I won't do it if you don't want me to. But I will fight, till the second you say 'I do'" she almost growled.

The brunette chuckled as she bit her lower lip, "to him or you?" she asked teasingly.

The blonde gently pulled the smaller woman onto her lap and wrapped her arms securely around her waist. Regina wrapped her tanned legs around the woman's hips pulling herself impossibly close, "whatever comes first" Emma concluded.

Emma gently cupped the woman's face in her hands and pressed their lips together. Regina returned the kiss, instantly clinging to the collar of the younger woman's shirt pulling her as close as she could get.

The blonde ran her fingertips gently down along the brunette's neck, taking in every inch of the brunette on top of her.

The younger woman pulled away after a moment, their foreheads resting together, "stay with me tonight" the blonde requested.

Regina let out a soft sigh, "I don't know, Em" she mumbled nervously.

Emma wrapped her arms securely around the older woman's waist, "please? I miss holding you" she whispered, placing a light kiss to the side of the raven-haired beauty's neck.

The brunette sighed in defeat, "okay" she whispered.

The pair slowly got to their feet, hands entwined together, neither of them wanting to let go of the other.

Emma led the woman over to her bed and laid down.

Regina instantly relaxed once she settled under the comforter with the blonde's arms wrapped firmly around her. The brunette rested her head on the younger woman's chest, burying herself into her warm, loving touch.

The blonde placed a sweet kiss against the older woman's forehead, "I won't lose you to him" she mumbled softly through the silence of the room.


I'm getting pretty good with this whole updating thing. This gives me hope for whenever I start updating everything.
Speaking of, I hope to start updating Surviving High School weekly starting Monday so keep your eyes peeled for that 😉

Thanks guys and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

      ~Becca 🐢

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