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It's Saturday night. Jason hasn't texted, or called or anything since yesterday after the game. I knew his mom was in town but we were supposed to hang out tonight. He said he would text me when he's finally free from his mom. He hasn't texted yet.

"I'm sure he's just watching a movie with his mom or something" mom soothes me handing me a hot chocolate. I give her a small smile but I still have a terrible feeling.
"Maybe I should call him again" I mumble pulling out my phone.
"Honey" mom sighs taking my phone from my hands.
"If he's not answering there's a reason for it. I knew I shouldn't have called his mom without asking him" I say putting my head in my hands.

"How about I drive you over to his house. I'd love to have a catch up with Melissa" mom suggests
"Really?" I smile
"Yeah" she nods kissing my forehead.


"You kids really can't go a day without seeing each other" she laughs
"You know he told me he loves me" I blurt out.
"He did?" A big smile blooms on her face reaching her eyes. I've always loved my moms smile, she's got a beautiful smile. I got my dads smile and my moms perfectly straight teeth. Her smile is contagious, Jason reminds me of her smile.

"Oh my god" mom mumbles. I look up from my phone seeing an ambulance parked in the driveway of Jason's house. I quickly get out of the car running up the driveway and through the door.

"I'm fine. Really" I immediately hear his voice and my heart drops. Melissa spots me almost immediately, she quickly walks over to me.
"Hey sweetheart" she smiles
"Is he okay? What happened?" I say but it comes out as more of a whisper. She pulls me into her chest, it doesn't take me long to register her sobs as her body shakes.
"I came home and he said he was dizzy. He threw up last night but I thought he was fine. I thought he was just being dramatic" she says. I can see the guilt in her eyes which isn't something you see everyday in this woman.

"Mom. It's okay" I hear his weak, scratchy voice. I walk into the living room seeing him sat on the couch. Two paramedics with him. One taking his blood pressure the other asking him questions. Or trying to do so, he's moving a lot and waving his hand to try and stop them from helping him.
"Lexie what are you-"
"Why didn't you text me. Or call me and tell me you weren't feeling good. I've been worried all day!" I say raising my voice a little bit. My body shakes with sobs then arms come around me. Panic floods through me seeing him surrounded by medical bags and paramedics trying to help him.
"Honey calm down, he had a good reason" mom whispers. Tears flood my eyes as I watch Jason look around the room. He keeps looking at his mom, trying to calm her down but she keeps crying. I can tell he's getting stressed out by how chaotic this is becoming. Mom must notice it too.

"Can we give the poor kid a minute?" She asks looking at Melissa mostly. My mom takes Melissa's arm and walks into the kitchen. After a few minutes they come back, Melissa looking calmer than before letting jason relax a little. He finally lets the paramedics do their job and answers their questions with a nod of his head or a shake of his head.

"We're going to have to take him to hospital to get tests done" one of the paramedics says
"Has he ever passed out like this before?" One asks
"I uh-" Melissa starts talking but she's quickly cut off.
"Yeah" will says walking into the living room with a bottle of water.
"He passed out at practice on Tuesday. We thought he was dehydrated or overworked. It's not something unusual for him to do" he says. His eyes drift over to me and he lets them drop. He never told me he passed out. Neither of them did. They kept this from me? Or his mom? Or anyone?

"Is it common for you to overwork yourself Jason?" The paramedic asks. He's hesitant to answer as he looks around the room opening his mouth o talk but he's unable to find the words.
"It's nothing. I haven't been on my A game recently so I've been working harder at practice and working out more" jay finally answers, pushing the paramedics away.
"Jason Parker sit down. Your getting these tests done it's better to be safe than sorry" Melissa says. She hardly ever shouts at her son or even raises her voice at him. He's a good kid, insanely stubborn but he knows when to take the hint and listen to his mom. He nods sitting back on the couch but none of us miss the 'this is so stupid' he says under his breath.

"But I'm not letting you carry me out on a stretcher. If I'm going to the hospital I'm going in the car" he says crossing his arms.


I watch as they take Jason in on the stretcher from the ambulance. Me and my mom followed behind in the car with Will as Jason and his mom went in the ambulance. He wasn't very happy about it.

"Why wouldn't you tell me he passed out" I mumble not being able to look at Will. I can't get my head around the fact that they kept this from me.
"I wanted to, I was worried. But bro code!" Will says
"So if Jason were to go missing, and only told you where he was. His mom freaked out and called the police. Filed a missing person report and everything you wouldn't tell them where he was or at least that he was safe. Because of bro code?" I ask
"Of course not" he says
"So why wouldn't you tell me! Or anyone at least!" I say unable to control my anger now.
"I've been telling you all week how he's been getting migraines and throwing up and you didn't think to put the passing out and that together?" I ask staring at will now.
"Shit Lex I'm sorry" he sighs shaking his head. I see a single tear drop down his cheek and decide not to yell at him anymore even though I want to.

I know Jason. Even if Will told his mom he'd refuse to go to the hospital. He only went this time because the ambulance was already there and this was now the second time he's passed out.

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