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"There's no way your going!" Jessica yells
"Jess I've decided" Jason sighs
"Mom!" She yells. Melissa walks over and takes a seat next to Jason. Jessica is practically gaping at her through the screen.
"He's cleared honey. If Jason wants to go I can't stop him" she says sheepishly
"Mom!" She yells again.

Honestly, I'm with Jessica on this to answer honestly. I know how much Jason wants this but I have this sick feeling in my stomach that if Jason were to play this tournament. On chemo especially which is possible because of his cycle, he is not going to feel good and he's going to feel like shit.

"He's playing" I turn to see where jack is standing. He's leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. He's been staying here for about 6 weeks now. Jason isn't happy about it, he keeps out of his way, and ignores him when he can't stay away from him. Jack eats dinner in the office, or eats later on when Jason isn't eating dinner with his mom when she's home.
"You what?" Jessica says. I feel bad for her having to argue about this over FaceTime, but she can't just drive two hours to argue with her parents about her brothers health when she has a family.

"Like your mom said. He's been cleared, he wants to play. Only Jason knows his limits" jack says
"He doesn't! He ignores them! It's the reason we got to this in the first place. He was having headaches and didn't listen to his body!" She yells
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about me when I'm standing right here" Jason sighs
"Jay I'm right, and if I have to I will get in my fucking car right now and drive home just to argue my point further" Jessica says
"We both know you can't do that with a family and a job on a Tuesday night. I've also learnt since then. You have to put yourself in my shoes sometimes. When I was having all the headaches I had no idea I had a brain tumour, I had no idea I had cancer and I didn't know what was coming. I'm more careful now, I know my limits, and I will listen to my body" Jason says carefully looking at Jessica and Melissa.

"I want a second opinion" Jessica says after a minute.
"Your okay with it?" Jason asks looking at the screen again. I can see the hope in his eyes again when Jessica nods.
"There's mo changing your mind im not stupid jay" Jessica sighs
"Alright guys I should go now. Mom, make sure he gets that second opinion please" Jessica says
"Of course" Melissa nods quietly

Jessica says her goodbyes to all of us then hangs up. Jason looks relieved to have some what of his sisters approval.

"Hey mom" Jason asks as Melissa turns to walk back upstairs.
"Yes sweetie?" She asks turning back around
"are you going back to work?" He asks. I turn to look at Melissa, seeing the answer written all over her face before she even has to say anything.
"I have to go back, the office needs me" she says
"Of course you do" Jason mumbles
"If you want me to stay you should say something" Melissa says
"But your dad is home if you need-"
"I think I'll be fine with the 1600 bucks you leave me every week. Mother of the year right?" With that Jason takes my hand and leads me back upstairs to his room without a word.

"You shouldn't talk to your mother like that" jack says when we make it upstairs.
"You want me to tell her you got fired 7 weeks ago and your wife kicked you out, or do you want to keep your mouth shut about how I should speak to her and just continue to take the money she leaves me every week" Jason snaps at him.

"Jason he what-" I'm stumbling over my words when we make it to his room.
"Don't talk about it. It's bad enough he lives at my house I don't want to speak about him" he grumbles
"How are you-"
"Or the cancer. Or chemo" he adds cutting me off
"I hate those words" I mumble sitting in the bed next to him
"It's just reality babe" he shrugs sitting up. I nod because I don't want to get into this with him right now.
"Come cuddle, I'm sick of the dog cuddling up beside me. You have to sleep over again, I need a human being to cuddle with" Jason whines.
"Your a big baby" I laugh but don't argue as I walk over to the bed and drop into his arms
"You love me" he smiles kissing my neck
"Unfortunately" I mumble

He flips me over so he's straddling me and starts tickling me making me laugh and scream.
"Stop I hate being tickled!" I yell
"I know" he smiles, his eyes full of amusement
"I'll kick you in the balls!" I squeal
"Then you won't be able to have any kids" he shrugs
"I hate you" I say breathlessly when he finally stops tickling me.
"But I'm right"
"Fuck you" I mumble
"What was that?" He sits up and glares at me, but I can see the amusement in his eyes as he looks at me.
"Your daddy is a weirdo" I boop max on the nose. He licks my hand making us both break out in laughter.

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