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"Jay!" I laugh hitting his shoulders and trying to break free out of his grasp.
"Come on were supposed to be studying" I groan. He slams me onto my bed coming down on top of me and kissing me.
"Jay" I mumble, my fingers travel up to his neck than into his hair. He groans as I start pulling on the strands but doesn't release me. Then there's a knock on the door.
"Shit" he says pulling away. I slap my hand over my mouth trying to cover my laugh when he tumbled onto the floor.
"Come in" I say through a laugh.

"Hey kids" mom smiles
"Jason are you hungry? I could heat up a bowl of the spaghetti" she offers
"Thank you Mrs Thompson, but I'm good" he smiles
"Any chocolate pudding?" She asks looking at both of us.
"Yes please" I smile. She laughs nodding her head.
"Alright, you can come and join me and your dad" she says walking out.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask crawling onto the floor. Jay smiles lifting his head and pulling me into his lap.
"Everything's great" he says kissing my cheek.
"Jay" I mumble trying to pull away.
"You don't want this?" He asks looking up at me.
"Jay" I whisper
He slams his lips onto mine as I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Jay chocolate pudding" I smile
"Come on they're going to be wondering where we are" I sigh

"Lex" he mumbles as I slide off his lap.
"Lexie" he laughs pulling on my arm.
"What?" I smile
"We can't go down there...I can't go down there" he says
"Why not?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows
I watch as he gestures his hands down, my eyes follow seeing a prominent bulge in his pants.
"Oh" I whisper, I bite my lip trying to contain my laugh.
"Stop looking!" He shouts
"I'm sorry. I just-" I break out laughing
"Stop laughing" he groans throwing a pillow at me.
"Okay okay" I smile trying to calm myself.
"But if you don't go down their they're gonna know something is up" I sigh
"Something is up!" He shouts. I break out laughing and push the pillow into my face.
"Okay that was my fault" he smiles
"I'll go down there and just say your into studying. I'll bring the chocolate pudding back up here" I say
"Okay" he smiles pecking me on the lips before sitting back on the floor.

I can't help the smile that's on my face as I walk downstairs.
"Hey mom" I smile
"Where's Jason?" Dad asks sitting at the table
"Is it okay if we eat the chocolate pudding upstairs? I just got him to actually study without complaining" I laugh
"Sounds like Jason" mom laughs
"Love you guys" I smile, I kiss both of them on the cheek before walking into the kitchen and grabbing two chocolate puddings and spoons.

"Hey babe" I smile walking back into my room. I see jay lying on the floor on his back.
"You good?" I laugh, I sit on the floor next to him rubbing my hand on his stomach.
"What's wrong?" I smile kissing his cheek.
"Just tired" he answers
"All that practice for baseball " he adds
"You have been working your ass off" I smile
"Shit pays off though" he says

I lean against the bottom of the bed and start eating my chocolate pudding. I can't seem to shake the feelings that jay isn't saying something. Something is bothering him.
"Alright I'm gonna go home" he sits up pecking my cheek.
"Thank you for the pudding Mrs Thompson. See you later Mr Thompson" I hear jay say as he walks downstairs..


"Yo Thompson! Where's Parker?" I watch as Will waves me over to the group he's standing with. The baseball jocks. I've grown to know a few of the guys in the group, the guys that are closest to Jay. Will is his bestfriend, ever since they were kids. He's known Jay longer than I have. They're complete opposites. Jay isn't the nicest person, he's a lover for sure, a romantic. But he's not the nicest, all his childhood trauma fucked him up, not that I blame him. The first time we met he definitely wasn't my favourite person.

His dad married his mom for money, his mom comes from a very wealthy family. But once he found another woman who was equally as wealthy he didn't hesitate to leave. Leaving his 11 year old son with his work should mom, who also struggles with drinking. His older sister Jessica was 19 at the time. Already in college and thriving.

Whenever his mom isn't working, she's drinking. After jays dad left he started blaming himself. He thought he wasn't good enough. When he was 14 he ended up in hospital because he was overworking himself. He fell into depression after that. He's struggled ever since with depression.

"Hey" I sigh walking over to will. Kai and cooper stand with him. They're the only 3 I really know out of the group.
"Where's Jason?" Kai asks me
"I'm not sure he said he'd meet me outside home room this morning" I shrug
"It's third period" cooper says
"Dang I was hoping I'd miss fourth" it doesn't take me more than two seconds to register that voice. Arms wrap around my waist and pick me up, then lips come smashing on mine.
"Fuck dude too much you forget we're here" will says. I laugh pulling away as jay rolls his eyes.
"Maybe fuck off then so I can kiss my girlfriend" jay says
"Alright dude just don't be late to practice. You know we need you" will says slapping jay on the head and walking off to class.
"Hey fuck you!" Jay shouts flipping the guys off as they continue walking and laugh.

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