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December 26th

"Hey mom" I smile walking into the kitchen. Yesterday was Christmas and it was hectic. My cousins, aunt and uncle came over. As well as my grandparents later on in the day. I got everything I asked for being; new clothes, makeup I wanted and books I can't wait to read. I've recently been getting into reading a lot more, now I have a bookshelf full of books in the corner of my room.
"Hey honey, you heading over to Jason's?" She asks walking over to me. I nod hugging her quickly before walking opening my hand. She laughs putting the keys in my hand and kissing my forehead.
"Drive safe" she says, i roll my eyes taking the bag from the counter that has Jason's gifts in them and walk to the door. Just as I'm about to open the door the door opens making me take a step back.
"Oh sorry Lexie" dad says walking inside
"Off to Jason's?" He asks
"Bye dad" I nod walking past him


"And how is my favourite boy doing?" I smile walking into Jason's room. Max looks up at me from the bed with his tongue sticking out, I laugh scratching behind his ears and kissing the top of his head.
"I'm offended" Jason says walking out from the bathroom.
"I haven't seen him in ages!" I squeal when max starts licking and barking at me. After I finish giving max a lot of cuddles I love onto the bed and lie next to Jason. He's got his eyes closed but I can tell he's still awake because his eyes are flickering.
"You okay my love?" I whisper kissing his cheek.
"I'm great" he nods. His eyes shoot open like he's just had a thought then he pulls himself up from the bed.
"I have a present for you" he says seeing the question on my face. I smile sitting up on the bed and grabbing his gift bag from the floor. He walks back in from his closet with a gift bag in his hand.

"You didn't have to get me anything" I sigh but don't argue taking the gift bag from him.
"Of course I did" he laughs
"It's not much, though" he says watching carefully as I open the bag and pull out a box.
There's a handwritten card in the bag as well as roses. In the box I find a necklace with an engraved date on it.
"It's the date of when we first started dating" he explains taking the beautiful necklace from my hand, I move my hair out of the way so he can put the necklace on for me.
"Thank you my love. I love it" I smile kissing him
"There's more" he smiles reaching to his bedside table. He pulls out a box and hands it to me. When I take it from him I can't help but gasp.

It's a clear box with roses in it, a ticket from when we went to the movies together and pictures of us; there's pictures of us on the beach, in front of the fire, my birthday. I can't help the tears that prick my eyes when I look up at him.
"I love it" I smile, he laughs leaning over and wiping the single tear that's dripped down my cheek and kissing the tear marks that it left on my cheek before kissing me on the lips.

Next up is him to open my present. I got him new hoodies, so I can steal. His favourite cologne and mine too. Then he gets to the main present. It's a book filled with pictures of us. Ah adventure book. It has all of our favourite moments in it and the most special moments. Then he gets to the final present. This is the present I've been the most anxious about. He unwraps it slowly, I'm unable to read the emotion on his face when he opens it.
"Lex" he mumbles. He picks it up from the wrapping paper, getting a closer look at it.

It's a picture of him in the hospital just before his surgery. He was high on medication and close to falling asleep. I'm lying next to him, a tear sliding down my cheek as I lean over and kiss his cheek.  It's a vulnerable picture but it shows the biggest moment in my life and his. The moment his life changed forever and the moment I realised my heart was in trouble. But also the moment I vowed to protect my heart with everything I had.

The moment I vowed to take care of Jason through sickness and in health.

Through sickness and in healthWhere stories live. Discover now