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Jessica comes to Jason's today and all I want to do is speak to her. Jason's been blowing me off ever since he saw me and Henry walking out of the janitors closet together. It was a total misunderstanding clearly but Jason won't hear me out, much less answer my messages. Opening my phone I pull up our messages.

Jason it's not what it looked like I was just talking to him.

Babe please let me talk

Babe I miss you

Babe it's been a day please

Jay I was talking to Henry. Ask the girls, he dragged me by my arm into the closet. I had to talk to him so I could make sure he would keep his mouth shut. I know you don't want people knowing which I understand

Babe please

I love you

I look desperate I'm aware. I haven't been able to sleep. It's not that im panicked he won't forgive me, there's nothing for him to forgive me for. If he would just let me explain. Thanksgiving is on Sunday which means we break up for thanksgiving break today. If I can't speak to him at school I can't just show up at his house.

I stand near my locker watching as everyone disappears from the hallway, walking to class. Just like I expected the doors open, the three of them walking in just in time for class. Jason's on the left side of the hallway which is the side I'm stood on. His hood pulled up with earphones in as Will scrolls on his phone and Kai just walks. Kai has never been that big of a fan of social media which I like. He's more down to earth. And way easier to talk to.

His gaze catches onto me, I can see how he visibly tenses. He shakes his head at me as a warning. Which I chose to ignore. When Jason walks past me, his head still held low as he stares at his phone I tap him on the arm to gain his attention. But when he looks up and meets my eyes he stops. His face drained of emotion. But he looks pale, he started chemo this morning. Lay time it didn't hit him that hard until the third day but I'm not sure how he's feeling as he's not talking to me.

"Don't" is all he says before he takes his eyes away from me and continues walking.
"Babe please" tears prick the back of my eyes as I shout after him. He doesn't stop but Kai does. He says something to will as he stops and says something to him but Jason continues walking. Will just nods shooting me a glance before following after Jason.

"Kai" I sigh walking to him.
"Explain" he says with a blank face. I'm aware Kai is protective over Jason but ever since he was diagnosed Kai has has been smothering jason as much as I have.
"Henry pulled me into the closet. He found out Jason had cancer at the lock-in when he was ease dropping on me and jason talking. I figured if I answered his questions then he would stay quiet and understand where jason is coming from when he says he doesn't want people finding out. And he hasn't said anything so it worked" I sigh. I look up at Kai seeing he's still staring at me blankly but there's some sympathy in his eyes.

"Did I mention Henry stood against the door so I couldn't get out? When he did let me out he followed me out and Jason saw us walking out together. I guess he got the impression we were...doing something in the closet together" I mumble the last part, disgust filling my voice at the thought.
"I believe you" Kai says, relief floods through me for a moment.
"Jason's a stubborn bastard, with mad trust issues. Rightly so. His dad fucked him up. He's going through shit right now, fuck the dude looks like shit. He's acting like he doesn't care and he's not hurt but he is. I know that janitors closet was your...hookup spot before. Deep down he knows you wouldn't do that to him, he should hear you out. He's a stubborn bastard like I said though so he won't come to you" Kai says. I nod, knowing I have to go to him and get him to hear me out. That a bit hard considering he's ignoring me right now.

"Is he okay though? I mean, he started chemo this morning and-"
"He's not sleeping. As far as I'm aware his mom still isn't home. I'm not even sure when the last time he ate was but he looks like shit" Kai says answering my question.
"Talk to him. His insomnia is kicking his ass but it's also because he's stuck in his head. He's not talking which isn't like him at all obviously. I could barely get him to come to school this morning" Kai says. He doesn't let me say anything else before he walks away to class.

I quickly realise the bell went off minutes ago and I run to class. Mrs Flynn let's me off when I apologise and tell her I had to drop my cousin off. Not that I have a cousin or anything but she doesn't know that.

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