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I feel Jason tense beside me just at the sound of his voice. I was really hoping Henry wouldn't be in this group for the time Jason was hanging out there just to avoid this.
"Why wouldn't I show?" Jason stands, he's a solid two inches taller than Henry. Jason's about 5,11 whilst Henry is about 5,9. I can feel everyone's eyes turning on the two standing face to face now. Henry picked a bad night to get on Jason's nerves, he came just to have fun with his team but Henry had to butt in.

"Your std test come back positive?" Henry smirks looking at Jason.
"There's only one girl here who I'm interested in" Jason rolls his eyes. It's such an old comeback, Jason had a reputation for being a player sure, I was hesitant to start dating him because of his reputation but Jason gained my trust and that comeback quickly became old because everyone knew Jason had a girlfriend.
"Got it" Henry smirks walking away.
Jason scoffs at my side as all the guys come around and start talking. I can't keep up with what one of them are saying with everyone talking.

All of a sudden Jason gets up and walks towards the gym door, not the exit door, the door leading to the other half of the gym that was supposedly locked.

All the guys follow him with alcohol in their hands, some are even stumbling as they follow. Trust the baseball team. I laugh watching them all follow as more people join too. Then someone tugs on my arm pulling me to the side.

"What the fuck-" I gasp as they tug on me. My hair covers my face, when I flick my hair out of my face I wish I could cover my face with a bag and hide. Henry Lockwood stands in front of me, a grin on his face as he looks me up and down. I'm not wearing anything special, my outfit is simple; plaid pyjama pants with a white crop top.

"Your whole team is in the other gym shooting hoops, Maybe you should get them back to the right sport" I say pulling my arm from his grip.
"You look hot" he smiles, continuing to look me up and down. I roll my eyes moving to walk away but his hand grips onto my waist and pulls me back to him.
"What the fuck" I snap slapping his arm away.
"I have a boyfriend" I shout moving away from him.
"That doesn't bother me" Henry shrugs, a shit eating grin on his face as he looks me up and down like I'm a piece of meat.
"It matters to me" I roll my eyes beginning to walk away.
"You could do a lot better than him! The dudes got stds, why else do you think he was at the hospital! Obviously getting his diagnosis" Henry shouts behind me. I ignore him until I walk over to the group, Jason notices me giving me a small smile before someone on the team tosses him the ball and he goes back to shooting.

He's running around shooting hoops and dunking hoops. I see the sweat above his eyebrow and how he's panting, a lot more than the others are. Henry has now joined them and he's having a silent battle with Jason to see who can score the most and impress everyone. I sigh shooting a glance to Kai seeing him looking at Jason, he wears a big grin. Kai has always been my favourite friend of Jason's because he's a nice person. He's chill and quiet but he has a small protective side to him that reminds me of Jason. He's a lot like the dad of the group, he keeps Jason in line - most of the time.

I watch carefully as Jason jumps to dunk, he makes it but he's moving slower, stumbling on his feet a little. Everyone looks around confused for a moment. I'm already running to grab a bottle of water before anything else can happen. When I get back I see Jason running to the fire exit. I shoot a glance around seeing a few people on the team are looking concerned but everyone else is chatting in their groups hardly realising what just happened. I run outside seeing him dry heaving. I sigh and rub his back to comfort him but he just pushes me away.

"Don't" he says trying to suck in air but he continues to dry heave. His whole body shakes with the urge to throw up but nothing comes.
"Jason, Maybe we should go to the hospital. Or go home. I knew I should've made you go home" I sigh
"No" he shakes his head standing straight, he plants his hands on his hips and stands taller to try and catch his breath.
"Jason you have cancer, you can't just brush these things off" my voice breaks at the word cancer but it's the reality and I sometimes feel Jason doesn't realise it fully.
"You what-" someone gasps behind me, both me and Jason quickly turn around. Henry Lockwood stands at the door, his mouth open as her stares blankly at Jason.
"You have-"
"Shut up" Jason snaps. He's still wobbling on his feet a little bit but he's no longer dry heaving so that's a good sign.

"Fuck man" Henry says running his fingers through his hair.
"That's why you haven't been playing?" he sighs shaking his head. I see Jason roll his eyes in the corner of my eye, knowing it's not as much of a question more of a fact.
"I don't want your pity, I'm gonna get cleared to play and I'm going beat your ass and get my spot back" Jason says standing taller now. Henry smiles looking back to Jason. The pity clearly faded now as he turns back to his douche bag self.

"I don't pity you" Henry chuckles, smiling again.
"You can try and get your spot back. But the team isn't waiting for you" he shrugs, Henry walks towards the door and walks inside. I see Jason sigh shaking his head.
"Great now he knows" he mumbles. But I'm too worried about Jason right now to care that Henry knows about his cancer.

"Babe maybe we should go" I whisper hugging him softly.
"I just got here" he pushes me away.

Always pushing me away, hardly ever lets me help him. It's always the same with him.

Through sickness and in healthWhere stories live. Discover now