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"Maybe we should just talk about it" I whisper to jay as he pulls up to the school parking lot and parks in wills usual spot. Just like we predicted will is leaning against the school, arms folded and waiting for us to arrive. Or more like him to see his baby and make sure we didn't scratch it in the two drives we used it for.
"Later" jay say leaning into the back and grabbing both our backpacks then kissing me on the cheek.

"Will, chill there's not a scratch on it" jay says as Will comes running up to his car
"You guys didn't fuck in my backseat did you?" Will says glaring at Jay
"What no we didn't" jay sighs
"I'm gonna go catch up with the guys I'll see you in English" jay smiles kissing me on the cheek
"Love you" he adds with a teeth grin. He was telling me a lot last night, how much he loved me, explaining how good it felt to finally tell me.

"So how was your night then?" Will asks shoving me in the side.
"Fine" I shrug taking a bite out of my granola bar
"Define fine" he says snatching it from my hand and taking a bite out of it leaving me a quarter of it.
"Jay started throwing up again" I mumble, suddenly not hungry for the granola bar so I hand it back to Will.
"I spent the whole of last night with my back to the bathroom door trying to get him to unlock it so I could help him" I hadn't realised I was crying until Will pulled me into his chest.
"If he's not better then he can't play the game tonight" I sigh
"Woah you know we need him he's our best pitcher" Will argued
"I know" I sigh

"Maybe we should call his mom" I mumble into his chest.
"No way. you know how he feels about disturbing his mom when she's at work" will says
"So what? He hasn't been very well for nearly two weeks now. Something is off. And it wouldn't be disturbing her work if she didn't leave her 17 year old son at home alone!" I whisper yell
"I know she isn't the best mom but she tries" he sighs
"Yeah when you say she tries you mean she leaves 1500 hundred bucks on the side for her son to pay for groceries and whatever he needs. She pays the bills and shit but she only calls her son once a week"
"Yeah I know" will says
"I'll talk to him" I mumble pulling away from his chest and wiping my eyes.


"Hey girl" Katie smiles throwing her arm over my shoulder. Abbie follows putting her arm over my other shoulder now surrounded by my two best friends.
"Can I help you?" I laugh
"Your not gonna tell us details of last night?" Abbie says
"What!" I smile
"Oh come on your boyfriend told you he loves you after you got into a big argument and you have no details to spill?" Katie scoffs
"Like what?" I laugh lifting my water to my mouth.
"Like the mind blowing sex you had?" She says, my water goes down the wrong tube making me choke and cough.
"Damn" Abbie mumbles
"Yeah I'm not talking about this with you two" I laugh

"I gotta go make a phone call" I smile to the guys hurrying outside. Abbie is my ride back home since I drove with jay this morning in wills car. I haven't been able to shake this guilty feeling all day. I pull out my phone dialling Jessica's number.

After two rings she picks up.
"Hey!" Her cheerful voice makes me smile. Jays sister has always been like a sister to me. Being an only child is lonely and I wish I had a sibling.

However Jay and Jessica didn't always grow up together. Jay doesn't speak to his dad because he bailed on him. He was 11 but Jessica was 19, she had already formed a relationship with her dad and was always close with him. When he left jay and his mom she was already at college so she wasn't there to watch the fallout of her mom and dad divorcing. But jay did.

"You have to come and visit soon the pair of you. I'm sure Luke would love to hang out with Jay again" she says
"Jess I uh-"
"Lexie what's wrong?" Her tone goes quiet now. Like she's catching on to the fact that I'm not calling for a nice chat I'm calling for a specific reason.
"Oh god you haven't broke up have you?" She gasps

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