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Jason has been off ever since the lock-in. At school he keeps his head down, he doesn't pay much attention- or anymore than he did before. But he doesn't distract the class with all his jokes with the guys and it's concerning. We finish for thanksgiving break on Friday. That means he's starting chemo soon. He's barely spoken to me, I haven't gone to his house since Friday before the lock-in. He's not himself. That's Henry's fault.

Ever since the lock-in jason has been weird. Mostly because the last person he wanted to know now knows about his cancer. That may or may not be partly my fault and I feel like shit. But Jason isn't talking to anyone. All his texts to me are dry, and all the guys are on my ass asking why he's not talking to them. The truth is, I don't know what's wrong with Jason. And it's killing me.

It's November 19th meaning Jessica is coming to visit on Friday. I hope that she can sort him out, fuck knows where Melissa is and if she's even noticed her son is acting off. Doubt it.

When I walk into school everyone's eyes are on me again. Even with my friends at my side people talk about me and act as if I can't hear them. People have picked up on me and Jason being distant because we're so affectionate towards each other and we haven't been seen together since Friday. I choose to ignore the gossip and try to focus on my friends conversation I've completely zoned out of. But that's hard when everyone is saying 'they've broken up'. 'Now I can shoot my shot with him'. And other shit.

"I'm borrowing Lexie for a moment" I barely register the voice before someone is pulling on my arm and yanking me into the janitors closet.
"What the fuck!" I screech, I turn seeing Henry Lockwood leaning against the locked door staring at me.
"What do you want!" I yell not bothering to be quiet. I'm supposed to get to class and he's the last person I want to be talking to right now.
"I haven't told anyone" Henry says looking straight at me.
"It isn't your place to" what's he expecting? A thank you?
"Why do you hate me?" Henry asks after a moment. I roll my eyes thinking. Isn't it pretty fucking obvious?
"You stole my boyfriends spot on the team. Flirted with me since the day you got here and you basically just a prick with a big ego" I shrug
"And your boyfriend isn't?" He scoffs

"Wouldn't you be pissed off if you found out your replacement on the team is your rival from another school who's now taken over your spot?"
"Okay fair point" he nods
"Anymore questions or can I go?" I roll my eyes, he doesn't say anything for a second but doesn't move out of the way of the door. Just as I'm about to shove him aside he speaks up.
"How did he find out? How long ago? Fuck I have so many questions" Henry sighs running a hand through his messy hair. I sigh not knowing if Jason would want me to tell him this but I also think that if Henry knows all the answers to his questions he might keep quiet. So instead of leaving I sit on the stool in the corner.

"It started with him having these bad migraines and throwing up. Sometimes he would have these headaches so bad he couldn't stand up without wobbling on his feet, he's passed out a few times because of them. The migraines became more common and he was getting about 4 of them a day which isn't usual at all" I look up at Henry seeing him staring at me with a blank expression so I carry on.

"He was still playing baseball and training so we all thought it was just him overworking himself of something. He refused to see a doctor so there wasn't much we could do if he refused"

"He's a stubborn bastard even I picked up on that" Henry chuckles, a small smile pulls on my lips as I nod. Yeah he is.

"Then it was the weekend, he hadn't spoken to me for days and I had no idea why. So I went to his house and saw an ambulance outside. He had passed out and had been complaining of his headaches all weekend which isn't like him because he normally keeps his feelings to himself and struggles in silence. They kept him at the hospital and did some tests on him and basically found out he had a brain tumour that was pressing on his brain. That's what caused the headaches and the fainting episodes" when I look up, Henry's face is still void of emotion but I can see a little bit of empathy in his eyes. It shines through and I can see Henry Lockwood does have a heart.

"Basically he ended up getting brain surgery to remove the tumour. They tested it to see if it was cancerous and it was. The mass had spread and he's on chemo to try and get rid of the cancer cells" my eyes water but I manage to push the tears away. I'm not crying in front of Henry Lockwood.
"Shit" is all he says
"How long has he been on it for?" He asks, I assume he's talking about chemo so I continue.
"He's had one round of chemo. Their making him do three rounds before they take him in for tests to see if the mass has shrunk. If it has they continue with the chemo then move onto radiation. If it hasn't them they can either up the dose of chemo, or move into clinical trials. Chemo is one week every month" I answer his question.

"You can't tell anyone. It's not your place and it's not what Jason wants. I understand you don't like him, fuck he doesn't like you that much either but this is something that you can't use against him" I say after a minute. Henry stands still for a second then nods.
"I'm not that much of an asshole. And I don't hate Parker" he says which actually shocks me.
"That's a lie" I mumble walking towards the door. He doesn't say anything more as he moves out the way and lets me out so I can get to class.

When I walk out I meet his eyes and it takes my breath away. He looks tired. His eyes are heavy and his body hangs heavily. But I notice his eyes aren't on me their in someone else. When I turn behind me I see Henry standing right next to the door, the door I just came out of and I realise what it looks like.

"You've got to be fucking with me" Jason laughs, dropping his backpack he turns for the door and leaves. Panic floods through me as I rush to the door but he's speaking to Will, I watch as he climbs into his car and will drives off.

Through sickness and in healthWhere stories live. Discover now