Chapter 22

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Emma walked into the library to look for Regina's mother after dinner.

The Princess walked into the large room with her head held high, to find both Henry and Cora sitting at the large, circular table in the centre of the room. It was always littered with various books and today was no exception.

The brunette looked up and shot the young woman a fake smile, "Emma, how can I help you, dear?" She asked, her voice was forced and clearly un-genuine.

Emma cleared her throat gently as she straightened her posture slightly, "I wanted to talk to you about something" she told the older woman in as much of a confident voice as she could master.

Her request grasped Henry's attention as he looked up from his book and shot the girl a small, almost knowing smile.

Cora nodded, "of course" she muttered putting down the thin book she held in her hands.

The blonde gently cleared her throat again, "I wanted to ask for your daughter's hand" she practically blurted out.

The brunette's eyes widened slightly as she stared at the Princess in disbelief, "I'm sorry, excuse me?" She stuttered slightly.

Emma looked over at Regina's father who was staring at her with a wide smile.

The Princess smiled, "I want to marry your daughter," she told her with the new-found confidence that came from Henry's silent support.

Cora stared at the younger blonde for a moment trying to process everything that she had just said to her.

The older brunette gently cleared her throat, "Regina is already engaged" she told her.

Emma nodded slowly, "yes, to a man she doesn't even like" she complained.

The woman chuckled, "sometimes that's how it goes, dear. Not everything has a Fairy Tale ending like your parents, they're a few of the lucky ones" she explained.

The blonde looked over at Henry silently hoping that he would help her in some way.

The elderly man seemed to get the message and gently set down his book, "Cora, dear, why don't you hear what the girls have to say?" He offered up.

Cora looked over at her husband, "I'll go find Regina and we'll talk to them both about it. How about that?" He offered gently as he got to his feet.

Cora simply shrugged, not really caring.

Emma gave him a small nod of thanks and watched as the grey-haired man hobbled towards the door, "if she's not in her room, check mine" the blonde told him.

Henry shot the young woman a thankful smile before making his way out of the room.

Emma turned to Cora, "don't be getting your hopes up, Princess. I won't be changing my mind anytime soon" she practically hissed.

The blonde felt her stomach twist slightly, "the wedding is planned and ready to take place in a months' time. I certainly will not be cancelling it because you've finally decided to come out of the shell you've been hiding in over the little crush you have on my daughter" Cora snapped quickly.

Emma had to bite her tongue to fight the urge to snap back at the older woman.

Emma heard the door open and Henry walked in with his daughter close by his side. The raven-haired beauty shot the blonde a fearful look as she made her way over. The Princess laid her hand on the small of her back to try and reassure the older woman slightly but also to bring herself some form of comfort.

Cora cleared her throat, "well?" She asked clapping her hands together once causing Regina to flinch.

The blonde gulped, "too afraid to speak, Emma?" She taunted with a sly smirk.

Emma's gaze on the woman hardened, "no, I'm not" she hissed as she took Regina's hand in her own, "I want to marry your daughter and I refuse to take no for an answer" she snapped.

Regina gripped the younger woman's hand tightly as she spoke, taken a bit by surprise at her words. Emma hadn't gotten a chance to speak to her after her conversation with her mother and wanted to see is she could fix the Robin situation before she did.

Cora chuckled, "and what about you, Regina?" She asked the younger brunette.

Regina stiffened slightly, "I know it doesn't matter what I say, you're not going to let me be with Emma anyway" she responded harshly.

The older woman chuckled, "you are completely right, Regina" she responded.

Henry let out a rough cough, "Cora, dear, I think you're being a bit unreasonable" he added in before anyone else could say anything.

Cora shook her head, "the wedding of Regina and Robin has been sorted, I'm not changing anything now" she muttered.

Regina stepped forward slightly, her hand still clinging to Emma's, "why are you so against this, mother?" Regina snapped.

The older woman's head shot to her daughter in shock at her sudden change of tone, "I hate Robin, he's a bore with poor conversational skills. He makes me feel alone. It makes me squirm whenever he tries to kiss me, or even touch me for that matter" she added in.

Cora shrugged, "that's not my problem, dear" she muttered, uncaring, "Robin is from a well-respected family..." Regina swiftly cut the woman off, "my entire life you've gone on and on about status and being well-respected. You raised me expecting me to marry someone of a higher status so you yourself could improve your status. That's all you've ever wanted. But the second I fall in love with a woman it no longer matters!" The brunette hissed.

Regina let out a soft sigh, "I love Emma, I love her so much. Really and truly. She makes me feel happy, safe. She makes me feel wanted" she mumbled softly.

Her words made Emma's heart feel like it was being squeezed from inside her chest. Emma looked down at the smaller woman stared into her cocoa eyes in complete awe.

Cora cleared her throat, "I will say it once more, Regina is marrying Robin and that is the last I want to hear about it" the brunette growled causing both girls to flinch.

Regina gently cleared her throat, "alright, mother" she mumbled, her voice barely a whisper.

The brunette sounded so broken as though she had lost the last speck of hope that she had left.

The blonde's sea-green eyes darkened, "no, it's not alright" she snapped turning to Cora.

The older brunette raised an eyebrow, "everyone has accepted it. Why can't you? You can't just keep using the excuse that the wedding has already been organized" she hissed.

Emma felt Regina squeeze her hand gently, "just leave it, Em, it's pointless" she whimpered.

Cora let out a soft chuckle, "you should listen to my daughter, Emma. She knows where my limits lie" she grumbled shooting the Princess a sharp look.

The blonde kept her gaze for a moment before turning back to Regina. The blonde made a scene of gently wrapping her arm securely around the small brunette's waist and pulled Regina tight against her side as they walked out of the room.


Hey. I apologise for not updating last Saturday, it was Belfast Pride so I was out being gay lmao. As for yesterday, well, I just forgot. Anyways. Here it is, hope you all aren't too disappointed with this chapter, it is a bit of a downer but don't worry, next chapter is hella fluffy.

Anyways, I'm sorry for the wait.

     ~Becca 🐢

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