Chapter 24

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Emma felt Regina shift from beside her, "you okay, Gina?" She asked her softly through the darkness of the room.

Regina let out a soft sigh, "I didn't want to wake you." She mumbled as she slowly sat up.

The blonde was quick to follow as she gently took her hand in her own, "where are you going?" She asked her.

The brunette sighed, "back to my room, Em. I know I said I'd stay but I..." She cut off as Emma gently trailed her fingers through her raven hair pushing it out of her face, "you don't have to, you know." She mumbled.

Emma remembered the previous morning waking up without the older woman by her side, 'she must have done something similar, but I didn't wake up the first time.' She thought.

The brunette frowned, "I know, but..." She trailed off covering her face with her hands.

Emma laid her hand on her thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. The raven-haired beauty stared at the younger woman, "prove to her you're not afraid and that you're not giving up. Show her that this is what you want."

The older woman let out a small sigh, "it won't do anything, Emma. It'll probably just get us both into trouble." She mumbled nervously.

The blonde gently pulled her back towards her and the brunette practically melted into her warm embrace, "I want you here. To hell with what your mother thinks," she grumbled, "I love having you in my arms."

The younger woman watched as Regina fought to keep her eyes open, "you're exhausted. Go back to sleep, baby." She cooed.

The brunette eventually gave in with a small nod and leaned back down, resting her head on the pillow. Emma wrapped her arm around the woman's waist, pressing her from against her back.


Emma woke up with a few strands of raven hair covering her face. She let out a soft chuckle as she gently moved it to the side. The blonde placed a gentle kiss on the back of the older woman's neck as the door opened.

The Princess didn't have to think twice about who it was. There was only one person who doesn't knock before coming into her room – her mother. Emma looked up and met her kind, caring eyes.

A small smile crossed her mother's face, "she really makes you happy, doesn't she?" The woman asked gently.

Emma nodded as she stared down at the woman who was still peacefully sleeping in her arms.

Snow let out a soft chuckle, "she said yes, then?" The brunette asked referring to the chain that was still wound around Regina's neck, the ring wrapped firmly in her hand.

The blonde nodded, "yes, thank you so much." She whispered.

Snow shot her daughter a smile, "what about her parents?" She asked suddenly breaking the happy atmosphere of the room.

Emma frowned, "her father accepts us. I knew that already. But Cora is stuck on Regina marrying Robin." She hissed causing the brunette in her arms to squirm slightly. Regina turned on her side burying her face in the younger woman's neck.

The blonde placed a light kiss on her forehead, "morning, beautiful." She whispered causing a smile to spread across her face.

Snow cleared her throat, "do you want me to talk to Cora about it? I'm sure we could do a bit better than you two." She offered.

Regina scoffed, "I doubt that,"

The Queen laughed, "I've known Cora for a long time, Regina. I'm sure it wouldn't do anyone any harm." She explained.

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