709 13 1

Sunday 8:56am

I walk in the hospital room seeing Jay passed out in the hospital bed. His mom went to the cafeteria with my mom to go and grab something to eat and probably have a talk with my mom. She looked like she was in need of talking to an adult who understands worrying about their child. Will sits in the chair in the corner whilst I sit in the chair next to jays bed.

"He looks so peaceful" i murmur taking a hold of his hand.
"Yeah I know" Will sighs
"All the years I've known him, he's never looked so peaceful. Even when he sleeps on the rare occasion he seems to be on edge. Like if something comes at him he's ready to spring out of bed and fight or run. Do whatever he needs to survive" will says. I don't say anything just simply nod because I understand and stare at Jason sleeping peacefully.
"You know I worry about him too" will says sitting in the chair opposite me on the other side of Jason's bed now, where his mom say before.

"I know you probably think I don't give a shit about his history. He was depressed but he's not now right? I mean of course it can come beach. I worry it's gonna come back sometimes. Whenever he's having an off day I can't help but wonder if this is the start of it. The question always lingers in the air" he sighs stopping for a moment.

"When is he going to spiral again? Is he going to spiral again? He's going to have to talk to his dad one day right? What then?" He sighs shaking his head.
"He's your boyfriend but you forget he's my best friend. Has been for years" he says

There's a knock on the door then the doctor walks in. Will looks back down at his phone like he hadn't just said anything.
"Is Mrs Parker here?" The doctor asks
"No uh, she went to the cafeteria" I say, my hands begin to shake hearing the doctors tone. Nothing about his tone says it's good news.
"Alright I'll come back in 20 minutes" he says giving us a nod before walking out.

"What the fuck" will mumbles


"Hey kids, I got pancakes, waffles, yogurt and fruit" Mellissa says walking in holding two bags with food in them.
"I call waffles!" Will smiles diving in the bag.
"Do you want anything?" Will says around the waffle he's already managed to stuff in his face.
"I'm good, I got my coffee. I also brought you one" I smile at Melissa handing her the other coffee. I can tell she's been crying, she looks exhausted. Her blonde curly hair is messier than usual, her eyes are red rimmed and she doesn't wear her usual eyeliner and false lashes.

"Alright I should head out. I'll see you all later, text me any updates" will says he nods his head at Melissa as she gives him a small smile. I can tell it's forced but I'm pretty sure a lot of them are.

I sit next to Jason's bed in the chair, my hand managed to crawl into his hair and now I can't take it out. I run my fingers run through his soft blonde waves, he always love when I do this. The room is quiet as Melissa taps on her phone probably typing out emails. I watch as Jason's eyes flicker, his dark long eyelashes I've always envied fluttering open as his hazel brown eyes meets mine.

"Hey" I smile, I watch as he looks around taking in his surroundings. When he realises where he his he lets out a deep groan, his head falling back onto the pillow.
"How you feeling?" I kiss his cheek continuing to run my fingers through his hair.
"Great. fantastic. When can I leave?" He smiles enthusiastically. He pulls off the monitor that was on his finger and pulls himself to stand. None of us miss a beat to stand up and rush over to him, I watch closely as jay sways on his feet.
"Do you feel dizzy?" Melissa asks, he shakes his head looking around.
"It's all...blurry" Jason says, I can see from where I'm standing that his chest is rising and falling faster now. He's just as confused as everyone else, if not more confused now.

"Jason honey let's take a seat and wait for the doctor to come in. I'm sure you just stood up too fast" Melissa says walking over to Jason. She helps steady him as he sits back on the bed, she covers his legs with a blanket and places a kiss on his forehead.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" the door opens as the doctor and a nurse walk in. The nurse walks over taking Jason's arm, I don't miss the un-involuntary flinch that happens when she grabs his arm without warning.
"Did you find something? What's causing these blackouts and headaches?" Melissa asks, I see the doctor sigh sympathetically as he walks over to the computer in the corner and pulling up the screen, it's a picture of Jason's brain that makes me feel weird just looking at it.
"Take a seat. All of you, we did find something" the doctor says. I feel my pulse begin to quicken, my heart racing.


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