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"Bonfire night tomorrow are you going?" Katie asks me eating her snickers bar.
"I was kinda thinking of just hanging out with Jay" I shrug biting my apple
"They've got a game Friday , their gonna be celebrating the in we all know their gonna get against kings no doubt" Katie says
"And what happens if they don't win?" I mumble
"Oh come on we know they will" Katie says

"Jay is gonna go you know the guys" she adds
"Jay doesn't like people. He has his group of baseball bros and me, he doesn't like people he hates the attention he gets" I say turning to her
"Okay valid. But he's like the most popular guy in the school. He's hot, he's fucking insane at baseball . All the girls are attracted to him" Katie shrugs

"Are you trying to make me feel insecure?"
"No no no I'm just saying he doesn't have much of a choice." She says
"God I love bonfire night" she mumbles
"What do you can go around kissing boys?" I laugh
"Hey it's all good for you you've got a hot ass popular boyfriend" she says
"Yeah the only problem with that is that all the girls are constantly flirting with him" I sigh
"So? Have you seen him? You said he hates people. Which he does he barely pays any attention to anyone but his friends. But you? He's head over fucking heals for you!" She says
"Then why hasn't he told me he loves me?" I sigh
"Maybe he's just waiting for the perfect moment" Katie says
"Maybe" I whisper

"Do we really have to go to the bonfire tonight?" Jay complains
"Hey I wouldn't have been mad to stay at home tonight and watch movies" I sigh curling my hair
"He has to go" another voice says
"Shits boring girls just walk around staring at me, we can't get drunk because we've got a game tomorrow" jay says
"Babe not every party means getting drunk" I laugh
"What else are we supposed to do?" Will says
"Go swimming in the sea" jay says
"Sure if you wanna die of drowning or hypothermia" I say

"Shouldn't you two get ready?" I laugh. The boys have been playing on the x box for the past hour while I've been on FaceTime to jay.
"What time am I picking you up again?" Jay asks
"7. It's 6:40 right now" I say
"Shit" he mumbles
"Katie wants a ride too. So be here by 6:45" I add
"Babe, you could've told me that before" jay groans flopping back on his bed.
"I forgot!" I say putting my hands up in defence
"Alright alright, we better get ready if we want to be there in time" will says
"Say bye Jason" will says smacking him on the back of the head. I hear a loud hiss noise. Then will laugh quietly.
"Shit migraine I forgot" he says then ends the call.

"What the fuck?" I mumble throwing my phone on the bed. Assholes. I didn't get a goodbye, I just got hung up on. And not to mention the both failed to tell me that my boyfriend has another migraine.


"Hey mom, I'm about to head out" I kiss her on the cheek grabbing my coat and pudding it over my arm as well as grabbing my bag. Right on timing the doorbell rings.
"Dad don't-"
"Jason!" He says cheerfully
"Hey mr Thompson" jay smiles
"Bye dad" I smile kissing him on the cheek.
"Be back by 11! 11:30 latest" he says looking at Jay
"Of course" he smiles, he takes my bag and helps me put on my coat before waving goodbye to my parents.
"You look pale" I mumble as we walk back to the car.
"It's cold outside" jay laughs
"Yo Thompson!" Will hollers from the drivers seat. Jay opens my door for me kissing me on the cheek before getting in the front seat.

"Hey girl" Katie smiles
"What are you doing here?" I laugh
"Picked her up on the way she lives right around the corner from me" will answers smiling in the mirror.
"Did you hear that?" Katie mouths looking at be with a wide grin. I laugh shaking my head and looking to the front. Jays eyes are glued to his phone, he hasn't even looked at me since we got in the car.
"Does jay seem off to you recently?" I whisper to Katie.
"I mean not anything new...other than he seems to be glued to his phone: but that's all guys" she shrugs
"And he's been distant at school" I whisper
"So what?" She says
"So what if he's talking to a girl?" I sigh
"Girl be fucking for real" she laughs
"I'm serious" I mumble

I can't shake the feeling that Jason is talking to another girl. It all adds up; he's been distant, he's been late, he's glued to his phone even more recently.


When we get to the bonfire the beach is already packed with people from our school. The boys walk straight over to where the baseball team are standing around the bonfire. Immediately laughing and talking as girls try to gain their attention. I can't take my eyes off Jason when two girls walk over Maddy, tall, brunette with straight hair and Lily, she's a bit shorter with short blonde hair. They're both very popular and good looking, most of the guys types, including jays.

They walk over to Jason and cooper who were talking and join in on their conversation. Lily immediately starts talking to jay, pulling his attention away from the other two. My whole body goes hot with jealousy. I'm not the jealous type but seeing my boyfriend flirt with another girl is something that I can't help but be jealous of.

I've always been insecure. Being with jay helps that in so many ways, he worships me, he never talks badly about me, and he never lets me think badly of myself. But im dating the most popular guy at school. Jason Fucking Parker. Best pitcher on the baseball team, best looking. He's hard to talk to, very closed off which only drags more girls attention. He hates most people of than a few but he's a big flirt. That's why I love him. But he hasn't had the balls to tell me he loves me. Sometimes I can't help but doubt that he does love me. Recently it's been crossing my mind more than usual.

"Hey girl you good?" Abbie asks walking over.
"Yeah. I need a drink" I sigh
"That's the spirit" Katie smiles leading me over to the table where all the drinks are.
"Do me a favour" I whisper to Katie and Abbie.
"Watch Jay. Try to listen to what he's saying to lily" I sigh
"You think he's flirting?" Abbie asks
"Yeah" I whisper. Tears prick the back of my eyes but I manage to blink them away.
"I knew we shouldn't have come" I whisper to myself.


"Hey" will says jogging over to the table where I'm standing. I'm now to vodka sodas in, my head is beginning to hurt and I'm standing in the same spot. Jason has been talking to the same girl for thirty minutes now. He's been chatting to the guys every so often but she's made sure not to leave his side. Will seems to follow my gaze.

"Hey it's not what it looks like" he says
"It looks like my boyfriend is flirting with another girl" I say turning to Will
"They're having a friendly chat" he shrugs opening a bottle of beer.
"I thought you weren't drinking tonight" I chuckle
"Yeah we all said that but half the team are drunk already" he laughs
"It's fine we all know your gonna kick ass tomorrow at the game" I sigh
"Yeah we better, or that says a lot about us"
"I'm surprised your not talking to maddy. You normally have your tongue down some girls throat by now" I smile looking at will.
"Your as much of an asshole as jay is" he says poking me in the ribs.
"Guess his attitude rubbed off on me" I laugh
Will looks at me, a big grin on his face. Then he throws me over his shoulder.
"Will!" I scream slamming my fists into his back.
"Put me down im gonna puke all over you!" I shout. He laughs but obliges putting me back on my feet.

"Flirting with my girlfriend now are we?" I don't have to turn around to notice the anger in his voice. It's laced with jealousy and he's clearly pissed off.

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