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"How are we feeling this morning?" I smile walking into Jason's room. Wills on the couch with Katie in his arms, I guess they really hit it off last night.
"Tired" Katie says sticking her hand up and waving at me from the couch. I laugh handing her a cup of coffee from the tray, I give will orange juice since I highly doubt he's a coffee type of person. Then Jason.
"Chemo today" I say, climbing on top of him. He's quick to wrap his arms around me clearly ignoring the chemo part.
"Good morning, beautiful" I smile this time smothering him in kisses. Jason glares at me because of the nickname and I smile.

"still here" will shouts from the couch
"You had sex in my living room fuck off" Jason grumbles.
"You gave me a fucking condom!" Will argues, me and Katie both break out laughing, Jason pushes my head into the pillow to shut me up but I keep laughing anyway.
"You could've done it in any other room! Maybe one I don't go in, everyday" Jason says clearly unamused by this
"My bad bro" will laughs
"Fuck you"

"Babe, it's 9am" I whisper kissing him again,
"Yeah, yeah" he sighs pulling himself to sit up. He throws his legs off the bed and stands.
"Max" he sighs, I smile watching as max scrambles off the bed and walks to Jason's side, his tongue hanging out and smiling.
"What's up with him?" Katie asks after Jason walks out.
"The fuck you mean, dudes always like that" will says looking at Katie like she's stupid.
"Okay true" she laughs
"He's got to take his first chemo pill at 9:30" I say, I slip out of bed, throwing my hair in a messy bun then walk downstairs.
"Im making waffles" I shout up to Will and Katie.


"This is it" I say putting the first pill of Jason's cycle in his hand. It's crazy how important these pills are, it came in a few bags and a trash can to dispose of the stuff in. It's because it's dangerous stuff, it's killing cancer cells and other cells in your body.
"It's just a pill" Jason shrugs
"It's gonna work" I whisper hugging his side.
"It better, I'm putting fucking poison in my body. You seen the side affects of this shit?" Jason says looking straight at me. I sigh but nod handing him a bottle of water. He takes the pill easily, then sits at the island. For some reason I thought it would be...more. Harder. It seems like taking a simple pill is too easy.



It's day 3 of the chemo medication, everything has gone smoothly until I woke up at 5am this morning to Jason throwing up.

"Hey Lexie" Katie smiles hugging me. It's in between third period and I'm standing by my locker.
"Hey how is he, did he show?" I've been getting my friends to update me on Jason all day. I'm not in any of his classes today meaning I can't keep an eye on him.
"He really went at it with mr Gallagher full blown argument with him. Even called him a Shitty teacher to his face" she laughs
"It was very amusing" Katie nods smiling
"Where's the fuck face now" I roll my eyes, Jason's done so well keeping out of trouble. A few months ago he was at risk of being suspended for the third time maybe even expelled if he wasn't careful but he got his act together once they threatened to take him off the team. Now that he's no longer able to play he's got nothing to lose in his eyes.

"Principals office, last time I checked. That was like 30 minutes ago though" she says
"How's he doing anyways?"
"First two rounds were fine apparently, this morning he started throwing up, the third dose he took just before school is probably starting to kick his ass by now" I sigh
"Shit" she mumbles. I just nod leaning against my locker.
"Hey are you working tonight?" She asks
"Yup" I nod
"Great see you there" she smiles before walking away. I've had a job at a grocery store for a few months now, it's easy money and flexible shifts. I haven't gone to work for a while, I'm not even sure why they haven't fired me yet, it started as a summer job but it's October now.


"Jason!" I shout locking his door behind me as I walk in, max runs over to me with his tongue out and smiling.
"Hey buddy" I smile scratching behind his ears. I set the take out food I brought on the kitchen counter and let max outside. After work I went home and packed a bag to sleep over again. I hate the thought of Jason being home alone when he's on chemo especially.
"Jason?" I walk around the house looking in all the rooms. He's not in his room, or anything.
"Jason?" I get to the one room I've never been in before and open it. It's at the back of the house, a guest bedroom. The door creaks open, tears sting the back of my eyes at the new sight.

Jason's sat on the floor in the corner of the room, a bunch of pictures laid out in front of him. His shirtless body is hunched over and shaking. I hear small whimpers coming from him, then I realise. He's crying.

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