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"Jay" will laughs
"Come on man. I wasn't flirting with her" he defends
"Didn't look like that to me" he says
"We were having a friendly banter. We do that doesn't mean I'm attracted to you" will laughs
"Everyone's attracted to me" jay says plainly
"Alright man" will laughs
I can see the flex in Jason's jaw as he stares at will. His hands are balled in fists at his sides looking like he's seconds away from punching Will across the face.
"Babe, come on he's your bestfriend. I'm your girlfriend I wouldn't flirt with Will" I say, I pull on jays shoulder but he just pushes me away.
"Don't talk to me right now" he mumbles

"Oh come on!" I shout, I was trying to be quiet hoping not to draw people's attention but now my blood is boiling and I don't give a shit who heard or sees this.
"You seriously want to act like you haven't spent the past 40 minutes over there flirting with lily!" I yell
"What?" Jay scoffs
"Are you dumb? Or just stupid? Everyone knows lily has the hots for you! Everyone! She's like a lost fucking puppy at your side all night trying to gain your attention and talk to you. But it's clear you like it since you can't seem to move away from her and I don't know, maybe pay some attention to your Fucking girlfriend!" I say slapping my hands at my side in defeat.

"We weren't even flirting. You were the one talking to lily!" I shout
"Don't turn this on me" he says turning to face me now. Everyone had formed a small huddle around us watching the drama unfold.
"Lex come on let's just go" Abbie says pulling on my shoulder.
"No!" I shout
"Maybe you should go" jay sighs running a hand through his hair.
"Sure. Then you can be free to talk to lily some more right? I don't know, I bet she'd happily let you stick your tongue down her throat" I smile crossing my arms.
"Lexie id never do that. Do you really have that little trust in me!" Jason shouts unable to contain his anger.

"You we're looking at her like you were in love with her!" I shout in his face. A tear streams down my cheek for a moment before I quickly wipe it away.
"Jesus Christ lex, I look at you like I'm in love with you!" Jay shouts. Everyone gasps around us and I can't help the small smile pulling at my lips.
"What?" I whisper
"God Lexie I wasn't flirting with lily. And I definitely wasn't looking at her like I was in love with her. I'm in love with you Lexie Thompson" he sighs smiling
"I love you too" I smile. He doesn't waste a second to pull me into him and smashing his lips onto mine. My hands instantly go to his neck and his hair as his goes to my hips.

Most people say kisses like these are fast, rough, quick. But this...it's anything but that. Like we have all the time In the world. It's so passionate, it's hard to explain the heat I feel in my body.
When we finally break away jay rests his forehead against mine. A smile on his lips as he stares into my eyes.

"Are you fucking serious?" I hear lily behind me with her stupid squeaky voice.
"Jason we've clearly been flirting all night we had that talk about baseball" she says pouting like a puppy.
"I talk about baseball with every" he gestures around him, everyone nods their heads.
"Fuck you guys" she mumbles walking away. She doesn't hesitate to mumble 'slut' as she walks past me. I don't bother to fight back ad jay pulls me into him. I see lily look back seeing jay smirk at her then pull me into his and smashing his lips on mine.

He loves me

He. Jason Fucking Parker. Loves. Me

"We should get out of here" Jason whispers
"Agreed" I smile
He doesn't hesitate to pick me up. My legs instantly wrapping around his torso and my arms around his neck as I bury kisses in his neck and along his jaw.

"Yo will your gonna have to grab a ride with one of the guys" Jason shouts
"You can get your truck at school tomorrow!" Jay adds. I don't miss the curse words will throws at jay as he continues to walk up the beach towards the car.
"Hey man I owe you one!" He shouts
"Remember protection!" Will shouts. I burst out laughing, no doubt jay flipping him off as we reach the car.

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