Chapter 29

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If I catch you on the corner,
Will you even know it's me?
Will I look familiar to you?
Do you offer me a seat?
Can we find a new beginning?
Do you turn the other cheek?
Oh, Calamity.

Emma followed Killian as they made their way back towards the Jolly Roger. They docked briefly in Locksley to gather a few supplies before heading back out to sea.

Emma fully intended on getting what they needed and heading immediately back to the ship. It's been almost six years and she didn't need to be falling back into a cycle she was long out of.

Catching a flash of raven hair out of the corner of her eye caused Emma to stop in her tracks.

The blonde knew that it was unlikely, but despite her better judgement, turned around.

Her breath caught in her throat.

Emma felt a hand on her shoulder snapping her out of the trance, "you okay, Swan?" Killian asked.

The blonde nodded, "is there any chance we could stay a little longer?" She asked him hesitantly, not taking her eyes off Regina for a second out of fear of losing her.

The pirate followed her gaze, "an old flame?" He asked with a smirk.

Emma refused to respond.

Killian chuckled, "two hours, Swan. Then we're back out on the sea." He told her gently before making his own way back towards the ship.


Emma hesitantly made her way closer to the woman who was sitting at a large log table.

"What do I even say to her? Will she even want to see me after the way I left?" Her brain was going haywire.

The bit her lower lip "Regina?" She mumbled gently, catching the older woman's attention.

Her head snapped up in surprise. Their for the first time in six years and Emma melted instantly.

"God, I missed her."

The brunette's gaze softened, "Emma?" She gasped out.

Before the blonde even had a chance to respond, Regina leapt to her feet and wrapped her in a strong hug. Emma returned it almost instantly and held her tight against her front.

She tangled her fingers in her soft raven-hair which had grown out a bit more since the last time they were together.

Emma inhaled her familiar scent of apples and frowned, "how have I lasted six years?"

They pulled apart and Regina shot the Princess a small smile, "would you like to sit?" She asked motioning to the seat opposite her.

"Sure" Emma mumbled before taking a seat.


The pair sat in silence for a moment, neither of them knowing what to do.

Regina chuckled, "I don't think things have been this awkward since we first met." She joked light-heartedly.

Emma laughed, "yeah." She muttered rubbing the back of her neck nervously.

"You cut your hair." She mumbled.

The blonde nodded as she ran her hand through her chin-length Bob, "yeah, um, it's easier to maintain." She mumbled.

Regina let out a soft sigh, "how have you been, Emma?" She asked softly.

Emma opened her mouth to speak when a small, high-pitched voice cut her off, "Mommy! Mommy! Look what I found!" A young boy yelled happily as he made his way quickly towards them.

Oh, CalamityWhere stories live. Discover now