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"Okay I have chocolate, vanilla or mint choc chip" Katie says walking into the room, she's holding multiple pints of ice cream in her hands looking at me with a wide smile.
"Chocolate" I say reaching for the pint of ice cream.
"You always have mint choc chip what's up with you?" Katie asks
"Chocolate makes me think of jay" I sigh, I'm already 5 spoons deep into this ice cream. I have a feeling I'll be reaching for a second pint of it tonight.
"Why aren't you spending the night with him. He starts chemo tomorrow" Katie points out. Yeah, Jason ditched me to go and hang out with the guys.
"They all went out together, fuck knows what they're doing. I wanted to spend tonight with him but I don't wanna pry" I sigh
"Girl your his girlfriend" Katie says over a mouthful of ice cream.
"Yeah, I guess he's been through a lot lately though. With his dad coming back and stuff, he probably just needs time" I shrug
"Any change with his dad?" She asks
"Nope" I say popping the 'p' Jason's dad lives an hour away, meaning he had to crash at Jason's house. He left on Thursday, every time I would see him and Jason in the same room together Jason would be shouting or he'd be ignoring him completely.

Jessica ended up crying in the bathroom last time, so Jason chose to ignore him completely and act like he wasn't there.
"How does someone have that bad of a relationship with their father they can't even be in the same room without arguing?" Katie asks
"His dad was basically one of the main reasons for Jason's depression. He was verbally abusive towards him for a while and he was a drunk. He left him and his mom, his mom buried herself in work and wine to keep herself occupied and forgot about her son. He started a new family, never told Jason. Still kept Jessica in his life, but his kids don't know that they have a half brother and he's never once invited Jason over to meet them. He hasn't even met his new wife, but jessica goes over every Saturday for dinner" I summarise shutting Katie up real quick.

"Shit" is all she mumbles as she goes back to her ice cream.
"And when he found out about Jason's cancer he got into an argument with his mom for not telling him, Jason ended up stepping in. I've never seen him so pissed off, he looked like he needed to break down but also he looked like he needed to punch him in the face"
"Why do I feel like Jason can throw a mean ass punch?" Katie laughs
"Because he can, he broke someone's nose with one punch in gym class that one time remember" I say
"Ohhh yeah, Harvey Smith. Kids nose is still crooked even now" she nods


"Shit!" Katie shouts when my phone starts ringing. We're huddled in pillows and blankets together watching the horror movie orphan.
"Sorry" I whisper laugh reaching for my phone as Katie pauses the movie.
"Hey" I answer the phone, I pull the phone away from my ear to see who it is given I didn't check who it was that was calling in the first place. It reads my love<3 which brings a smile on my face.
"Come over" is all he says making me look at Katie.
"I'm with Katie" I sigh sitting against the headboard, I put the phone on speaker so Katie can listen too.
"Will's here" Jason says, Katie rolls her eyes but nods, a stupid grin on her face.
"Anyone else at your house?" I ask, I'm guessing Kai and cooper are there since they never fucking leave. Jason's dad left already, Jessica and Luke had to go back home since they had already taken a lot of time off and Jason's mom is burying herself in more work until Jason starts chemo which is tomorrow.
"We'll be over in 15" I say, he doesn't say anything so I just end the call.
"That was odd" Katie says standing in her bathroom.
"Are you seriously putting on makeup?" I laugh
"Only mascara. For will of course" she smiles peaking her head out of the bathroom.


I pull into Jason's front porch, I take the key from under the flower pot and unlock the door.
"You just walk straight in?" Katie whispers behind me.
"No one's here, they all left" I sigh, it's completely dark in the house so we walk straight upstairs.
"Just go" I roll my eyes seeing as Katie stopped in front of a mirror. She smiles blowing me a kiss then knocking on Jason's bedroom door.
"Dude you asshole!" Katie looks at me in question hearing wills voice.
"Just go in" I roll my eyes pushing the door open.
Just as I thought wills sat on the couch in front of the tv and Jason's on his bed, both of them playing a video game.
"Aren't you two just the cutest" I smile walking in and plopping down on Jason's bed. Katie stands in front of the door looking like an idiot and staring at me.
"What the fuck do I do?" She mouths at me
"Yo will, go show Katie where the microwave popcorn is" Jason says, Will turns around looking at him confused for a second. I see jay mouth something at him but I can't quite make out what. Will nods and walks towards Katie.
"House is huge, don't blame you for not being able to find it" will says leading Katie out,

"What did you say to him?" I smile leaning in closer to Jason.
"Bro code" he says shaking his head. I look up at him and glare at him,
"Love you" he smiles, I roll my eyes pretending to be upset with him.
"Love youuuuu" he says rolling on top of me. He starts smothering me in kisses making me smile and laugh.

I missed this side of Jason


"Where you going?" I ask Jason
"Drink" he says pulling himself up.
"Are you feeling okay?" I ask walking over to him. In the time it took him just to pull himself up I was able to throw one of his hoodies on and walk over to him.
"Yeah, don't worry about me. I haven't even started chemo yet" he smiles kissing my cheek. I nod following him as he walks downstairs with max.

"I always worry" I mumble to myself. He lets max out and throws him a ball, as i grab two bottles of water.
"Hey where's Katie and-" I'm cut off when Jason opens the curtains where the living room is. To no surprise their on the couch making out.
"What are you-"
"Jason stop" I whisper laugh as he walks into the living room. I watch as he drops a condom on the couch next to them.
"Remember protection kids" he winks walking out and walking back in the kitchen.
"Where did you get the condom?" I can't help but laugh
"Stash in the downstairs bathroom" he shrugs, im not sure when he even grabbed one but I don't question it.

"Let's go upstairs" Jason whispers to me, he comes crashing his lips onto mine. When we finally break apart I see him holding something up. A condom packet between his two fingers as he smiles at me and raises his eyebrows. He doesn't let me even answer before he's carrying me upstairs in his arms and into his room.

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