Chapter 8

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The morning after the ball, Emma was up early making all forms of preparations for the day ahead.

'I want Regina to know that I... Liked her? Have a crush on her?' The blonde debated with herself as she scurried around the kitchen collecting various items.

'I don't know, but, I do have a pretty good day planned for the two of us if I do say so myself' she eventually concluded.

'A picnic isn't cheesy, right?' Emma pondered for a moment.

Although the young Princess was unsure of what exactly her feelings are for the older woman, she was certain there was something there after the many emotions that were running wildly through her mind the night before.

Granny looked up at the Princess as the blonde busied herself by making a few sandwiches "you're in an awfully good mood. Especially after last night" the elderly woman joked light-heartedly.

Emma rolled her eyes at the woman's comment.

Granny had been their chef for years and even helped look after Emma when she was younger, and her parents had important business to attend to.

The woman was small in size, but quite plump. She looked well for her age of sixty-two, few wrinkles covered her forehead and cheeks. Granny's eyes were a kind blue and she wore a small pair of rounded glasses that perched on the end of her nose.

Emma got on very well with the chef's granddaughter.

Ruby used to come into the castle much more when she was younger, she would pop in from time to time when Granny couldn't find anyone to watch her but that was never an issue since she and Emma got on well together and spent their time playing in the gardens.

The two women don't see each other as much as they used to. Ruby and Emma were a lot closer when they were younger but the two drifted apart throughout the years. Ruby, being two years older, is now married to a young man named Dominic who owns a farm about a mile out from the nearby village.

Emma laughed and stuck her tongue out playfully at the older woman, "yeah, well, I want Regina to have some fun while she's here. It would be nice to have a good friend" she muttered.

Granny rolled her eyes, "yeah right, Em. You have a thing for the girl, don't you?" she questioned.

The young girl's eyes widened, "what? No!" she gasped, the blonde's voice rising two octaves which gave her away.

Granny laughed as the Princess let out a soft groan, "you are far too easy to read, honey" she told Emma placing a caring kiss on her forehead.

Most people close to Emma knew about her preference for women, except for her parents

'They never listen long enough to even give me a chance' the girl grumbled internally.

Emma sighed, "okay, yeah, I do. I just... I don't wanna wreck it. We have a good friendship forming" she explained nervously.

Regina has only been there three days, it was too soon for the blonde to completely tell what she was feeling for the brunette.

'If my little crush on her is that obvious then I'm doomed!' She feared.

Emma finished up and Granny helped her piece together other things.

The elderly woman handed her a woven wooden basket and the pair put all the food inside, including a blanket.

Inside there were two sandwiches, they were ham and cheese because Emma figured they were a safe bet since she didn't know what Regina would like, some salad, some fruit, some chocolate and freshly squeezed orange juice with two glasses.

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