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"Don't go" Jay says pulling my wrist back to him making me laugh.
"Your getting released today  babe. I'll come over after school" I smile kissing his forehead.
"Lex please. Don't leave me with her she's still pissed at me" he says giving me puppy dog eyes. Damn him and those eyes.
"Babe I've already missed a day of school you have an excuse I don't" I sigh
"It's only Tuesday" he yawns
"I know but I really can't miss school. I'm here for you and I'm supporting you through this. I'll come straight over to your house after school" I smile kissing him.

"Bring ice cream?" He asks. I laugh nodding.
"Chocolate?" I ask
"You know the usual" he smiles
"God your so boring"
"Mint choc chip is gross!" He defends
"There are so many different flavours!"
"But chocolate is so original it's the best" he smiles
"I need to ask you something" I sigh sitting on his bed and taking his hands.
"What's that?" He smiles
"So we both missed school yesterday. The guys are gonna be asking questions maybe other people. I was just wondering-"
"If I want you to tell them that I have a brain tumour or not" he sighs in understanding.
"Yeah" I nod

"I don't know. I mean Will doesn't even know. But they're my guys they should know especially since I'm not gonna be able to play baseball for a little bit after surgery" he sighs
"So you want me to tell them?" I ask
"If they bring it up you can tell them I have a brain tumour. God I hate saying it" he mumbles
"I know babe" I smile
"It's just something we have to deal with and overcome together" I sigh kissing his cheek
"Alright I should go"
"Bye babe" he says. I get up to leave but I quickly find myself back in his arms, his chest shakes as he laughs and kisses my head.
"I'm gonna text you" I whisper
"I expect a text every hour with a full summary of your classes" he smiles

"I love you" i scrunch my face when he kissed my nose making him laugh.
"I love you more. Now go or your not gonna leave" he laughs

Walking out the hospital makes it seem so surreal. My boyfriend has a brain tumour and needs brain surgery, which means I'm going to be here a bit with him. But that only makes me want to be by his side and support him.


"Hey girl" Katie smiles slinging her arm over my shoulder. Abbie joins linking her arms with mine.
"Why weren't you in yesterday? You didn't answer your phone all day" Abbie asks
"And why is your face puffy? Have you been crying?" Katie asks. Both the girls are staring at me, I can't help the tears that sting behind my eyes threatening to come spilling out.

"Sorry ladies but I need to borrow Lexie for a minute" a voice says yanking me away from the girls.
"Yo where's my boy at? We've got practice later, he's coming right?" Three sets of eyes stare at me, I feel as if they could burn holes into my head.
"Lexie what aren't you telling us?" Wills soft voice registers making me look up at him. His face is so soft, I can tell he's trying to read me.
"It's bad isn't it" he whispers
"The headaches and the throwing up wasn't just a stomach bug or him being sick" I sigh
"They took him for some tests...the mri came back showing a tumour" my voice breaks saying out loud. I promised Jason I wouldn't hide my feelings from him but it's hard not to feel guilty for crying when I'm not the one with the brain tumour and he's handling it like a champ.

"As in a brain tumour?" Cooper says, I squeeze my eyes shut nodding my head. Before I know it I'm being pulled into a chest.
"Fuck!" Someone yells slamming their hand into the locker. I already know it's Kai. He's sweet but he's a lot like jay, he has a temper but he also worries a lot.
"So what happens now?" Cooper asks, I pull away from wills chest giving him a sympathetic smile.
"Brain surgery to remove it. They're going to biopsy the tumour and see if it's cancerous after" I sigh
"Shit" cooper says running a hand through his hair.
"Does he want to see us?" Will asks
"He's going home today. He should be at home by 11. If you wanna come to his house after practice I'm sure he'd be up for it. His moms been driving him crazy" I laugh

"Do me a favour" I sigh
"For Jason's sake don't tell the rest of the team yet, or anyone else for that matter. I'm sure he doesn't want it spreading around the school and he probably needs to tell coach before the rest of the team. He said I could tell you guys but he was hesitant" they all nod pulling me into them and giving me hugs. I don't know how I'm going to get through the day now that it's all back at the surface again.

"You got it. We'll be over later as soon as we can. look after our boy" cooper says ruffling my hair. I laugh and nod. Once they split I decide to skip first period and freshen up. My whole face is even puffier and my eyes are red, thank god I didn't wear mascara today.


"Hey babe how are you -"
"When are you coming over?" I hear Jason's groggy voice over the phone, a smile instantly falls on my face.
"Soon, I'm getting in my car as we speak" I say throwing my bag in the back of my car, I set my phone up on speaker as I buckle my seatbelt.
"And your coming straight over?" He asks
"After I get you the ice cream I promised" I laugh
"Forget the ice cream just come over" he says hurriedly.
"What's wrong? Has something happened?" I ask starting to drive to his house now. It's about a 15 minute drive from the school.
"That's the thing nothing has happened I'm so fucking bored here" Jason groans over the phone. He's always been an active person since we started dating, he needs to be doing something at all times. he can't sit still for 5 minutes let alone be on bed rest for the day as his mom smothers him.

"Just put on a movie or close your eyes for a bit. I'll be over soon" I sigh stopping when I see the amount of traffic.
"Max hasn't left my side I should let him out anyways" he says
"Alright babe"
"I'll see you soon?"
"Yeah love you" I smile
"Love you too" he hangs up the phone, I suddenly feel a weighted silence. I hate when that happens.

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