23 (Jasons pov/ bonus chapter)

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"So how are you feeling Jason?" Doctor Harris asks
"No headaches and I haven't felt dizzy since Thursday if that's what your asking" I sigh crossing my arms and sitting back in my chair. I honestly have no clue how I'm feeling, I'm about to find out the biopsy results of the bomb in my head. It could be gone, it could still be there. It could slowly be killing me and we have no idea.
"That's great to hear" the doctor nods, my mom sits next to me anxiously. She looks as if she's about to go off the walls with worry.
"Okay now to the results..." the doctor says. I hadn't realised until now that my leg was bouncing, I twist the metal ring on my index finger staring at a blank spot on the wall.

"The results came back. The tumour was cancerous...we can start you on chemo-" I hear the word cancer and my brain shuts off. It all hits me like a brick, I feel oddly calm though. I think I can hear my mom crying next to me judging by the loud cries and the doctor trying to explain what happens now. It's all a blur to me.

I have cancer


Brain tumour spread



I have cancer

The doctor finishes explaining the treatment plan they have already made up for me.
"You will take a pill. It's a monthly cycle that lasts 5 days. Depending on how well it works to kill the cancer cells and stop the mass from growing will determine how many cycles you have. Usually with this type of cancer it's 3-6 months on chemo" the doctor explains
"When will he start the treatment?" Mom says after a minute of calming herself.
"In about a week, we need time to figure out a dosage for him. We will start him on a dosage and see how that goes"
"And if the mass doesn't shrink?" Mom asks
"Then we up the dosage. Don't lose hope, we haven't even started the treatment. We have clinical trials, there's a lot of options" dr Harrison says

Doctor Harrison answers all my moms questions like a champ. The second he stops talking I walk out, mom stays inside because she broke down into tears again. As soon as I walk out the door Jessica, Luke and Lexie stand looking at me. Luke holds a sleeping ivy in his arms as the two girls stare at me.

"It's cancer" I shrug giving them a weak smile. Jessica walks over to me ready to throw her arms around me as Lexie stands there, mouth wide open, tears waiting to come falling. I brush out of Jessica's arms smiling at her again,
"I need a minute, if that's okay" she nods finally blinking letting a tear fall and smiling.
"I love you" she says, I quickly walk past them with a nod and go out the fire exit.

When I finally reach the back of the hospital where the dumpsters are I sit against the wall. I try to comprehend what it is that I'm feeling, but I honestly don't know. I feel numb. I don't feel scared, or sad, I feel numb. I lean my head against the wall, suddenly the door slams open. A tall figure walks out. He has dark brown hair, wearing shorts and a hoodie as he looks at his phone then throwing it.
"Fuck!" He shouts, after a second he turns and sees me.

"You've got to be shitting me" I mumble to myself, out of all the fucking people Henry Lockwood is standing in front of me.
"Nice to see you too man" he laughs, he slides down the wall next to me and leans his head back. We sit there in silence as my body now feels even more tense..
"Aren't you going to ask what I'm doing here?" He asks breaking the silence.
"Not sure I care, but go on" I sigh pulling my hood up more. Im wearing my beanie per usual, I still like to have my hood up though. It's became a habit since the surgery. I always wear my beanie and I always have a hoodie or a coat on with a hood.
"My dads here. He uh-he had surgery. He was supposed to be released today, I was hoping he could see the game tomorrow" Henry says
"Why'd he need surgery?" I ask
"He broke his collarbone. They want to keep him another few days, he's got elevated blood pressure" he sighs
"Sorry he's missing the game" I say meeting his eyes. He gives me a tight nod, I can see the question in his eyes, I'm not sure he has the balls to ask. But he surprises me when he does.
"Why are you here then? Family member too?" I shake my head seeing him look at me in confusion.

"Yeah...family" I say pulling myself to stand up. I feel light headed all of a sudden, my vision goes blurry then comes back after a minute as I wobble on my feet.
"Hey I don't plan on leaving anytime soon, if you want your spot back your gonna have to take it from me. I'm not giving it up" he says, his whole face is serious when I look at him. I'm not surprised he brought the team up, I am however surprised he didn't ask why I'm off the team. I'm guessing he just assumes my grades slipped so I got kicked off or something since I made the whole team to keep it on the down low. Me having a brain tumour and now cancer isn't something I really want the whole school knowing.
"I'm not worried" I snip, he looks like he's about to argue but I don't have it in me to argue back right now. I walk back inside to where I see Luke standing with ivy who's still sleeping.

"They gave them that room, just to calm down for a bit" Luke says nodding towards the room in front of me.
"How you feeling?" He asks
"Honestly. I don't know" I answer truthfully. He looks even more concerned hearing my response, but Luke is a smart guy. He's always known I'll talk about it if I want to and right now my feelings is the last thing I want to talk about.


I thought it was only right to make this chapter in Jason's pov! Let me know if you want more chapters with his pov and it might happen!

Thank you for reading remember to vote and comment! <3

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