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"Mr Scott, nice of you to join us. You owe me 20 minutes at the end of the day" mr Anderson says as Will walks into English class. He smirks holding the door open as he meets my eyes.
What the fuck is he doing? I watch as another figure walks in behind him, mr Anderson's eyebrows rise in shock as the two guys walk in. I immediately recognise the hoodie when I see the skeleton bones on the back. He throws his bag over the back of his chair taking out his books.
"You got a pen I could borrow babe?" Jason asks turning to face me.
"What the fuck are you doing here? Your not cleared, I know you. Your gonna see the baseball field, see all your teammates and start training again" I whisper shout

"One, I have been cleared. Two, I can handle a few weeks without baseball. And three, I'm not going to sit around whilst Henry Fucking Lockwood try's to steal my spot" he whispers calmly. I'm about to argue back when there's a knock at the door. The principle mrs peters walks in as a boy in a red hoodie follows.
"Speak of the devil" will murmurs from behind us. I catch the twitch in Jason's jaw as he stares at the front. The principle talks to me Anderson as Henry stands there looking bored, finally my Anderson points to where we're sat. Henry smirks walking to the back row where I'm sat and sitting in the seat beside me. I'm now in the middle of my boyfriend and his competition. Great.

"Pen?" Jason says looking at me, I nod my head scrambling to the floor to pick up my bag and pulling out a pen. He gives me a small smile taking it, he doesn't bother to even look at Henry. But I can feel Henry's eyes on me, his eyes are practically burning holes in the side of my head as I try to look anywhere but towards him.
"Mr Parker" Mr anderson says gaining everyone's attention, Jason looks up to the front with a sigh.
"You know the rules, please take your hood down"
"Lockwood has his hood up" Jason argues, Henry shoots Jason a scowl as Jason smirks. Henry clearly knows who Jason is then there's my question answered.
"Both of you" anderson says with a sigh, I feel for the guy. He's a dickhead but my boyfriend and his friends make his job harder than it has to be. With a satisfied smirk Jason pulls his hood down, he still wears his beanie as his blonde waves stick out. He looks hot as hell with his beanie on but it makes me sad seeing that the surgery is something he hides. Not many people know the reason why Jason had been out of school for nearly two weeks. People think he just got injured playing baseball or something. Coach knows, his friends knows and the people at the school who need to know like the principle knows but not all the teachers. Mr Anderson definitely doesn't.

"Mr Parker" he says, his tone becoming irritated now.
"No hats" he clips
"Why it's not distracting my learning or anyone else's?" Jason sighs meeting his eyes again. I feel his leg bouncing next to me and I'm not sure what to do. Jason is usually a pretty confident person, he has no issues arguing back to a teacher or sticking up for anyone.
"You know the rules mr-"
"I'm not taking my beanie off" Jason interrupts turning back to his notes. I sneak a glance to my right seeing the amused look clearly written on his face.
"Mr Parker" mr Anderson sighs walking over to our desk now. Even I'm becoming nervous now.
"Do I need to send you to the principles office?" Mr Anderson says leaning down to meet Jason's eyes on the desk. Jason rolls his eyes standing. He walks out of the classroom into the hallway leaving his bag, just like he wanted, Anderson follows.

I turn around shooting Will a confused look as he just shrugs looking just as amused as Henry did.
"What's up with Parker" Henry asks turning around to meet wills eyes.
"Fuck off" will snaps, Henry laughs turning back to the front.
"Your pretty" he says not bothering to keep quiet.
"Thanks" I clip turning back to the front.
"You know I'm probably gonna be the star pitcher by tomorrow. You should come and watch at practice" Henry smiles, there's something about his arrogant, annoying tone that pisses me off. Jason's sexy when he talks, Henry's  not.
"I don't watch baseball unless my boyfriends playing" I say making sure to emphasise the word boyfriend.
"I could change that" he smirks
"Are you that dense?" Im not longer able to contain my annoyance as I turn to face him. I hear will snicker behind me as Henry shoots him a glare.
"I have a boyfriend. I'm not interested" he's about to say something when Jason walks back in, he wears a full blown smirk on his face as he winks behind me probably at will.
"Dude what'd you do?" Will says leaning across his whole ass table to ask Jason.
"Pulled the tumour card" he whispers
"How the fuck do you do that?" He asks
"Show the shitshow of my head, after he didn't believe me. My Frankenstein of a head shut him up quickly"  Jason rolls his eyes.

I see Mr Anderson walk in, he keeps his head down as he turns back to the front and begins writing on the blackboard again like nothing happened.
I see the confused and aggravated look on Henry's face as he looks from mr Anderson to Jason. Jason's smile only grows as he sees it too knowing he's pissed off Henry by beating him.

"I hope this isn't something that's going to become a common thing" I whisper to Jason
"Fuck no. But there's no way I'm taking the beanie off until my hairs grown back" he whispers linking hands with me under the table.
"It's not something to be embarrassed about babe" I sigh
"I've got a fucking horseshoe on my head, the last thing I need is the whole school finding out about it. I don't want pity, I just want to be normal" he mumbles looking back to the front, ignoring what I just said. He is embarrassed about it, he's insecure, understandable. But it still makes me sad to know that's the way he's feeling.
"I understand that" I nod looking back to the front.

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