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"Yo Thompson where's Parker?" Will says leaning forward and pulling my hair. I turn around and swat his hand away whilst glaring at him.
"Shit sorry" he says putting his hands up in defence.
"He's having a sick day, he wasn't feeling too good yesterday" I roll my eyes at will's stupid face as he looks at me weirdly.
"Hey beautiful" I can already feel him next to me before he sits next to me. Chills flood through me but it's not the good kind of chills.
"Fuck off Lockwood" will sneers from behind us. Choosing to ignore both of them I turn back to the front.
"Hey, what's up babe?" Henry says tapping my shoulder.
"Don't. Call me that" I snap turning to him
"Girls got a mouth" he smirks
"My boyfriends got a fist too" I mumble looking away from him. I can feel his gaze burning into me. I can't help the satisfied smirk that appears on my face as I look at the front and Will tries to contain his laugh behind me.


"What time do you finish here?" Katie asks me, I sigh stepping back onto the stool and placing the cheerios on the shelf.
"5:30 I'm gonna go straight to Jason's again. He wasn't at school today after I had to force him not to go"
"Shit chemos really kicking his ass?" Katie says handing me another box.
"Just until Friday" I mumble, mainly to myself. This is what I keep reminding myself.
"One more dose then he's fine"
"Accept from the fact he still has cancer, and this is only his first round out of the 3 until they see if the mass has shrunk" Katie shrugs
"Katie!" I snap hitting her on the head with the cereal box.
"Sorry, sorry! I forgot. Positive. Positive thinking" she chants to herself as she goes back to handing me cereal boxes.

"One more dose. Friday" I sigh shaking my head, trying to get rid of all the worries and fears.


"Babe I brought food! Your favourite" i shout walking into the house. Max is nowhere to be seen as I put my keys on the table and begin putting the food onto plates. The back door isn't open so Jason isn't letting max out. When I go upstairs I see the study light is on. Walking in, max tips his head up smiling at me with his tongue sticking out.
"Babe?" I walk further in seeing Jason sitting at the desk. His head in his hands as he stares up at the computer screen. Then I see a instagram pulled up.

Lucy Parker

All her posts are of her and her husband, her kids. Kylie's recent birthday. Tyler and his mates, arms over each others shoulder with big smiles on their faces, Tyler looks a lot like jason. He's got brunette hair with the exact same hazel eyes. The same smile with pearly white teeth, and his smile meets his eyes. He's wearing a baseball jersey. I sigh walking over to him and putting my hand on his shoulder to let him know I'm here.
"I can't help it" Jason mumbles breaking the silence.
"He told me their names, now I can't stop thinking about them. They have the life I should've had, it just..."
"Hurts" I finish for him, he faces me. His eyes hold so much emotion. Not jealousy, or anger. Just...sadness, hurt, betrayal. So much pain.
"Do you regret not going to the dinner?" I ask, he hesitates. Pressing his lips into a flat line as he hesitates to speak.
"No" he finally says
"No. I feel like if I went it would've just been opening old wounds even more. My dads been gone for ages, I don't need him, or this family he's built. Definitely after he never even bothered to tell them about me. He only told them because he got caught" Jason sighs closing down the account. I watch as he stands, he's wearing his usual grey sweatpants, white socks and no shirt. He wobbles on his feet putting his hand over his stomach for a second before walking out. He's still on chemo but he seems to be feeling better then he was this morning. Earlier he couldn't stop puking and he looked as pale as a ghost.

When I get to the kitchen I see Jason in the laundry room, he's putting a load in so I go back in and heat up our dinner which is now colder than it was before. Then the doorbell rings.

"I've got it" Jason mumbles slipping past me, towards the front door. I nod slipping my hand to my pocket looking for my phone. Then I remember I left it on the table by the door, I go to the door to grab my phone seeing Jason standing by the door completely frozen. A kid stands in front of him judging by the size of his frame. I can't see what he looks like since Jason is in the way.

"So uh...I heard your my brother?" The kid says, my mouth is practically hanging on the floor.
"I'm Tyler. Your Jason right?" The kid says

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