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It's been three days since Jason's doctors appointment and I'm growing anxious. Jason however seems to be fine. All day at school he's been acting completely normal. Bitchy but normal.

"Would you stop hitting on me I have a boyfriend and i thought you had more respect for yourself then that!" Katie says besides me looking at Ollie.
"I wasn't hitting on you. I asked for a pencil" he says looking at Katie confused then looking at me. I try to contain my laughter as Katie mumbles a quiet 'oh' and scrambled to get him a pencil. But when her shaky hand reaches out to hand him a pencil I can't hold in my laughter. Ollie's top lip lifts until he's trying to hold in a laugh and Katie covers her face in embarrassment.

Halfway through the lesson when the teacher is writing on the board she's interrupted by a knock.
"Lexie has a doctors appointment" my head lifts up at my name and I look to the door only to find the one and only cooper miller.
"Oh okay" mrs smiles looking at me. I look at Katie seeing she still has her head on the desk still embarrassed about the events of 20 minutes ago.
"Come on" cooper mouths looking at me, I don't bother to argue with anyone because this lesson was boring so I pack my book away and grab my bag before walking out.

"Why the fuck are you here?" I ask as soon as I walk out of the classroom.
"Jasons in the hospital" he says, quickly walking down the hallways making me practically trip over my own two feet to keep up with his pace.
"What? Why?" I ask
"He was fine last night. And this morning, I saw him before class"
"We had an early morning practice" cooper says
"I'm aware of that I saw him before. He was totally normal" I stumble over my words, and continue to stumble over my own feet as I follow him out to his car. Arguing with him about skipping school and getting in his car doesn't even pop up in my mind as my mind is filled with confusion and questions.

"He was fine this morning" I whisper to myself looking out the window.
"Look. He was fine in practice, he was throwing some shots, really well too. Then he started stumbling a little bit and I could tell his pitching was off. As soon as coach replaced him with Henry, he was leaning over the fence puking and saying he felt dizzy. When we sat him down he was shaking and sweating so coach made Harris take him to the hospital after calling his mom" cooper explains
"So who's at the hospital with him?" I ask
"His mom. I think she was with his dad too" cooper says looking at me with a nervous look.
"Will and kai" he finishes

"Wait you said this morning. It's fourth period"
"Yeah, when he got there his mom was already there but they took him straight in. I'm not sure if something is wrong with him or if he was just dehydrated or something but I haven't heard an update. We didn't want to pull you out until we had an update but his mom was asking for you" he says.

Ever since Jason got sick I've gotten a little bit closer to Melissa. I still don't think she's the best mom in the world. How can you when she leaves her child money every week and disappears when he's got cancer. But I've also seen a much more vulnerable side to her recently, which has changed my thoughts on her a little bit.


When we get to the hospital 15 minutes later I spot will and Kai in the waiting room on their phones.
"Lexie" Jessica's voice surprises me, when I turn around her eyes are rimmed red and she's already walking over to me.
"What's happening? Do we have an update?" I ask when she pulls me into her.
"Dr Harrison isn't sure yet. He told jason the mass was still growing but he said he wasn't sure it would affect him this quickly. He was feeling lightheaded and nauseous still so they gave him some medication to put him out for a little while" she says. I pull myself away from her and look at her confused, thinking I didn't hear her right.

"Jason was told the mass was still growing?" I ask
"Yes, the doctor called yesterday. He didn't tell you?" She asks
"No" I shake my head
"I'm sure he just forgot" she says
"You know he still wants to play right?" I ask looking at her. But her face completely falls and her face pales and that's when I know she isn't saying something.
"Jessica. What aren't you saying?" I ask quietly
She shakes her head as tears start to fall down her cheeks.
"I think he should be the one to tell you" she whispers

"Jessica?" I ask
"I'll take you to the room. He's out right now but he shouldn't be out for much longer" she says taking my hand and leading him to his new room without another word.


"Can you stop stabbing me now?" His voice is hoarse and quieter when I first hear it. But my head snaps up from the pillow that was laying on his bed and I sit up in my chair looking up at Jason. His eyes are open and he's glaring at the nurse like he wants to burn a hole through her head in a second, if she doesn't stop what she's doing.
"Sorry" she smiles softly. She finishes replacing his iv before leaving the room. Most likely to get dr Harrison. I'm still looking at Jason when he turns his head slowly and meets my eyes.

But when I meet his eyes I wish he hadn't looked my way because I see more heartbreak in this boys eyes than I've ever seen before. Even more heartbreak than the day we found out he had cancer and the day I found him in his moms office.
"Hey" I smile kissing his cheek
"Im okay" he smiles lifting my head up with his hand. His thumb strokes the few tears that managed to escape from my cheeks away, but they just keep falling without my permission.

"Jessica told me" I sigh. And as soon as those three words leave my mouth that's when Jason lets out a ragged, shaky breath and tries to pull his body to sit up.
"Jay" I sigh putting my hand on his chest to stop him when he winces and struggles to pull his own body to sit up. The boy who used to lift double my body weight in the gym now struggles to lift his own body weight sometimes. And it breaks my heart.

"I can't play baseball anymore" he whispers, more to himself than to me.

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