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"Lexie, Katie is outside"
"No Jason today?" Dad asks looking up from his mug.
"He got a ride from one of his friends, he had an early practice" I explain whilst grabbing my bag.
"But he's on chemo" mom says
"And he's going to play the tournament on chemo, so I guess that doesn't matter" I sigh
"That boy is a crazy one" mom laughs
"As long as he listens to his body" I shrug. We all go quiet for a minute,. The kitchen filling with silence.
"Alright I should get going" i clasp my hands and throw my bag over my shoulder.
"Have a great day" mom shouts as I hurry outside

"You took long enough" Katie yells as soon as I've closed the door.
"I'm sorry my parents want to say goodbye to me in the mornings" i deadpan
"Blah blah blah hurry up we're going to be late" Katie grumbles
"What's got you in such a bad mood?" I laugh throwing my bag in the backseat and jumping into the passenger seat.
"This stupid fucking day. It's pointless" she grumbles


"This school is so depressing" Katie grumbles slamming her locker door shut.
"What's wrong with her?" Abbie whispers
"Valentine's Day has got her in a poop mood" I smile with my thumb down and pouting my bottom lip.
"Stop mocking me, you have a boyfriend and everything and I just have-"
"Are you shitting me? I can't even rant without being-" Abbie gasps putting her hands on my shoulder as we watch Katie turn around. She's waving her hands about but she stops herself by slapping her hand over her mouth when she meets Will standing behind her holding flowers.

All the baseball jocks are lined up wearing t shirts. Each one of them have a letter on their shirt spelling out valentines?
"Katie" Abbie whisper shouts snapping Abbie out of her thoughts. A big grin spreads across wills face, all the jocks laugh quietly.
"Y-yes of course I'll be your valentines" Katie laughs. Everyone cheers as Will picks her up and kisses her.
"So much for hating valentines" Abbie mumbles next to me.
"You'll find one" I laugh

A hand wraps around mine and pulls me out.
"What are you-" the door slams shut and I'm pinned against it. I'm about to scream when the light is flicked on and I'm met with none other than Jason Parker with those stupid eyes with amusement sparkling in them.
"Jason what the fu-"
"As much as I love your colourful language, there is no need to drop the f bomb on me" he grins
"You mother-" he cuts me off by putting his hand over my mouth.
"Babe" he laughs. I put my hands up in surrender making him laugh but he takes his hand off jay mouth.

"Happy valentines" he smiles, he holds up a bouquet of tulips which makes me shut my mouth really quickly.
"Jason" I mumble
"I love you. I'm sorry I've been distant and down recently. I'm sorry, your the light of my life and I love you. Thank you for caring so fucking much about me" he whispers, his hands go into my hair and his lips kiss my forehead.
"We're too young right now and I'm most definitely not ready. But your the light of my life and my heart is yours. I promise myself to you, this ring you will wear on your finger until the day I can replace it" he says. Tears are streaming down my face and when he opens the ring box I cant help but let out a cry.

"Will your be my valentine, lex Thompson?" He smiles.
"Of course" I choke out. He brings me into his arms holding me so tightly I think I might snap but I couldn't care less. Because I thought that I couldn't possibly live this boy more than I already did but now I do. I love him so much that I think if I were to lose him I would die with him.
"I promise myself to you, until the day I replace this ring and this moment with the rest of our lives" he whispers with his forehead leaning against mine. He puts the ring on my right ring finger and kisses my hand.

"Oh babe your crying" he laughs wiping my tears with his thumb.
"I hate you for making me ruin my mascara" and for the first time in a while, Jason laughs. A real laugh, there's a light in his eyes that I haven't seen in a while.
"Your the one that started crying" Jason grins
"I love you"
"I love you more Lexie Thompson" his lips crash onto mine, it's passionate and slow and everything and more than what I imagined.


"Let me see!" Abbie squeals rubbing over to me
"How did you find out?" I laugh holding out my hand to her.
"Please, everyone has seen the ring or heard you talking about it with people or heard Jason's friends joking about you two being engaged. The question is who doesn't know?" She mumbles, she's holding my hand right up to her face that I'm tempted to slap her or boop her nose.
"It's pretty" she sighs
"The meaning behind it is even better"
"Lexie" Abbie sighs looking at me.
"Stop. I know what your going to say, don't say it. Don't you dare say it, don't ruin this day for me" I shake my head softly.
"I'm not going to. I'm just thinking it, because I think we've all thought of it once or twice" she whispers
"You don't think I haven't?" I ask, my voice breaking
"I think you've thought of it the most" she says
"Your gonna make me cry for the wrong reason this time" I shake my head, squeezing my eyes shut.
"I'm sorry lex" she sighs pulling me into her and hugging me tightly.
"It truly is a beautiful ring, and you are a beautiful couple" she whispers, she runs her hand through my hair making me crunch my face.
"What?" She laughs when she sees my face
"Don't. Touch my hair" I glare at her
"You let your boyfriend run his grubby hands through your hair!" She argues
"He's my boyfriend" I shrug
"So? You still have to tell me what hair products you use" she says. I shake my head and laugh walking down the hall to find my grubby handed boyfriend
"Lexie Thompson!" She yells

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