Chapter 27

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The carriage couldn't stop fast enough for Emma as the family pulled up outside the Mills family mansion for the first time since their departure in mid December.

Emma has healed up nicely since the duel, sporting two decently sized scars that are still red, and certainly won't be fading any time soon.

Regina was standing on the doorstep, clad in a shirt and trousers awaiting their arrival, wanting to be the first to greet Emma when the Royals arrived.

The blonde saw the girl waiting on the doorstep and practically leapt from the carriage before it had come to a complete stop.

She ran over and pulled the girl into her arms, lifting her off the ground slightly as she spun her around. Regina let out a soft squeal in delight as she clung to the blonde's neck.

"Be careful, Emma!" Her mother called out from behind her.

The blonde chuckled as she out the brunette down, "Happy Birthday, Gina." She giggled.

Regina pulled the blonde back towards her again, tightening her grip slightly as she hugged her, "I'm so glad you're here." She whispered.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world." Emma mumbled.


Apart from their reunion, the two women had been keeping a respectable distance between them the entire day. And by respectable distance, they were still close enough to still feel the heat off the others body but not holding onto each other as they normally would.

Come dinner, the pair sat opposite each other rather than next to each other. Robin seated firmly on Regina's left.

Cora insisted on talking about the wedding the entire way through the meal. Emma could easily tell that the topic made Regina uncomfortable, but a harsh glare from her father had silenced Emma from making any sly remarks.

"I assume you'll be attending?" Cora asked, directing her attention to Emma.

The blonde cleared her throat as she nervously shifted in her chair, "my parents will be, but unfortunately I won't be." She told them.

Emma watched as Regina's face fell. This was a conversation she wanted to have with the brunette in private rather than at the dinner table, but Cora had forced her hand.

"I'm going away for a while. I'm meeting an old friend of Neal's who was kind enough to offer me a spot on his ship. I'm going to travel around and see the Kingdom." Emma explained.

Cora nodded, almost unable to hide the smirk on her face, "well, I'm sure you'll have a good time on your venture."


"I'm sorry." Emma mumbled as she followed Regina into her bedroom that evening. "I wanted to tell you while we were alone."

Regina sighed as Emma shut the door, "I understand, Emma." She mumbled. "I was just hoping you'd be there."

The blonde stepped towards the older woman, "I can't, Gina. Not when there's nothing I can do to stop it." She mumbled.

Regina practically collapsed into the blonde's arms, burying her face in the crook of the taller woman's neck, "is there anything we haven't tried yet?" She asked.

Emma bit her lower lip nervously, "well, there's always..." She trailed off not knowing whether she should continue her train of thought or not.

Regina pulled out of her arms, glaring up at the blonde urging her to continue.

"Magic." The blonde finished.

Regina shook her head at an almost violent speed, "absolutely not. Magic is dangerous. We could wind up far worst off."

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