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"Jason fucking Parker! Get your ass away from that field!" I stand on the bleachers trying to catch my breath as cooper and Kai run down to the field. I laugh seeing Jason start shouting back at them, ten seconds later will and kai are holding his legs and arms as they carry Jason off the field.
"Your a bunch of assholes" he scowls at them
"We know coach had a soft spot for you, he'd let you play" will says slapping Jason on the ass. He glares at will as Kai bursts out laughing.
"I've never wanted to kill anyone more" Jason grumbles, they immediately stop laughing. Jason's definitely capable of it and we all know it.
Will looks as if he's just being smacked on the face as he stares up at Jason completely gob smacked.

"Chill out man" he mumbles, Jason laughs rolling his eyes as he pulls his hood up.
"I wasn't even gonna play I just wanted to watch" Jason sighs crossing his arms, we all know that's not true but we don't say anything. Baseball has been Jason's life for years, it helped him get through his depression, having it taken away from him and having his spot being threatened must be hard on a whole other level. I know how hard he worked to get to the point where he is today.


I sit on the bleachers next to jay watching baseball, I'm bored as fuck. I only show up to the games to watch jay it's boring when my boyfriend isn't playing. He seems very invested however, he's mumbling the plays, the things they should've done to get that point. I feel bad for him having to sit here.

When practice is finally over all the guys run over to Henry, hitting him on the shoulder as he smiles. Jason's up and storming off down to the field before I can even comprehend what just happened.

"Lockwood made the position" like he read my mind Eli stands behind me. He's not Jason's closest friend, but he hangs out with our group sometimes. I walk down to the field meeting Kai as Will talks to coach. Cooper bats as Jason pitches and Tommy being the catcher. The doctor said he couldn't show up to practice and play games he never said he couldn't one on one pitch.




Strike after strike cooper doesn't get one hit off jason. I see all the guys come out onto the field, their bags over their shoulders as they watch, even Henry is out here. He just made the team and he's definitely feeling threatened judging by how his jaw is locked and his hands are balled in fists.

"Who is that kid?" Coach asks will not taking his eyes off jason. His hood is up meaning from the angle we're standing at you can't see his face,
"That's Jason" will says, he wears a wide, proud smile on his face that meets his eyes.
"Parker?" Coach says still gob smacked
"Yeah" will laughs
"I thought he wasn't able to play, his-" Eli  cuts him off putting his hand over his mouth and shaking his head. Coach knows about Jason's brain tumour given he was on the team and he needs to know if jason wants to come back once he's cleared. Coach nods smacking Eli's hand off his mouth rolling his eyes.

"No" Henry cuts in
"Why can't he play? If he's that good he wouldn't give it up what's up with this kid?" Henry asks looking from the coach to the guys. When he looks at me I freeze in place. His glare burns into me as he walks over to me.
"What's up with this guy?" He asks
"Come on pretty" he smiles tucking the stray piece of hair behind my ear.
"Fuck off she's taken" Eli barks from behind me, Henry laughs putting his hands up in defence.
"Didn't know you two were a couple" he laughs
"Woah, no way" Eli laughs

"Yo Lex" will shouts, I turn to see will watching as he nudged his shoulder to the side. The mound where jason was is now empty, I look around finally seeing Kai and Tommy with Jason. They've sat him on the floor leaning his head on the fence behind him. Even from here I can see how pale he looks.

"Shit" me, will, cooper and Eli sprint over to them as soon as the guys begin to walk off. I know Jason wouldn't want to make a scene out of this but I also know this isn't good.

"What happened?" I ask breathless as I kneel in front of Jason feeling his forehead. He's burning up. He can't get sick he's too vulnerable.
"I felt dizzy, that's all. I'm fine" Jason says, his voice is hoarse and his body is almost limp as he try's to pull himself up.
"Come on man I got you" Kai says throwing Jason's arm over his shoulder and helping him over to wills car.
"Hospital?" Will asks looking at me, the guys out Jason in the back as they hop in too.
"No hospital. My house" Jason mumbles looking out the window. Will shoots me a look, I'm not sure what the fuck to do. I don't want to make the right call but I feel like now that Jason knows the cause of all of this he will be more cautious.

"Tell my mom, my sister, whoever. It's not as bad as it was before I swear" Jason says, I nod my head at Will watching him sigh but nod as he starts the car.

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