Chapter 13

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Emma followed Regina over to the guardhouses around their own courtyard. The blonde noticed a few soldiers training with just a few wooden swords. There was a much larger man around them yelling various orders.

The brunette smiled as she followed the girl's gaze, "they're new" she told her as one of them lost their footing and fell backward onto the ground.

Emma chuckled softly, "I can tell" she commented teasingly.

The pair soon spotted Benjamin who was standing a short distance away. He was sitting on a stool, outside of what Emma could only assume was their armory, polishing a few swords.

He looked up at the pair and smiled as they made their way over to him, "good morning" Regina greeted him kindly.

The man chuckled as he slowly got to his feet, "morning. What can I do for you, Milady?" he asked politely as he put down the sword he was holding in his hands.

Regina smiled, "Emma was wondering if she could have a match?" she started.

Benjamin raised an eyebrow, "you want to spar?" he questioned with slight confusion in his tone.

Emma nodded and was about to speak when Regina quickly bounced in, "she's very good. I think she could give you a good run" she commented.

The blonde let out a soft chuckle at the woman next to her.

The tall, well-built man stood there for a few moments debating on the request.

The man shrugged, "I don't see why not. I haven't had a good match in a while, I've mostly been training the new recruits. Perhaps you could teach me a few things" he responded with a kind smile.

Emma smiled, and he cleared his throat, "however, I do recommend that we use the training swords. Not that I'm doubting your abilities, I'm sure you've been trained to the highest standard. Just for safety purposes" he requested.

The Princess nodded in agreement, "that's fine by me" she responded shooting him a small smirk.

Emma followed Benjamin out to the center of the courtyard with a wooden stick in hand. The tall man shot her a smile, "Miss Mills seems to have a lot of faith in you" he commented.

The blonde smiled as she felt her cheeks heat up slightly at his comment.

The girl turned her head slightly to look over to where Regina was standing.

She was staring back at the younger woman with a wide smile plastered across her face and her beautiful brown eyes burning into Emma's sea-green ones.

Emma turned back to Benjamin and nodded, "it seems she does" she mumbled softly.

The tall man laughed, "shall we, Princess?" he asked with a sly smirk.

The girl's eyes narrowed slightly at the man, "don't call me that" she whispered before lunging at him with the small sword.

The Princess' sudden action took him by surprise as he practically stumbled into action and just about managed to block the girl's swing.

Emma let out a small giggle.

They danced across the field. The sound of wood whacking against wood rattling through the air.

Benjamin let out a soft chuckle, "I have to say," he grumbled as he jumped back slightly to avoid the blonde's swing, "you're very good" he commented as Emma blocked his sword with ease.

Emma smiled, "thanks, my dad and Neal, our top guard, taught me everything I know" she mumbled before harshly shoving him back.

The grown man staggered slightly but managed to keep his balance, "how long have you been training?" he asked.

The young woman smiled as their swords clashed together quickly, "my father has been teaching me on and off since I was eight. I properly started when I was fifteen" she quickly explained to him.

The man nodded as he swung at the young woman again. Emma smirked at him as she blocked the swing.

The position gave the Princess the perfect opportunity to grab his wrist. The blonde hooked her foot around his ankle bringing him harshly to the ground with a thud.

The brunet let out a harsh groan as his back met the hard dirt. The blonde smiled victoriously as she held the piece of wood to his chest.

Emma let out a soft chuckle before offering him her hand. Benjamin smiled before accepting the kind gesture and the girl helped him back up to his feet.

The rugged man held the Princess' hand and gave it a firm shake, "you're very skilled" he commented.

The woman heard a soft chuckle from beside them, "she is, isn't she" Regina's voice called out.

She turned and saw the brunette woman standing next to her.

Emma smiled, "glad you think so" she joked light-heartedly.

Benjamin let out a soft chuckle, "you'll have to come out for a rematch" he challenged, raising his eyebrow slightly, "or help us sort out these guys" he added in motion into the new soldiers who were still struggling.

Emma let out a small laugh, "we'll see about that rematch" she commented, "as for helping out with your new recruits, I'll see what I can do" the blonde told him with a kind smile.

The brunet smiled, "have a good day, Emma" he told her with a small, polite nod.

The blonde smiled and turned to make eye contact with Regina for a moment, "I'm sure I will" she whispered to herself.

Regina smiled, "see you later, Benjamin," the brunette said to the older man before slipping her hand gently into Emma's.

The younger woman felt her heart clench in her chest as her breathing caught in her throat at the older woman's touch.

Benjamin smiled and nodded, "good day, Milady" he mumbled before making his way off towards the new recruits.

Emma turned to Regina with a smile, her hand still wrapped firmly in her own, "what now?" she asked raising an eyebrow playfully.

Regina let out a soft giggle, "honestly, I wasn't expecting you to beat him that quickly" she commented honestly.

The blonde laughed, "nice to know you have so much faith in me" she joked playfully rolling her eyes.

The brunette giggled as she nudged the younger woman gently with her shoulder before giving Emma's hand a small squeeze, "shall we go hide from our families somewhere? I'm not quite ready to go in and talk with my mother about my apparent marriage" Regina mumbled softly.

Emma couldn't help but frown and tucked a strand of the older woman's raven hair behind her ear, "I'll hide you from your mother for as long as you wish, Gina" the blonde told her softly.

The woman in front of her smiled and started leading the Princess off in the direction of the fields.

The blonde automatically assumed that they were headed back to Regina's apple tree for the remainder of the day.

The raven-haired beauty smirked, "then hide me, Princess" she husked in an almost flirtatious manner her eyes never leaving the younger woman's.

Emma gulped at her tone of voice and followed her up to the tree.

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