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"Katie where are you?" I narrow my eyes looking at Katie on the phone screen. She had her phone really close to her face so I can't see the surroundings, but that doesn't do anything since there's music blasting all around.
"Yo Jason, someone's gone upstairs!" I recognise coopers voice in the background and roll my eyes. I knew Jason was having a 'small' party tonight. I thought it would just be the baseball team. You know, a group of guys watching movies, playing video games, arguing and eating. That's all they seem to do. Eat, talk, eat, video games, eat, baseball, sleep. When Jason invited me I said I was going to have a chill night because I wasn't really in the mood to hang out with a bunch of guys.
"How many people are at this party?" I ask Katie seeing her sympathetic look she shoots me.
"Like the whole school?" She shrugs taking a quick sip of her drink from her red cup.
"Make sure no one spikes your drink, there's weirdos who show up. Be safe, you better not be making out with Will when I get there" I roll my eyes pulling myself up from my bed.

Luckily I hadn't gotten changed into my pyjamas yet. It's my boyfriend's house, my jeans and crop top will do fine. I end the call and slip on my airforces before heading downstairs.
"Hey mom, I'm heading over to Katie's if that's okay?" I ask walking into the living room where mom and dad sit.
"Are you sleeping over?" She asks
"I don't want you driving that late" dad interrupts shooting me a warning glare.
"Yes I'm sleeping over, keys?" I ask looking at them with soft eyes. Mom rolls her eyes as dad digs in his pocket chucking me his keys.
"Thank you, love you" I kiss them both in the cheek before walking out to the car and turning on the heating. My phone dings in The cup holder making me quickly take a look.

Lily is flirting with your man again,
he's hammered

"Fuck Jason" I mumble pulling out of the driveway. Technically Jason shouldn't be drinking right now, or atleast drinking too much considering he just got off chemo yesterday. I'm not exactly sure if the rules on drinking with cancer.


When I walk into the house it's lit up in bright colours. Music plays through the whole house as people are scattered all over. It's no secret that Jason Parker throws one of the best parties, meaning loads of people come to his parties. I walk into the living room seeing Will and Katie nowhere to be found. Half the baseball team are in here making out with girls, I assume the rest are probably fucking a girl somewhere or making out with another girl somewhere else like usual.

My eyes catch onto Henry sat on the couch, a red cup in one hand, phone in the other looking bored. Then I see Jason.

He's sat on another couch opposite Henry, three girls are around him, giggling and smiling. He looks bored as he sits there not paying any of the girls any attention. I watch as he shoves his way through the barricade of girls surrounding him and walks into the kitchen and pours himself another drink.

"Ah I think you've had enough" Will beats me to it taking the red cup from his hands and flicking him on the nose.
"Fuck you" Jason scoffs going for the drink, I take that as my cue and walk over, covering his eyes with my hands.
"Guess who" I smile behind him
"Fuckk offf cooper" Jason slurs
"Babe" I laugh walking to stand in front of him. A big grin spreads across his face. He catches me off guard when he grabs me by my cheeks and smashes his lips onto mine. It's quick and rushed, his breath is laced with alcohol explaining the sloppy kiss and loose arms.
"God I can't watch this" will mumbles, I laugh breaking apart seeing him still standing here.

"I'm gonna put him to bed, don't ruin the house" I roll my eyes. Will flips me off as I take Jason's hand and lead him upstairs. People know better than to have sex in Jason's house by now. Every party I've ever been to I've always heard 5 of the guys on the team walk around and not so politely knock on the doors.

"I'm giving you 10 seconds to put your clothes on before I kick your gross asses out and expose you!" I was looking for Jason and ran into Eli and the gang. Ollie holds a devious smile on his face as he holds condom packets in his hands.
"1...2...10" the door slams open, I see a couple rushing to out their clothes on. I don't miss how Eli licks his lips looking her up and down. Ollie tosses the guy a condom on their way out mumbling 'do it somewhere else' as they walk past.

When I finally found Jason he was in the movie basement playing video games. He asked the guys if they had done their job meaning 'have you checked every room in my house for people who are about to fuck?' Everyone now knows about the gang that goes around and now no one fucks in Jason's house unless it's a quickie in the bathroom.

"Babe you have to help me here" I sigh dragging Jason up the stairs. I see Sam and the other gang coming back down and nod to Jason as a silent plea for help. They laugh as cooper walks over, throwing Jason over him should he carries him up the endless amount of stairs into his room.
"I-I'm gonna puke" Jason mumbles dangling over Coopers shoulder but making no effort to move.

When we get there max springs up from his bed and jumps onto Jason's bed licking his face as coopers set him down.

"Babe your breath stinks" he mumbles, the guys laugh watching him in his drunken state. All of a sudden his eyes shoot open as he scrambled into the bathroom, followed by gagging noises.

"I got it" Eli sighs walking in and closing the door. The guys are extremely protective over Jason recently I've noticed. It makes me thankful for the group of friends he has, I look over at the bathroom door feeling the need to go in and comfort him.
"You don't wanna do that, dude will be killing himself tomorrow for letting you see him in that state. Or killing us more likely" Tommy says as if he just read my mind. I sigh but nod waiting for the sound of the toilet to flush.

When it finally comes Eli walks out, a disgusted look on his face but he nods at me. I notice hes holding a wet towel in his hand with a defeated look on his face and laugh quietly to myself knowing Jason probably refused help. I walk in seeing Jason's brushing his teeth, he seems to have sobered up a little bit now.

"Your boyfriends an asshole" Eli says behind me. I turn around and look at him seeing amusement in Jason's eyes as Eli glares at him.
"Even drunk he's a stubborn bastard who can't accept help" he mumbles walking out.

"Good luck, Lexie!" Ollie shouts, all of the guys walk out followed by the click of the door shutting. Jason stumbles past me walking to bed, when he finally reaches it he doesn't waste time to get under the covers and snuggle up to max. Within 3 minutes he's out cold.

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