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"Lexie Thompson!" Katie and Abbie are storming through the hallways towards me when they shout my name in unison. I can feel everyone's attention on me already and it's only Monday. We've barely been back at school for two weeks and I'm already drained. Where did Christmas break go?
"Hey girls" i muster a smile, going back to rummaging through my locker and looking for that 5 dollar bill i definitely left in there before break.
"You quit your job?" Katie asks looking at me. I roll my eyes, this is what they are mad about?
"Yeah. I don't need it, I only picked it up because I had extra time in the summer and I was going shopping a lot" I chuckle. Abbie plants her hands on her hips looking at me.
"And you couldn't have told us? I had to work with-"
"Excuse me but I need to borrow Lexie for a moment" Abbie is cut off by the sound of coopers voice. I never thought there would be a time in my life where I would be grateful for Jason's baseball friends but right now I am grateful for cooper.
"Lexie you can't just quit and not tell us!" Katie shouts as cooper pulls me away.

"I can walk myself" I roll my eyes pulling my arm out of his grip.
"Sorry to interrupt your girl talk" he smiles at me, amusement clear in his eyes.
"Don't be, you saved me from their wrath" I laugh. Two other people walk over and now I'm surrounded by three baseball jocks. Great.
"What do you guys wants then?" I sigh crossing my arms.
"Parker. Where is he? He hasn't been at school all of last week. He's missed training which is not a good thing and not like jay" will says. Three pairs of eyes burn into me and I start to feel hot. Why is it me that they always ask? Jason does have a house. And a phone.

"I haven't seen much of Jason recently. We text all the time but I haven't gone over much because I've been helping my parents redecorate" I explain.
"Redecorate" cooper says staring at me blankly.
"Yeah we hired a decorator that can paint but can't put up wallpaper so we decided to do it ourselves" I shrug
"So basically you hired a painter" Kai points out
"Yes Kai we hired a shit decorator who can't wallpaper so he's basically a painter" I sigh rolling my eyes. The three boys stare at me blankly and I wonder why on earth jason is friends with them. But then I remember Jason is exactly the same as these 3 bozos. Maybe even worse.

"Back to Parker" will says
"Oh my god! Go to his house! Text him, call him!" I shout already walking away.


"Jason" I shout dropping my keys on the side table. I hear a scratching noise through the house, when I get the the kitchen I see max scratching the patio doors. He's locked outside.
"Poor buddy" I sigh opening the back door. There's supposed to be a storm later, how could Jason let him outside then forget he's there?
I give max a quick cuddle and a few kisses before walking upstairs.
"Jason, you left max-"
"Just get out! Why the fuck are you even here!" Jason yells cutting me off. I stop in my tracks. Jason doesn't know I'm here, who's here?

But then it hits me.

"I'm going through a rough time at home" jack sighs
"So you come here to ruin my day too? great" Jason mumbles. I roll my eyes and walk around the corner to Jason's room. Jack looks at me, a smile forming in his face.
"Hey" I smile awkwardly walking in. Jason's head snaps up, relief clearly washing over him.
"Thank god your here" he grumbles shooting jack a glare.
"I'm sorry I didn't realise you two were talking. I can give you guys some space" I'm looking between Jason and jack, the air thick with tension.

"That would be nice" jack smiles
"No she stays" Jason says. Jack looks at me and I feel even more awkward. But then the front door slams catching all of our attention.
"Jason I'm home!" Melissa shouts. And Jason's already rushing past me and storming downstairs before I can even blink.

I can sense the argument coming already. Because when I walk outside Jason's room I spot the thing I missed. 2 suitcases.

"Jacks moving in for a little bit" I hear Melissa say when I round the corner.

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