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I woke up this morning feeling like absolute dog shit. I have a stuffy nose not to mention I'm on my period and have the worst cramps ever. I'm home alone because my parents have gone away for the weekend together and left this afternoon. I didn't want to message Jason because I'm sure he has his own problems to deal with and wants to practice whilst he's feeling up to it. I go downstairs and grab a bottle of water as well as remake my hot water bottle so it's nice and warm again before I collapse back into bed. My eyes feel heavy as I lie there trying to watch a movie, I decide to just let my eyes close and try and catch up on the sleep I lost last night.


I wake up to the sound of a bang coming from downstairs. I think it's the wind knocking something on the back door again but then I hear it again. I drag myself out of bed and tiptoe downstairs contemplating who it could be.  Mom and dad aren't home. My grandparents never come over. Maybe my aunt but she'd have to bring my cousins and they are way too loud, I'd be able to hear them from the store around the corner. I stand with my back against the wall near the laundry room that leads into the kitchen. I peak my head around the corner and see no one there.

"Who are we hiding from?" I squeal moving away quickly and into the kitchen.
"Jason!" I shout holding a hand over my heart. He stands still staring at me for a moment, I think something is wrong with him when his body starts shaking but when he hunches over and bursts out laughing I realise there is nothing wrong with him. Not at all.
"You asshole!" I shout shoving his shoulder and walking past him. It takes him a good few minutes to calm his laugh as I just stand there and glare at him.
"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to scare you. I wasn't sure if you were asleep or not so I tried to be quiet but when the wind slammed the door that plan was done for" he explains walking over to me. I make an effort to swat his hands away. My effort being minimal because there's nothing more that I want right now but to be with him in his arms. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck.

"I got you some stuff" he mumbles as he makes his way up my neck with kisses. I smile pulling out of his arms so I can face him.
"Pretty girl" he mumbles moving my hair out of my face so he can see me better.
"How'd you know I wasn't feeling good?" I smile
"I always know...And Katie" he looks  away and scratches the back of his neck at the last part which makes me laugh. He smiles handing me a bag full of stuff.
"You didn't have to give up your day just to be with me, I'll survive" I look through the bag seeing a bunch of things. A bunch of my favourite snacks and drinks, a heating pad, medication even a card and a teddy bear.
"You won't need that to cuddle with but I thought you'd like it" he says taking the bear out of my hands.

"Thank you" I step on my tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips.
"I'm not giving my day up to look after you. You've given so many of your days up to look after my grumpy ass it's the least I can do. There's no other place I want to be right now, your my number 1" he says. I smile kissing him passionately, when I pull away I take a second to inspect him. It's a habit I've picked up recently, making sure he's okay. Jason isn't one to complain or talk about his feelings so I try to read his face.
"I'm fine. Stop worrying about me. Let's get you back to bed" Jason says practically reading what I was doing.
"I wasn't-" I try to argue but Jason places his hand over my mouth stopping me.
"Im all good" he nods, he pulls on my hand with my bag of stuff in his other hand and leads me upstairs to my bedroom.

I don't argue when we get there as I climb into bed and get under my blankets. Jason puts on outerbanks then sits in bed next to me. I lay my head in the crook of his neck and close my eyes feeling tired again.
"You feeling okay?" He whispers rubbing his hands up and down my back.
"Mhm" I hum, my eyes start to feel heavier. Jason must seem to notice as he turns down the volume of the tv and places a kiss on my forehead.
"Sleep lex" he whispers. I fall asleep within a few minutes in Jason's arms.


I stir awake wiping the dried drool from my cheek. I'm not sure how long I slept for but I'm sure it was the best sleep of my life. I pay the side of the bed looking for the warmth but it's cold.
"Jason?" I mumble yawning
"Good morning" he laughs, I look to the door seeing him standing there with two mugs in his hands.
"How long did I sleep?" I ask sitting up, he smiles handing me my mug.
"Only about two hours" he shrugs sitting next to me. He takes my mug from me and places it back on the side and lets me lie my head back on his chest.
"Did you get any sleep?" I whisper to him when he turns outerbanks on again.
"I tried I just couldn't get to sleep" he says looking at the screen still.

"How you feeling?" He whispers looking down at me. I look up to him, meeting his hazel brown eyes and see the familiar light in them again.
"Better. Thank you for looking after me" I smile leaning up to kiss him. He depends the kiss when he sneaks his tongue into my mouth. A low groan rumbling from his chest in satisfaction.
"Thank you for staying with me" he whispers, holding me tighter.
"Why are we whispering?" He whispers looking at me.
"I don't know" I whisper back. We both break out laughing loudly, his cancer being forgotten for a moment and it all seeming like our biggest problems were school and baseball again.

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