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"Hey Jessica!" I quickly walk into the house seeing her standing in front of the stove. Luke sits on a stool at the island feeding ivy as she giggles. Jessica's smile quickly drops seeing me out of breath and panicked.
"Is he okay?" She asks, she makes it to the front door watching as Jason pushes Kai and cooper away.
"I don't need your help I can stand on my own two legs" Jason insists swatting Kai's arm away.
"He felt dizzy. We caught him at practice, all he did was bat a few balls. He was amazing" I say to Jessica, she smiles sadly nodding her head and walking over to her brother threading an arm through his. He's a few inches taller than her, so he leans his head against hers as they walk into the house. They whisper to each other as all the guys walk into the living room and collapse on the couch. I'm not sure whether I should follow or stay out so I just walk into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water.

10 minutes later Jessica walks into the kitchen, she sighs walking over to me and hugging me tightly.
"He's refusing to take any medication but he's fine. He's lying in bed watching outer banks, I called mom she's on her way home and she's going to call the doctor and see if he needs to come in for a check up" I nod my head, relieved as I pull away.
"Should I go see him?" I mumble, she smiles laughing.
"I think he'd like that"


"Mom called, hospital called earlier. She was gonna wait until she got home to tell you. Biopsy results are on Sunday, the doctor said you might've just overworked yourself too soon. If it continues you have to tell us and he will take a look on Sunday" Jessica smiles, Jason simply nods next to me. I can't tell if he's nervous or happy or what.
"Okay now can you get out?" Jason mumbles unpausing the tv.
"Okay 'thank you Jessica, love you' oh yeah love you too bro!" She smiles walking out. Jason rolls his eyes as I attempt to contain my laughter.
"She's not funny" he says scrunching up his face.
"Little bit" I whisper, I gasp dramatically at the middle finger that's stuck in my face elbowing him in the ribs making him groan.
"That wasn't needed" he growls coming down on top of me and pinning my hands above my head.
He comes down tickling me making me scream and laugh.
"Jason stop!" I laugh kicking, he smiles above me continuing to kick me.
"Stop!" I laugh,  tears drip down my cheeks from laughing so hard.
"Why are you crying?" He smiles finally stopping.
"I hate being ticked" I mumble crossing my arms.
"You baby" he laughs kissing my cheek.
"Shut up" I whisper
"What was that?" He says lifting his head looking at me straight in the eyes.
"Nothing!" I laugh as his lips smash onto mine.

This is the Jason I love

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