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"A party? Are you fucking serious?" I slam my lunch tray on the table glaring at the three bozos in front of me. I couldn't care any less about the entire baseball team that's seated at this table staring at me right now. I glare at Will knowing he will be the one to crack.
"Hey, we thought it would be good to welcome him back. He hasn't been at school for ages" Kai interrupts. I roll my eyes taking a seat next to cooper at the table.
"Who's tray is-"
"Why are you in my seat?" Heat floods to my face when I hear his voice. I turn around seeing no one other than Henry Lockwood stood behind me, arms folded.
"This is your seat? Oh. I uh-sorry" I start rambling as I scramble to pick up my tray and stand. Just as I stand up and reach for my tray someone takes me by my hips and pulls me into their lap. Im about to scream and climb off their lap until their arms wrap around my waist and I recognise the tight, protective, muscular arms that are around me.

"You scared the shit out of me" I mumble, I feel Jason smile against my cheek as he kisses my cheek.
"No kidding I can feel your pulse" he whispers
"What-" I'm about to ask him what he's talking about when he lifts his knee in between my legs and I understand what he's saying. My mouth snaps shut as heat floods to my cheeks once again. I feel Jason's chest shake softly against my back and I roll my eyes.

"I hate you"

"You love me"


"Stop talking your making me feel ill" Henry groans in front of me.
"Then fuck off" Jason replies not bothering to be nice.
"This is my team" Henry crosses his arms
"My team" Jason corrects
"Your just a fill in" Jason says, I see all the guys nod and smirk at Jason's words. The thing is with this team, Jason isn't just some stuck up team captain. I've seen first hand how Jason has friendships with each of the guys, they truly are like his brothers, some more than others, but they all are family. Jason leads his team to victory, he's only able to do that because he's respected, loyal and he works his ass off for this team.

Last year, mark broke his wrist. When he was cleared to play again Jason spent two weeks after school and on weekends whenever he could pitching for mark so he could get his form back and practice before their upcoming game.

Jason puts in the work for his team and himself. That's what makes him a good leader, and he's damn good at doing it. He may be an asshole sometimes, which to my disgust only attracts the girls more, but Jason never puts himself before anyone else. Which makes me worry but also makes me respect Jason a hell of a lot more.

"Speaking of. Why am I filling in for you then?" Henry says looking deadly at Jason.
"I told you. I'm not cleared to play" Jason rolls his eyes
"Didn't stop you when you broke your finger last year. When you fractured your wrist. Hurt shoulder" Henry says. Fair point on Henry's part. Jason's had his fair share of injuries which he hasn't let stop him from playing the game he loves.
"Been looking me up have we?" Amusement shines clearly in Jason's eyes.
"Looks like someone has a crush on you" Tommy says from across the table. Henry flips him off as Jason smirks still looking at Henry.
"Take the beanie and hood off. It's not exactly freezing in here" Henry rolls his eyes walking away from the table and out the cafeteria.

All the guys on the team know about Jason's cancer now. They all agreed to keep it quiet, since Jason didn't really want the whole school finding out their star pitcher had cancer. That being Henry included. It was only more reason for him to stay pitcher, and he'd probably say Jason was a liability because of it.

"How are we feeling today?" I whisper so only Jason can hear me. I look down at him seeing he's staring off into space, completely zoned out.
"Babe" I sigh running my fingers over his jawline. He snaps back to reality blinking quickly and looking up at me.
"Huh? Oh-fine. Feeling great" he nods shaking his head carefully. I still see how he winces when he moves his head quickly every now and again. Or how he stands up quickly sometimes or walks too fast and how he wobbles on his feet. He's been stuttering a little bit lately which also makes me worry but I know better than to voice it. Knowing Jason he will just shut me out and it will become a whole thing that isn't needed.

"Last day" he sighs tiredly leaning his head against my shoulder.
"Last day" I nod, I pull down the beanie where you can see part of the scar that's showing. He got his stitches removed a few days ago, his head is healing better than I thought it would and his hair is nearly back the same.
"I'm getting my haircut tonight. Even it out so I don't have to wear the beanie" Jason says after giving me a small nod of appreciation.
"Oo fun, just don't chop too much off" I smile
"I like your hair" I kiss his forehead moving off his lap and grabbing my tray before throwing the contents in the trash.

Jason walks over to me wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his face in the crook of my neck. Heat floods through my entire body as I smile and I relax. This is where I love to be.

In the love of my life's arms.

I turn around and lean my forehead against his looking into his eyes as he stares back at me.
"I love you"
"I love you more angel" he smiles pecking my lips. Angel that's new. I like it.
"I'll see you on Sunday?" I ask
"Sunday. Right. Dinner. Yes, I'll be there" he nods
"See you on Sunday my love" I nod kissing him again. His arms go loose around my waist until he finally lets go kissing me once more. I smile walking in the opposite direction to him, on my way to chemistry class.

This is the first day in a while where it's actually felt somewhat normal. There hasn't been much cancer talk, just me hanging out with Jason's group of friends like usual. Jason being him grump, humorous, clingy self. It's felt normal, which gives me hope.

Something I've been needing a lot lately.

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