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"So your saying I'm not welcome here?" Jason asks looking at me with a confused look.
"What? No, of course you are. I'm just saying maybe you should go home for a little bit" I sigh
"Why would I do that when I could stay here with you? Your parents love me" Jason smiles rolling over to me. He pulls me towards him  and starts peppering kisses all over my neck.
"Jason" I smile pushing him away. When I look at him he's pouting with his bottom lip and staring at me with puppy eyes.
"You start your increased dose of chemo soon. I'm just saying it would be good for you to go home, you know maybe sleep in your own bed. And possibly talk to your dad. The longer you put it off the more it's going to build up" I explain. He mumbles some incoherent things sitting up because he knows I'm right but he just walks over to my desk and takes a seat.

"What are you doing?" I laugh sitting up and walking over to him.
"Ignoring you" he shrugs
"What, why?" I smile
"Because I hate when your right" he mumbles going through my draws.
"But I am right. We both know this" I smile
"I hate you" he grumbles pushing me away when I go to kiss him
"You love me" I smile
"Shut up" he pouts

I laugh kissing him which he doesn't resist this time. Maybe Jason should go home and talk to his dad. But that time isn't right now. Right now we're living in the moment.


February 11th- monday

"Jason what is going on in the-"
"Babysitting" I'm cut off by a younger voice that is a lot like Jason's but not as husky. When I look to the side I'm met with the back of tylers blonde head.
"And where's-"
"Bathroom" this kid really knows everything I'm about to say doesn't he?
"Is he-"
"Nope just peeing like a normal person" this time it's Jason cutting me off and answering my question before I can even say it. He walks over to the couch and plops down next to me.
"Hello" he smiles kissing my cheek
"Hey" I smile. I turn to kiss him on the cheek but he turns his head and his lips come crashing on mine. We get lost in each other so quickly I forget everything. But that's stops when I feel a massive weight on top of me.

"Max down" Jason demands pointing to the floor
"I'd much appreciate it if you didn't dump my dog on me and my girlfriend" Jason grumbles looking at Tyler, who's biting his lip trying to contain his laughter. But when he sees Jason's glare he breaks out laughing. His head tipped back as his body shakes with laughter. But Jason's hopping off the couch so quickly that I can't even register what's happening.

"Get off me!" Tyler screams with laughter as Jason continues to tickle him. Tyler kicks and screams almost knocking over a lamp but Jason continues to tickle him, with a massive grin on his face. His eyes aren't filled with amusement. Their filled with so much joy. The eyes that have held so much pain and so much sadness these past couple of days are filled with joy. Joy that his brother has brought him. And I can't help the grin that appears on my face as I watch them.

I'm about to tell Jason to stop because Tyler's foot was an inch away from kicking over that lamp. But I don't need to say it when Jason suddenly stops. He sits up, staring at the wall for a moment with a confused look like he's registering something. But then he makes a gagging noise and slaps a hand over his mouth. And he's running to the bathroom, one hand on his mouth and the other on his stomach.

I look over to Tyler who's now sat up on the floor still but now looking in the direction Jason just ran off too. As far as I'm aware Tyler knows about the cancer and the chemo. I'm just not sure how much he's told Tyler about his recent hospital visit. He's only 14. I'm not sure how much Jason would want to tell his 14 year old newly found brother about his cancer.

"Didn't you have school today?" I ask looking at Tyler.
"I could ask the same for you" he shrugs powering on the x box.
"Touché" I laugh
"I am 14 you know. I get people don't tell me stuff but I'm not stupid. I know about the cancer, my mom has been worried for ages. She's had all of us tested for the cancer gene in case it's genetic" Tyler chuckles
"My dad is staying here because his marriage is falling apart. He's hiding something, I don't know what but I know he is. It might be about Jason or something" tyler says
"He's not hiding anything about me" Jason says hoarsely walking in. He gives me a weak smile and plops back onto the couch. Max follows him, jumping onto the couch at his feet.

"You okay babe?" I'm already on my feet and walking into the kitchen when he looks up.
"Day 2" he says. I return from the kitchen with a cold compress for Jason. I can't help the smile that lifts my lips when I walk back in. Tylers sat beside Jason on the couch with max beside him. Jason's staring at the ceiling, probably trying to ignore the nausea rolling through him but it warms my heart seeing the two brothers together.


"Sorry I'm late!" Mom laughs taking it as her cue to go back into the kitchen and grab Jason's plate from the oven that she's been keeping warm for him.
"That's okay sweetie, have a seat" mom comes back in and puts Jason's plate in his spot.
"Where is he?" She whispers looking at me. I shrug getting up to go and look. I can't help but laugh when I see him, he's sat on the floor untying his shoe lace.
"It's knotted" he mumbles
"Do you want some help?" I laugh
"Got it!" He smiles throwing off his shoe.

I kiss his cheek when he stands but he doesn't look at me or bother to try and kiss me back.
"Babe?" I stop him by pulling on his shoulder
"What aren't you telling me? Did something happen at therapy?" I ask
"I'm fine. I'm happy. You won't be" he answers shortly
"The teams going to Florida for the tournament. My doctor cleared me to play, so I'm going" he says. He doesn't let me say anything because he takes my hand and drags me into the dining room.

"Sorry I'm late" he smiles at my parents taking his seat

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