Chapter 1

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When I was younger I was certain that I'd be fine without someone else. I'd be much better off alone, inside this castle that was cut off from the other kingdoms by the clear ocean that separated us.

Emma wandered through the walls of the castle absentmindedly, ignoring everything that was going on around her. Servants scurrying, various knights changing positions, the faint yelling of her parents coming from the throne room. 

The cream walls of the palace lighting up from the early morning sunlight that was beaming in through the line of tall, arched windows that were elegantly placed along the hall giving you a perfect view of the ocean. 

Summer was beginning bringing the warmth and sun with it. 

Longer days and shorter nights. 


The blonde walked into the throne room, the loud bang of the large oak door closing behind her signaling her arrival. 

Her parents looked over at her almost instantly as she made her way quickly over to them. 

Emma shot them a smile.

Her mother was a small woman, from the look of her, it was clear that the young girl got more of her looks from her dad. 

Her mother was short and had a petite frame. Her black hair fell down her back in soft ringlets, much like Emma's own blonde mane, around her small heart-shaped face. Her big, brown, doe eyes glistened with kindness and her cherry lips stood out against her pale skin tone. 

The woman was the one and only Snow White. Fairest of them all in all the kingdoms. A title that Emma didn't care for anymore.

Her father, David, on the other hand, stood a good head taller than his wife and was extremely well built which would be expected since he was raised on a farm and grew up doing a lot of heavy labor.

His life practically turned upside down the day he met Snow, Princess of the White Kingdom. 

He was a humble man whom Emma looked up to and was constantly inspired by. He was, and still is, the young blonde's hero. 

His soft blue eyes stared at Emma like she was still a little girl but in his eyes, she is; she is his little girl.

From him Emma got her height, his sandy hair is only slightly darker than hers is and her blue eyes. However, her eyes had a slight green ring around the pupil.

Emma smiled and placed a single kiss on their cheeks, "morning" she greeted them happily. 

Her mother chuckled, "what has you so happy this morning?" Snow asked with a small chuckle as she raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. 

Emma shrugged and shook her head, "nothing, really" she mumbled bleakly in response. 

The pair nodded, "okay, are you heading out, sweetheart?" Her dad asked gently. 

Emma nodded as she absentmindedly fiddled with the hem of her white shirt that was untucked from the black riding pants she was wearing, "yeah, I'm going to go spar in the yard with Neal" she told them. 

Her mother nodded quickly whilst David smiled. 

He liked the fact Emma was learning to use a sword. He had started teaching her at a young age, even at his wife's disdain. Emma would still spar with him whenever he wasn't busy but now she mostly trains with her personal knight and dubbed best friend, Neal. 

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