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"Hey Lexie could you please get the door!" Melissa shouts from the kitchen. I'm currently sat in the living room with Jason watching outerbanks per usual.
"Don't let them boss you around I'll get it" Jason shakes his head going to stand up. I quickly stop him standing up before him and gently pushing him back down.
"Sit" I order. He rolls his eyes but goes back to watching outerbanks. I'm not even sure he was watching it, I've been trying to get him to take a nap but he just can't fall asleep even though he's exhausted.

"Mom what the hell?" Before I can even open the door my mom opens it. She walks in with a wide grin on her face then all my cousins, aunt and uncle are walking inside with a bunch of food.
"Kitchen down the hall to the right" mom says to them with a nod.
"Mom what are you-"
"I know you were bummed you couldn't spend thanksgiving with Jason. I called Melissa, she obviously denied for them to come to us and used Jason as an excuse" mom whispers the part about Melissa.
"But then Jessica came into the conversation since I guess it was on speaker. She suggested we all came over him since she was practically dying in the kitchen alone" mom explains. I smile pulling her to hug me.
"Thank you" I sigh

"Where's Jason? I want to say hello" she says pulling away from me. I roll my eyes but I point towards the living room. Of course she wants to see him first he's practically her son by now. I go to the kitchen to say hello to all of my cousins and other family as well as making sure to thank Jessica and Melissa even though Melissa didn't do anything and she didn't take much notice of me. When we're all called for dinner I finally spot Jason, he seems a lot happier than earlier for some reason. He still looks tired but he looks in a better mood.

"Alright let's go around the table and say what we're thankful for" mom says with a smile. We all go around the massive table saying what we're thankful for. It gets to my cousin Charlie, he's sat next to me, he says he's thankful for his skateboard, and his girlfriend for taking his virginity. He got yelled at for that one.
"Lexie?" Mom smiles looking at me.
"I'm thankful for my family. My friends. I'm thankful for doctors. And I'm thankful for my boyfriend" I smile, I feel Jason's hand slide from my thigh to my hand that's on my lap as he links hands with me and mouths 'I love you' to me. Next up is jason.

"I'm thankful for my sister and mom. My friends. My amazing girlfriend who's supported me. And I'm thankful to the doctors" he says, I'm smiling at him when he looks at me and a big grin spreads across his face. What's he up to?
"The doctors who just cleared me to play baseball" he adds. I can't help the squeal that escapes me as I fall into Jason's arms and hug him.
"You got cleared?" I hear Jessica ask
"Once I'm off all my meds. He said I can't play when I'm on chemo but I can practice" Jason answers smiling. Everyone is smiling, Jessica is almost crying. This is something Jason's wanted for ages and it's definitely something jason needed to lift his spirits. He's been feeling so defeated recently but now he's even more motivated.
"But we don't even know if the chemo worked" Melissa cuts in. Jason's smile falls suddenly as he looks at his mom and he goes quiet.
"They wouldn't clear him if they didn't think it had" Luke says looking between Melissa and Jason.
"I don't want you to push yourself" Melissa says
"I'm not" Jason replies sharply. Melissa looks like she wants to argue for reasons I'm unsure of. Now that Jason has been cleared I doubt there's much that will change his mind about playing.

We finished going around the table saying what we're thankful for. Melissa said her work, no surprise this isn't the first time she's failed to mention her amazing kids. My dad recovered that by saying he's thankful for the son he never thought he would have which made jason smile. I notice that Melissa is the first to leave the table which is strange. Then I hear the front door open and voices walking in.

"Who'd she invite?" I whisper to Jason who's still sat beside me with our hands linked again. He just shrugs taking a sip of his water and slouching back in his chair. I notice he looks really tired but leave it since he would deny going up to bed this early. Everyone looks at Melissa when she walks back in, a big smile on her face when four people walk in.

Jack walks in holding a little kid in his arms, a younger one stands next to him whilst Tyler is the last to follow. I can already see Tyler's eyes searching the room for Jason. I feel Jason tense beside me. Before Melissa or anyone can speak Jason is pulling his hand away from mine.
"Oh fuck no" he shakes his head scooting his chair back and storming out quickly. I look to my mom who's sitting there with a shocked expression. The younger girl walks over to Jessica who's sat opposite me. I feel bad for the kids, it must be confusing. I know they aren't all that old and to be dragged here on thanksgiving must be confusing.

"What's wrong with Jason?" Melissa asks, standing there with a total oblivious face. I roll my eyes standing up to go to Jason but Tyler is already walking that way too.
"Lexie right?" He asks walking besides me as I walk upstairs. I sigh but nod.
"I know Jason has cancer" Tyler says. I stop on the stairs looking at him.
"Mom told me. Dad doesn't know I know about it. No one else knows" he says, I look at him confused because everyone knows already.
"Kylie and Jayden" Tyler says. Tyler reminds me a lot of Jason I realise having a one on one conversation with him. He's only 14 years old and his half sibling but he has the same dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.
"Alright" Tyler says staring to walk up the stairs again. Im not sure how he knows where Jason's room is but I don't say anything. When I walk inside I see the bathroom door is shut but light floods underneath the door telling me Jason's inside.

Jason walks out a few minutes later and collapses onto the bed next to me. He moves over to me laying his head on my stomach.
"Hey" he mumbles
"Hi" I smile running my fingers through his hair.
"Hey kid" he says looking up. Tyler waves keeping his eyes locked on his phone as Jason laughs softly.
"You two hang out?" I ask. Jason and Tyler nod at the same time making me confused.
"If you can't tell my parents are getting a divorce. It gets annoying them two arguing constantly, so I come here" Tyler explains. I smile looking at Jason who smiles back at me and leans up to kiss me. I know he's brushed his teeth by how minty his breath is so I follow his thinking and kiss him back.

"Woah" Tyler mumbles. I laugh breaking away from the kiss as heat floods through my cheeks since I forgot Tyler was here. I already know Jason's glaring at Tyler when Tyler puts his hands up in defence. He doesn't make a move to leave however.
"Beat it kid" Jason looks up at Tyler. I see a big grin spread across Tyler's face as he nods pulling himself up.
"I'll be in the theatre" he says walking out.
"He reminds me of Will" I mumble. Jason doesn't say anything as he flips me over so he's now hovering on top of me and continues our make out session.

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