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"Y-yeah" Jason stammers, I place my hand on his shoulder walking up to the door. I can't tell what Jason's thinking right now but in can practically hear the wheels turning in his head. I feel his whole body relax slightly at my touch.
"Is uh-Jessica here? She's your sister right? I mean she's my sister-half sister technically-sorry for showing up randomly. Dad wouldn't let me come. He just throws a brother on me and says he invited you over but you couldn't come. I needed to meet you-I-I'm sorry" Tyler rubs the back of his head as he rambles. A smile lifts on Jason's face, Tyler is a lot like Jason I realise quickly.

"Your good. You wanna come in? I'll answer as many questions as I can since your here now" Jason says opening the door after a moment of hesitation. Tyler nods, he walks in looking down at his shoes that back up to Jason. He shakes his head saying he doesn't have to take them off before leading him to the kitchen. Im not exactly sure what to do from here, I feel like im intruding a little bit by being here but when Jason pulls on my hand and kisses my cheek I realise Jason wants me here. Tyler takes a seat at the stool sad Jason hands him a bottle of juice. I turn of the microwave realising dinner is not on the board right now and take a seat.

"This is Lexie. My girlfriend" jason says, Tyler shoots me a smile which reminds me a lot of Jason's and I smile back.
"So how old are you?" Tyler asks looking up at jason. Jason jumps on the counter taking a seat as he too takes a sip of his water.
"17" jason replies
"Cool I'm 14" Tyler taps his fingers on the counter.
"Dad said you play baseball" Tyler mumbles after a moment.
"I did. I'm taking a little break at the moment. I'm the pitcher on the team" Jason smiles at Tyler, a wide grin plasters on Tyler's face as his eyes light up.
"Me too! I mean I'm not pitcher, I'm actually pretty terrible at pitching I can never strike someone out every time I pitch it's a ball but I'm pretty good at batting" Tyler rambles on.

They talk for ages about baseball. I watch how Tyler's eyes light up when Jason shows him a video of him pitching and striking out ever batter. Tyler doesn't only look a lot like Jason but he has a very similar personality to him. I can tell Jason already likes having a younger brother, and it's great to watch them bond over something Jason loves.
"So why didn't you come to dinner? I mean we're you at practice or something? I get dad can be a dick and all but-" Tyler cuts himself off as he realises he's rambling again. Jason's smile quickly disappears as he searches for an excuse. His eyes meet mine so I just nod my head and smile in support, I'm not sure what to do in this situation.

"Do you hate dad?" Tyler asks looking up again.
"I don't hate ja-dad...we haven't had the best relationship" Jason shrugs sipping his water again. I can tell he's holding back, it's a hard situation.
"I know dad was a drunk. He doesn't drink anymore, mom made him stop. He stopped for us, he's a great dad he shows up to every one of my games and manages to show up for Katie's dance and he's great to jayden" Tyler says
"Is that why you don't get along?" Tyler asks
"Listen. He left when I was 11, him and my mom never really had a great relationship. My mom was always working, I was always at baseball practice and he...had his own issues. I don't hate him, it just came as a shock when he showed up saying he wanted to reconnect and get to know me. Especially when I found out my-our sister, had been apart of all of your lives and you kids hadn't even known about me" Jason sighs searching for the right words.

"Do you blame me? I was alive when he left-" Tyler starts but Jason quickly cuts him off.
"I don't blame you. I'm happy he found your mom and I'm happy you guys have a great family. I didn't come on Wednesday because I had practice " Jason sighs
"Liar" Tyler blurts out fiddling with his bottle cap.
"You said you took a break from baseball which means no practice. Did you just not wanna meet us? You wanted to get back at dad? I don't get it, when dad told me I had an older brother from his first marriage who was related to Jessica and he played baseball I was excited to meet you" Tyler says not buying Jason's bullshit.
"Does your parents know your here?" Jason asks changing the subject. Tyler rolls his eyes clearly aware of what he's doing but shakes his head.
"Mom isn't too fond of you...says you fucked dad up, made him feel guilty for no reason. Apparently your mom is a drinker too...She'd probably kill me if she found out I showed up here without her knowing" Tyler says, I can see the hurt in Jason's eyes but he's quick to mask it.
"Everyone had their own sides to the story I can't change that. Do you want us to drive you home? I can drop you around the street so they don't see the car and you could just make up an excuse?" Jason suggests standing up now. Tyler sighs but nods grabbing his bag.
"Could I uh-get your number? I love Jessica and all but I've always wished I had an older brother, Jayden is 5 he's boring, and I really like you" Tyler smiles holding out his phone. Jason laughs nodding as he types his number in and takes a selfie of himself with his middle finger up making me and Tyler laugh. When I open the door I'm met with a hand balled in a loose fist like they were about to knock.

"Lexie" Jack breaths
"I believe my son-Tyler. Is here" Jack says pressing his lips into a line.
"Fuck" Jason and Tyler say at the same time. I turn around seeing the two standing side by side, both looking wide eyes at jack who stands at the door.

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